Connect API for finding, forming, joining, and leaving Connect networks. More...


Frequency Hopping
API and callbacks for frequency hopping configuration.
Parent Support


The maximum length in bytes of the application beacon payload. More...
The maximum length in bytes of the beacon fields (superframe, GTS, pending address) as per 802.15.4 specs. More...
A special timeout value that disables aging of the child table. More...
The maximum timeout in seconds after which a stale entry may be removed from the child table. More...
The maximum length in bytes of the join payload. More...
The maximum number of entries the auxiliary address filtering table can hold. More...


EmberStatus emberInit (void)
Initialize the radio and the Ember stack. More...
void emberTick (void)
A periodic tick routine that should be called in the main loop in the application. More...
EmberStatus emberNetworkInit (void)
Resume the network operation after a reboot. More...
EmberStatus emberStartActiveScan (uint16_t channel)
Start an active scan. EMBER_SUCCESS signals that the scan successfully started. Upon receiving a beacon, the emberIncomingBeaconHandler() stack handler is called. At the end of the scanning procedure, the emberActiveScanCompleteHandler() stack handler is called. Note that, while a scan can be initiated when the node is currently joined to a network, the node will generally be unable to communicate with its PAN during the scan period. In particular, time-sensitive network operations might be affected because a scan operation will prevent any network operation for the duration of the scan. More...
EmberStatus emberSetActiveScanDuration (uint16_t durationMs)
Set the time in milliseconds the node will spend listening for incoming beacons during an active scan. The dafault value is set based on the symbol time of the current PHY configuration according to the 802.15.4 specs. More...
uint16_t emberGetActiveScanDuration (void)
Get the current active scan duration in milliseconds. More...
EmberStatus emberStartEnergyScan (uint16_t channel, uint8_t samples)
Starts an energy scan. EMBER_SUCCESS signals that the scan successfully started. At the end of the scanning procedure the emberEnergyScanCompleteHandler() stack handler is called. Note that, while a scan can be initiated when the node is currently joined to a network, the node is generally unable to communicate with its PAN during the scan period. In particular, time-sensitive network operations might be affected because a scan operation will prevent any network operation for the duration of the scan. More...
EmberStatus emberSetApplicationBeaconPayload (uint8_t payloadLength, uint8_t *payload)
Allows the application to set the application portion of the beacon payload. It's by default set to the empty string. More...
EmberStatus emberJoinNetworkExtended ( EmberNodeType nodeType, EmberNodeId nodeId, EmberNetworkParameters *parameters)
Cause the stack to associate with the network using the specified network parameters. It can take several seconds for the stack to associate with the local network. Do not send messages until a call to the emberStackStatusHandler() callback informs you that the stack is up. Notice that forming a network causes the node's security frame counter to be reset. More...
EmberStatus emberJoinNetwork ( EmberNodeType nodeType, EmberNetworkParameters *parameters)
Cause the stack to associate with the network using the specified network parameters. The network ID is assigned by the network coordinator. It can take several seconds for the stack to associate with the local network. Do not send messages until a call to the emberStackStatusHandler() callback informs you that the stack is up. Notice that joining a network causes the node's security frame counter to be reset. More...
EmberStatus emberPermitJoining (uint8_t duration)
Tell the stack to allow other nodes to join the network with this node as their parent. Joining is initially disabled by default. This function may only be called after the node is part of a network and the stack is up. More...
EmberStatus emberJoinCommissioned ( EmberNodeType nodeType, EmberNodeId nodeId, EmberNetworkParameters *parameters)
Cause the stack to go up with the passed network parameters without performing any over-the-air message exchange. Notice that commissioning a network causes the node's security frame counter to be reset. More...
EmberStatus emberSetSelectiveJoinPayload (uint8_t payloadLength, uint8_t *payload)
When invoked at a EMBER_STAR_COORDINATOR or a EMBER_STAR_RANGE_EXTENDER , it causes the stack to only accept subsequent joining nodes with matching joining payload. When invoked at a node that has not yet joined a network, it sets the joining payload that will be included in the joining process. Notice, the join payload is included in a non-standard 802.15.4 command, therefore this feature is not available for nodes operating as EMBER_MAC_MODE_DEVICE or EMBER_MAC_MODE_SLEEPY_DEVICE . More...
EmberStatus emberClearSelectiveJoinPayload (void)
Clear the join payload previously set with the emberSetSelectiveJoinPayload() API. When invoked at an EMBER_STAR_COORDINATOR or an EMBER_STAR_RANGE_EXTENDER it causes the stack to accept joining nodes with any join payload pattern. When invoked at a node that has not yet joined a network, it clears the join payload. Subsequent joining attempts will not include any join payload in the over-the-air joining handshake. More...
EmberStatus emberSetAuxiliaryAddressFilteringEntry ( EmberNodeId nodeId, uint8_t entryIndex)
Set an entry in the auxiliary address filtering table at a given address. Nodes of EMBER_DIRECT_DEVICE device type can receive incoming messages destined to any of the node IDs in the auxiliary address filtering table (while also receiving messages destined to actual node ID). If the passed node ID is EMBER_NULL_NODE_ID , the entry is cleared. More...
EmberNodeId emberGetAuxiliaryAddressFilteringEntry (uint8_t entryIndex)
Retrieve the content of the auxiliary address filtering table at a given address. See emberSetAuxiliaryAddressFilteringEntry() for details. More...
void emberResetNetworkState (void)
Forget the current network and reverts to a network status of EMBER_NO_NETWORK . More...
EmberStatus emberMacFormNetwork ( EmberNetworkParameters *parameters)
Form a new network as an EMBER_MAC_MODE_DEVICE by becoming the coordinator. This API should be used to form a compliant 802.15.4 PAN and to inter-operate with other 802.15.4 devices. Notice that forming a network causes the node's security frame counter to be reset. More...
EmberStatus emberMacSetPanCoordinator (bool isCoordinator)
Configure a EMBER_MAC_MODE_DEVICE node to be a PAN coordinator. Note, this only applies to nodes that have been commissioned as EMBER_MAC_MODE_DEVICE . More...
EmberStatus emberNetworkLeave (void)
Allow a star topology node that previously joined a network to leave the network. The node will notify the parent node and eventually leave the network. The application is notified that the leave procedure completed via the emberStackStatusHandler() handler. More...
EmberStatus emberMacAddShortToLongAddressMapping ( EmberNodeId shortId, EmberEUI64 longId)
An API to populate the short-to-long address mapping table at the MAC layer. The table is meaningful only when running as EMBER_MAC_MODE_DEVICE or EMBER_MAC_MODE_SLEEPY_DEVICE . The standard 802.15.4 encryption and authentication process requires the security nonce to be populated with the source node long ID. A receiver must do the same to decrypt a secured incoming message. This short-to-long mapping table is used to decrypt a secured incoming packet from a node using short source addressing. If no entry is found in this table, the incoming message will be dropped. This table is also used to encrypt secured outgoing messages with short source addressing in case the node is sending out a secured message with a short source address other than its own. More...
EmberStatus emberMacClearShortToLongAddressMappings (void)
An API to clear the short-to-long address mapping table at the MAC layer. More...


void emberIncomingBeaconHandler ( EmberPanId panId, EmberMacAddress *source, int8_t rssi, bool permitJoining, uint8_t beaconFieldsLength, uint8_t *beaconFields, uint8_t beaconPayloadLength, uint8_t *beaconPayload)
This stack handler is invoked if a beacon is received during the scanning procedure if this was initiated by the application with the emberStartActiveScan() stack APIs. More...
void emberActiveScanCompleteHandler (void)
This stack handler is invoked after the application calls the emberStartActiveScan() stack API to inform the application that the scanning procedure is complete. More...
void emberEnergyScanCompleteHandler (int8_t mean, int8_t min, int8_t max, uint16_t variance)
This stack handler is invoked after the application calls the emberStartEnergyScan() stack API to inform the application that the energy scan procedure is complete and to provide statistics. More...

Detailed Description

Connect API for finding, forming, joining, and leaving Connect networks.

See network-management.h for source code.

Macro Definition Documentation



A special timeout value that disables aging of the child table.

Definition at line 40 of file network-management.h .



The maximum timeout in seconds after which a stale entry may be removed from the child table.

Definition at line 45 of file network-management.h .



The maximum length in bytes of the application beacon payload.

Definition at line 31 of file network-management.h .



The maximum length in bytes of the beacon fields (superframe, GTS, pending address) as per 802.15.4 specs.

Definition at line 36 of file network-management.h .



The maximum number of entries the auxiliary address filtering table can hold.

Definition at line 396 of file network-management.h .



The maximum length in bytes of the join payload.

Definition at line 358 of file network-management.h .

Function Documentation


void emberActiveScanCompleteHandler ( void )

This stack handler is invoked after the application calls the emberStartActiveScan() stack API to inform the application that the scanning procedure is complete.


EmberStatus emberClearSelectiveJoinPayload ( void )

Clear the join payload previously set with the emberSetSelectiveJoinPayload() API. When invoked at an EMBER_STAR_COORDINATOR or an EMBER_STAR_RANGE_EXTENDER it causes the stack to accept joining nodes with any join payload pattern. When invoked at a node that has not yet joined a network, it clears the join payload. Subsequent joining attempts will not include any join payload in the over-the-air joining handshake.

An EmberStatus value that indicates either:
  • that the node successfully cleared the join payload.
  • the reason for failure.


void emberEnergyScanCompleteHandler ( int8_t mean,
int8_t min,
int8_t max,
uint16_t variance

This stack handler is invoked after the application calls the emberStartEnergyScan() stack API to inform the application that the energy scan procedure is complete and to provide statistics.

[in] mean The average energy detected in dBm.
[in] min The minimum energy detected in dBm.
[in] max The maximum energy detected in dBm.
[in] variance The variance of the energy detected in dBm.


uint16_t emberGetActiveScanDuration ( void )

Get the current active scan duration in milliseconds.

a 16-bit integer indicating the current duration in millisecond of the active scan.


EmberNodeId emberGetAuxiliaryAddressFilteringEntry ( uint8_t entryIndex )

Retrieve the content of the auxiliary address filtering table at a given address. See emberSetAuxiliaryAddressFilteringEntry() for details.

[in] entryIndex The index in the auxiliary address filtering table entry to be retrieved.
An EmberNodeId value of EMBER_NULL_NODE_ID if the passed entry index is invalid or if the passed entry index refers to an unused entry. Otherwise, it returns the content of the auxiliary address filtering table entry corresponding to the passed entry index.


void emberIncomingBeaconHandler ( EmberPanId panId,
EmberMacAddress * source,
int8_t rssi,
bool permitJoining,
uint8_t beaconFieldsLength,
uint8_t * beaconFields,
uint8_t beaconPayloadLength,
uint8_t * beaconPayload

This stack handler is invoked if a beacon is received during the scanning procedure if this was initiated by the application with the emberStartActiveScan() stack APIs.

[in] panId The source pan ID of the received beacon.
[in] source The source node address of the received beacon.
[in] rssi The RSSI the beacon was received with.
[in] permitJoining The permit joining flag in the received beacon.
[in] beaconFieldsLength The length in bytes of the beacon fields defined as per 802.15.4 specs (superframe, GTS fields and pending address fields) of the received beacon.
[in] beaconFields A pointer to the the beacon fields defined as per 802.15.4 specs (superframe, GTS fields and pending address fields) of the received beacon.
[in] beaconPayloadLength The length in bytes of the application beacon payload of the received beacon.
[in] beaconPayload A pointer to the application beacon payload of the received beacon.


EmberStatus emberInit ( void )

Initialize the radio and the Ember stack.

Device configuration functions must be called before emberInit() is called.

The application must check the return value of this function. If the initialization fails, normal messaging functions are not available. Some failure modes are not fatal, but the application must follow certain procedures to permit recovery. Ignoring the return code results in unpredictable radio and API behavior. (In particular, problems with association will occur.)
An EmberStatus value indicating successful initialization or the reason for failure.


EmberStatus emberJoinCommissioned ( EmberNodeType nodeType,
EmberNodeId nodeId,
EmberNetworkParameters * parameters

Cause the stack to go up with the passed network parameters without performing any over-the-air message exchange. Notice that commissioning a network causes the node's security frame counter to be reset.

[in] nodeType Specifies the role that this node will have in the network. The only device types allowed in the commissioning API are EMBER_DIRECT_DEVICE , EMBER_MAC_MODE_DEVICE and EMBER_MAC_MODE_SLEEPY_DEVICE .
[in] nodeId An EmberNodeId value that specifies the short ID the node will have. The passed node ID must be a valid short address (any value other than EMBER_NULL_NODE_ID or EMBER_BROADCAST_ADDRESS ). A value of EMBER_USE_LONG_ADDRESS is allowed only when commissioning the node as EMBER_MAC_MODE_DEVICE or EMBER_MAC_MODE_SLEEPY_DEVICE and will cause the node to send MAC level control messages such as data polls or beacons using long source addressing.
[in] parameters An EmberNetworkParameters value that specifies the network parameters of the network the node should participate in.
An EmberStatus value that indicates either:
  • that the node successfully commissioned the passed network parameters
  • the reason for failure.


EmberStatus emberJoinNetwork ( EmberNodeType nodeType,
EmberNetworkParameters * parameters

Cause the stack to associate with the network using the specified network parameters. The network ID is assigned by the network coordinator. It can take several seconds for the stack to associate with the local network. Do not send messages until a call to the emberStackStatusHandler() callback informs you that the stack is up. Notice that joining a network causes the node's security frame counter to be reset.

[in] nodeType Specification of the role that this node will have in the network. This role can be EMBER_STAR_RANGE_EXTENDER , EMBER_STAR_END_DEVICE , EMBER_STAR_SLEEPY_END_DEVICE , EMBER_MAC_MODE_DEVICE or EMBER_MAC_MODE_SLEEPY_DEVICE . If the node is frequency hopping, the role can not be EMBER_STAR_RANGE_EXTENDER .
[in] parameters An EmberNetworkParameters value that specifies the network parameters of the network with which the node should associate.
An EmberStatus value that indicates either:
  • that the association process began successfully or
  • the reason for failure.


EmberStatus emberJoinNetworkExtended ( EmberNodeType nodeType,
EmberNodeId nodeId,
EmberNetworkParameters * parameters

Cause the stack to associate with the network using the specified network parameters. It can take several seconds for the stack to associate with the local network. Do not send messages until a call to the emberStackStatusHandler() callback informs you that the stack is up. Notice that forming a network causes the node's security frame counter to be reset.

[in] nodeType Specification of the role that this node will have in the network. This role can be EMBER_STAR_RANGE_EXTENDER , EMBER_STAR_END_DEVICE , EMBER_STAR_SLEEPY_END_DEVICE , EMBER_MAC_MODE_DEVICE or EMBER_MAC_MODE_SLEEPY_DEVICE . If the node is frequency hopping, the role can not be EMBER_STAR_RANGE_EXTENDER .
[in] nodeId An EmberNodeId value indicating the short ID the node intends to use for addressing purposes. If this value is EMBER_NULL_NODE_ID , the network coordinator will allocate a new short address. Addresses should be allocated by the coordinator unless there is a specific need to join a network with a specific ID. If a specific ID is used, uniqueness should be guaranteed across the entire network by the application, via some out of band means. Notice that nodes of EMBER_MAC_MODE_DEVICE or EMBER_MAC_MODE_SLEEPY_DEVICE require this parameter to be set to EMBER_NULL_NODE_ID .
[in] parameters An EmberNetworkParameters value that specifies the network parameters of the network with which the node should associate.
An EmberStatus value that indicates either:
  • that the association process began successfully or
  • the reason for failure.


EmberStatus emberMacAddShortToLongAddressMapping ( EmberNodeId shortId,
EmberEUI64 longId

An API to populate the short-to-long address mapping table at the MAC layer. The table is meaningful only when running as EMBER_MAC_MODE_DEVICE or EMBER_MAC_MODE_SLEEPY_DEVICE . The standard 802.15.4 encryption and authentication process requires the security nonce to be populated with the source node long ID. A receiver must do the same to decrypt a secured incoming message. This short-to-long mapping table is used to decrypt a secured incoming packet from a node using short source addressing. If no entry is found in this table, the incoming message will be dropped. This table is also used to encrypt secured outgoing messages with short source addressing in case the node is sending out a secured message with a short source address other than its own.

Because the table is stored in RAM, the application should ensure it gets correctly re-populated upon reboot.
Adding a new entry will cause the removal of existing entries matching the passed short ID or long ID.
[in] shortId The short address of the [short, long] entry to be added to the table.
[in] longId The long address of the [short, long] entry to be added to the table.
an EmberStatus value of:


EmberStatus emberMacClearShortToLongAddressMappings ( void )

An API to clear the short-to-long address mapping table at the MAC layer.

an EmberStatus value of EMBER_SUCCESS if table was , or another EmberStatus value indicating the reason of failure.


EmberStatus emberMacFormNetwork ( EmberNetworkParameters * parameters )

Form a new network as an EMBER_MAC_MODE_DEVICE by becoming the coordinator. This API should be used to form a compliant 802.15.4 PAN and to inter-operate with other 802.15.4 devices. Notice that forming a network causes the node's security frame counter to be reset.

[in] parameters An EmberNetworkParameters value that specifies the network parameters of the network to be formed.
An EmberStatus value that indicates either the successful formation of the new network or the reason that the network formation failed.


EmberStatus emberMacSetPanCoordinator ( bool isCoordinator )

Configure a EMBER_MAC_MODE_DEVICE node to be a PAN coordinator. Note, this only applies to nodes that have been commissioned as EMBER_MAC_MODE_DEVICE .

[in] isCoordinator If set to true, the node will identify itself as the PAN coordinator.
An EmberStatus value of EMBER_SUCCESS if the coordinator flag was successfully set, or another EmberStatus value indicating the reason of failure.


EmberStatus emberNetworkInit ( void )

Resume the network operation after a reboot.

This API must be called on boot prior to ANY network operations. It initializes the networking system and attempts to resume the previous network identity and configuration. If the node was not previously joined, this routine should still be called.

If the node was previously joined to a network, it will retain its original type (e.g., coordinator, router, end device, and so on.)

EMBER_NOT_JOINED is returned if the node is not part of a network.

An EmberStatus value that indicates one of the following:
  • successful initialization,
  • EMBER_NOT_JOINED if the node is not part of a network, or
  • the reason for failure.


EmberStatus emberNetworkLeave ( void )

Allow a star topology node that previously joined a network to leave the network. The node will notify the parent node and eventually leave the network. The application is notified that the leave procedure completed via the emberStackStatusHandler() handler.

An EmberStatus value of EMBER_SUCCESS if the node successfully initiated the network leave procedure, or another EmberStatus value indicating the reason of failure.


EmberStatus emberPermitJoining ( uint8_t duration )

Tell the stack to allow other nodes to join the network with this node as their parent. Joining is initially disabled by default. This function may only be called after the node is part of a network and the stack is up.

[in] duration A value of 0x00 disables joining. A value of 0xFF enables joining indefinitely. Any other value enables joining for that number of seconds.
an EmberStatus value of EMBER_SUCCESS if the permit joining was successfully set, otherwise an EmberStatus value indicating the reason of failure.


void emberResetNetworkState ( void )

Forget the current network and reverts to a network status of EMBER_NO_NETWORK .


EmberStatus emberSetActiveScanDuration ( uint16_t durationMs )

Set the time in milliseconds the node will spend listening for incoming beacons during an active scan. The dafault value is set based on the symbol time of the current PHY configuration according to the 802.15.4 specs.

[in] durationMs The active scan duration in milliseconds. A value of 0xFFFF restores the default value.
an EmberStatus value of EMBER_SUCCESS if the active scan duration was successfully set, otherwise an EmberStatus value indicating the reason of failure.


EmberStatus emberSetApplicationBeaconPayload ( uint8_t payloadLength,
uint8_t * payload

Allows the application to set the application portion of the beacon payload. It's by default set to the empty string.

[in] payloadLength The length in bytes of the application beacon payload to be set. This value can not exceed EMBER_MAC_MAX_APP_BEACON_PAYLOAD_LENGTH .
[out] payload A pointer to the application beacon payload to be set.
an EmberStatus value of EMBER_SUCCESS if the application beacon payload was successfully set, otherwise an EmberStatus value indicating the reason of failure.


EmberStatus emberSetAuxiliaryAddressFilteringEntry ( EmberNodeId nodeId,
uint8_t entryIndex

Set an entry in the auxiliary address filtering table at a given address. Nodes of EMBER_DIRECT_DEVICE device type can receive incoming messages destined to any of the node IDs in the auxiliary address filtering table (while also receiving messages destined to actual node ID). If the passed node ID is EMBER_NULL_NODE_ID , the entry is cleared.

[in] nodeId An EmberNodeId value to be added to the auxiliary address filtering table at the passed entry index.
[in] entryIndex The index of the auxiliary address filtering table entry to be set.
An EmberStatus value of EMBER_SUCCESS if auxiliary address filtering table entry was successfully set. An EmberStatus value of EMBER_INVALID_CALL if the passed entry index is invalid.


EmberStatus emberSetSelectiveJoinPayload ( uint8_t payloadLength,
uint8_t * payload

When invoked at a EMBER_STAR_COORDINATOR or a EMBER_STAR_RANGE_EXTENDER , it causes the stack to only accept subsequent joining nodes with matching joining payload. When invoked at a node that has not yet joined a network, it sets the joining payload that will be included in the joining process. Notice, the join payload is included in a non-standard 802.15.4 command, therefore this feature is not available for nodes operating as EMBER_MAC_MODE_DEVICE or EMBER_MAC_MODE_SLEEPY_DEVICE .

[in] payloadLength The length in bytes of the passed joining payload. This can not exceed EMBER_MAX_SELECTIVE_JOIN_PAYLOAD_LENGTH .
[in] payload A pointer to the payload to be set.
An EmberStatus value that indicates either:
  • that the node successfully set the join payload.
  • the reason for failure.


EmberStatus emberStartActiveScan ( uint16_t channel )

Start an active scan. EMBER_SUCCESS signals that the scan successfully started. Upon receiving a beacon, the emberIncomingBeaconHandler() stack handler is called. At the end of the scanning procedure, the emberActiveScanCompleteHandler() stack handler is called. Note that, while a scan can be initiated when the node is currently joined to a network, the node will generally be unable to communicate with its PAN during the scan period. In particular, time-sensitive network operations might be affected because a scan operation will prevent any network operation for the duration of the scan.

Possible error responses and their meanings:

[in] channel The channel to scan.


EmberStatus emberStartEnergyScan ( uint16_t channel,
uint8_t samples

Starts an energy scan. EMBER_SUCCESS signals that the scan successfully started. At the end of the scanning procedure the emberEnergyScanCompleteHandler() stack handler is called. Note that, while a scan can be initiated when the node is currently joined to a network, the node is generally unable to communicate with its PAN during the scan period. In particular, time-sensitive network operations might be affected because a scan operation will prevent any network operation for the duration of the scan.

Possible error responses and their meanings:

[in] channel The channel to scan.
[in] samples The number of energy samples to be produced. Each sample is performed averaging the detected energy over X symbols time, whereas X depends on the selected PHY configuration and set by default to 8. The symbol time duration also depends on the selected PHY configuration.


void emberTick ( void )

A periodic tick routine that should be called in the main loop in the application.