The static part of an event. Each event can be used with only one event queue. More...

#include < ember-types.h >

Data Fields

struct EventQueue_s * queue
void(* handler )(struct Event_s *)
void(* marker )(struct Event_s *)
const char * name

The static part of an event. Each event can be used with only one event queue.

Definition at line 530 of file ember-types.h .

Field Documentation


void(* EventActions::handler) (struct Event_s *)

Definition at line 532 of file ember-types.h .


void(* EventActions::marker) (struct Event_s *)

Definition at line 533 of file ember-types.h .


const char* EventActions::name

Definition at line 534 of file ember-types.h .


struct EventQueue_s * EventActions::queue

Definition at line 531 of file ember-types.h .

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • ember-types.h