OPAMP_Init_TypeDef Struct ReferenceEMLIB > OPAMP

OPAMP init structure.

Definition at line 442 of file em_opamp.h .

#include < em_opamp.h >

Data Fields

bool aportXMasterDisable
bool aportYMasterDisable
bool defaultOffsetN
bool defaultOffsetP
OPAMP_DrvStr_Typedef drvStr
bool gain3xEn
bool halfDrvStr
bool hcmDisable
OPAMP_NegSel_TypeDef negSel
uint32_t offsetN
uint32_t offsetP
OPAMP_OutMode_TypeDef outMode
uint32_t outPen
OPAMP_PosSel_TypeDef posSel
bool prsEn
OPAMP_PrsMode_TypeDef prsMode
OPAMP_PrsOut_TypeDef prsOutSel
OPAMP_PrsSel_TypeDef prsSel
OPAMP_ResInMux_TypeDef resInMux
OPAMP_ResSel_TypeDef resSel
uint32_t settleTime
uint32_t startupDly
bool ugBwScale

Field Documentation

bool OPAMP_Init_TypeDef::aportXMasterDisable

Disable bus master request on APORT X.

Definition at line 515 of file em_opamp.h .

Referenced by OPAMP_Enable() .

bool OPAMP_Init_TypeDef::aportYMasterDisable

Disable bus master request on APORT Y.

Definition at line 514 of file em_opamp.h .

Referenced by OPAMP_Enable() .

bool OPAMP_Init_TypeDef::defaultOffsetN

Use factory calibrated opamp inverting input offset value.

Definition at line 519 of file em_opamp.h .

Referenced by OPAMP_Enable() .

bool OPAMP_Init_TypeDef::defaultOffsetP

Use factory calibrated opamp non-inverting input offset value.

Definition at line 523 of file em_opamp.h .

Referenced by OPAMP_Enable() .

OPAMP_DrvStr_Typedef OPAMP_Init_TypeDef::drvStr

OPAx operation mode.

Definition at line 506 of file em_opamp.h .

Referenced by OPAMP_Enable() .

bool OPAMP_Init_TypeDef::gain3xEn

Enable 3x gain resistor ladder.

Definition at line 507 of file em_opamp.h .

Referenced by OPAMP_Enable() .

bool OPAMP_Init_TypeDef::halfDrvStr

Half or full output drive strength.

Definition at line 508 of file em_opamp.h .

Referenced by OPAMP_Enable() .

bool OPAMP_Init_TypeDef::hcmDisable

Disable input rail-to-rail capability.

Definition at line 518 of file em_opamp.h .

Referenced by OPAMP_Enable() .

OPAMP_NegSel_TypeDef OPAMP_Init_TypeDef::negSel

Select input source for negative terminal.

Definition at line 443 of file em_opamp.h .

Referenced by OPAMP_Enable() .

uint32_t OPAMP_Init_TypeDef::offsetN

Opamp inverting input offset value when defaultOffsetInv is false.

Definition at line 521 of file em_opamp.h .

Referenced by OPAMP_Enable() .

uint32_t OPAMP_Init_TypeDef::offsetP

Opamp non-inverting input offset value when defaultOffsetNon is false.

Definition at line 525 of file em_opamp.h .

Referenced by OPAMP_Enable() .

OPAMP_OutMode_TypeDef OPAMP_Init_TypeDef::outMode

Output terminal connection.

Definition at line 445 of file em_opamp.h .

Referenced by OPAMP_Enable() .

uint32_t OPAMP_Init_TypeDef::outPen

Alternate output enable bit mask. This value should consist one or more of the VDAC_OPA_OUT_ALTOUTPADEN_OUT[output#] flags (defined in <part_name>_vdac.h) OR'ed together.



Definition at line 448 of file em_opamp.h .

Referenced by OPAMP_Enable() .

OPAMP_PosSel_TypeDef OPAMP_Init_TypeDef::posSel

Select input source for positive terminal.

Definition at line 444 of file em_opamp.h .

Referenced by OPAMP_Enable() .

bool OPAMP_Init_TypeDef::prsEn

Enable PRS as OPAMP trigger.

Definition at line 510 of file em_opamp.h .

Referenced by OPAMP_Enable() .

OPAMP_PrsMode_TypeDef OPAMP_Init_TypeDef::prsMode

Selects PRS trigger mode.

Definition at line 511 of file em_opamp.h .

Referenced by OPAMP_Enable() .

OPAMP_PrsOut_TypeDef OPAMP_Init_TypeDef::prsOutSel

PRS output select.

Definition at line 513 of file em_opamp.h .

Referenced by OPAMP_Enable() .

OPAMP_PrsSel_TypeDef OPAMP_Init_TypeDef::prsSel

PRS channel trigger select.

Definition at line 512 of file em_opamp.h .

Referenced by OPAMP_Enable() .

OPAMP_ResInMux_TypeDef OPAMP_Init_TypeDef::resInMux

Select input source for resistor ladder.

Definition at line 447 of file em_opamp.h .

Referenced by OPAMP_Enable() .

OPAMP_ResSel_TypeDef OPAMP_Init_TypeDef::resSel

Select R2/R1 resistor ratio.

Definition at line 446 of file em_opamp.h .

Referenced by OPAMP_Enable() .

uint32_t OPAMP_Init_TypeDef::settleTime

Number of clock cycles to drive the output.

Definition at line 516 of file em_opamp.h .

Referenced by OPAMP_Enable() .

uint32_t OPAMP_Init_TypeDef::startupDly

OPAx startup delay in microseconds.

Definition at line 517 of file em_opamp.h .

Referenced by OPAMP_Enable() .

bool OPAMP_Init_TypeDef::ugBwScale

Unity gain bandwidth scaled by factor of 2.5.

Definition at line 509 of file em_opamp.h .

Referenced by OPAMP_Enable() .

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • C:/repos/embsw_super_h1/platform/emlib/inc/ em_opamp.h