Detailed Description

EBI External Bus Interface (EBI) Peripheral API.

This module contains functions to control the EBI peripheral of Silicon Labs 32-bit MCUs and SoCs. The EBI is used for accessing external parallel devices. The devices appear as part of the internal memory map of the MCU.

Data Structures

struct EBI_Init_TypeDef


#define EBI_BANK0 (uint32_t)(1 << 1)
#define EBI_BANK1 (uint32_t)(1 << 2)
#define EBI_BANK2 (uint32_t)(1 << 3)
#define EBI_BANK3 (uint32_t)(1 << 4)
#define EBI_CS0 (uint32_t)(1 << 1)
#define EBI_CS1 (uint32_t)(1 << 2)
#define EBI_CS2 (uint32_t)(1 << 3)
#define EBI_CS3 (uint32_t)(1 << 4)


enum EBI_Line_TypeDef {
ebiLineARDY ,
ebiLineALE ,
ebiLineWE ,
ebiLineRE ,
enum EBI_Mode_TypeDef {
ebiModeD8A8 = EBI_CTRL_MODE_D8A8,
enum EBI_Polarity_TypeDef {
ebiActiveLow = 0,
ebiActiveHigh = 1


void EBI_AddressTimingSet (uint32_t setupCycles, uint32_t holdCycles)
Configure timing values of address latch bus accesses.
uint32_t EBI_BankAddress (uint32_t bank)
Return the base address of the EBI bank.
void EBI_BankEnable (uint32_t banks, bool enable)
Enable or disable EBI Bank.
void EBI_ChipSelectEnable (uint32_t cs, bool enable)
Enable or disable EBI Chip Select.
void EBI_Disable (void)
Disable External Bus Interface.
void EBI_Init (const EBI_Init_TypeDef *ebiInit)
Configure and enable the External Bus Interface.
void EBI_PolaritySet ( EBI_Line_TypeDef line, EBI_Polarity_TypeDef polarity)
Configure EBI pin polarity.
void EBI_ReadTimingSet (uint32_t setupCycles, uint32_t strobeCycles, uint32_t holdCycles)
Configure timing values of read bus accesses.
void EBI_WriteTimingSet (uint32_t setupCycles, uint32_t strobeCycles, uint32_t holdCycles)
Configure timing values of write bus accesses.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define EBI_BANK0   (uint32_t)(1 << 1)
* ---------               ---------
* |       |  /|       |\  | Ext.  |
* |  EBI  | / --------- \ | Async |
* |       | \ --------- / | Device|
* |       |  \|       |/  |       |
* ---------               ---------
*         Parallel interface

EBI address bank 0.

Definition at line 73 of file em_ebi.h .

Referenced by BSP_EbiInit() , EBI_BankAddress() , EBI_BankEnable() , and EBI_Init() .

#define EBI_BANK1   (uint32_t)(1 << 2)

EBI address bank 1.

Definition at line 74 of file em_ebi.h .

Referenced by EBI_BankAddress() , EBI_BankEnable() , and EBI_Init() .

#define EBI_BANK2   (uint32_t)(1 << 3)

EBI address bank 2.

Definition at line 75 of file em_ebi.h .

Referenced by EBI_BankAddress() , EBI_BankEnable() , EBI_Init() , and TFT_DirectInit() .

#define EBI_BANK3   (uint32_t)(1 << 4)

EBI address bank 3.

Definition at line 76 of file em_ebi.h .

Referenced by EBI_BankAddress() , EBI_BankEnable() , and EBI_Init() .

#define EBI_CS0   (uint32_t)(1 << 1)

EBI chip select line 0.

Definition at line 78 of file em_ebi.h .

Referenced by EBI_ChipSelectEnable() .

#define EBI_CS1   (uint32_t)(1 << 2)

EBI chip select line 1.

Definition at line 79 of file em_ebi.h .

Referenced by EBI_ChipSelectEnable() .

#define EBI_CS2   (uint32_t)(1 << 3)

EBI chip select line 2.

Definition at line 80 of file em_ebi.h .

Referenced by EBI_ChipSelectEnable() .

#define EBI_CS3   (uint32_t)(1 << 4)

EBI chip select line 3.

Definition at line 81 of file em_ebi.h .

Referenced by EBI_ChipSelectEnable() .

{ \
ebiModeD8A8, /* 8 bit address, 8 bit data. */ \
ebiActiveLow, /* ARDY polarity. */ \
ebiActiveLow, /* ALE polarity. */ \
ebiActiveLow, /* WE polarity. */ \
ebiActiveLow, /* RE polarity. */ \
ebiActiveLow, /* CS polarity. */ \
false, /* Enable ARDY. */ \
false, /* Do not disable ARDY timeout. */ \
EBI_BANK0, /* Enable bank 0. */ \
EBI_CS0, /* Enable chip select 0. */ \
0, /* Address setup cycles. */ \
1, /* Address hold cycles. */ \
0, /* Read setup cycles. */ \
0, /* Read strobe cycles. */ \
0, /* Read hold cycles. */ \
0, /* Write setup cycles. */ \
0, /* Write strobe cycles. */ \
1, /* Write hold cycles. */ \
true, /* Enable EBI. */ \

Default configuration for EBI initialization structures.

Definition at line 561 of file em_ebi.h .

Enumeration Type Documentation

EBI Pin Line types.


Address Ready line.


Address Latch Enable line.


Write Enable line.


Read Enable line.


Chip Select line.

Definition at line 172 of file em_ebi.h .

EBI Mode of operation.


8 data bits, 8 address bits.


16 data bits, 16 address bits, using address latch enable.


8 data bits, 24 address bits, using address latch enable.

Definition at line 150 of file em_ebi.h .

EBI Polarity configuration.


Active Low.


Active High.

Definition at line 164 of file em_ebi.h .

Function Documentation

void EBI_AddressTimingSet ( uint32_t setupCycles,
uint32_t holdCycles

Configure timing values of address latch bus accesses.

[in] setupCycles Sets the number of cycles the address is held after ALE is asserted.
[in] holdCycles Sets the number of cycles the address is driven onto the ADDRDAT bus before ALE is asserted. If set 0, 1 cycle is inserted by hardware.

Definition at line 594 of file em_ebi.c .

Referenced by EBI_Init() .

uint32_t EBI_BankAddress ( uint32_t bank )

Return the base address of the EBI bank.

[in] bank A bank to return the start address for.
an absolute address of the bank.

Definition at line 360 of file em_ebi.c .

References EBI_BANK0 , EBI_BANK1 , EBI_BANK2 , and EBI_BANK3 .

Referenced by BSP_getTftSRAMDirectDriveBaseAddress() , BSP_setTftSRAMDirectDriveBaseAddress() , and TFT_DirectInit() .

void EBI_BankEnable ( uint32_t banks,
bool enable

Enable or disable EBI Bank.

[in] banks Banks to reconfigure, mask of EBI_BANK<n> flags.
[in] enable True to enable, false to disable.

Definition at line 334 of file em_ebi.c .

References BUS_RegBitWrite() , EBI_BANK0 , EBI_BANK1 , EBI_BANK2 , and EBI_BANK3 .

void EBI_ChipSelectEnable ( uint32_t cs,
bool enable

Enable or disable EBI Chip Select.

[in] cs ChipSelect lines to reconfigure, mask of EBI_CS<n> flags.
[in] enable True to enable, false to disable.

Definition at line 442 of file em_ebi.c .

References EBI_CS0 , EBI_CS1 , EBI_CS2 , and EBI_CS3 .

Referenced by EBI_Init() .

void EBI_PolaritySet ( EBI_Line_TypeDef line,
EBI_Polarity_TypeDef polarity

Configure EBI pin polarity.

[in] line Which pin/line to configure.
[in] polarity Active high or active low.

Definition at line 468 of file em_ebi.c .

References BUS_RegBitWrite() , ebiLineALE , ebiLineARDY , ebiLineCS , ebiLineRE , and ebiLineWE .

Referenced by EBI_Init() .

void EBI_ReadTimingSet ( uint32_t setupCycles,
uint32_t strobeCycles,
uint32_t holdCycles

Configure timing values of read bus accesses.

[in] setupCycles A number of clock cycles for the address setup before REn is asserted.
[in] strobeCycles The number of cycles the REn is held active. After the specified number of cycles, data is read. If set to 0, 1 cycle is inserted by hardware.
[in] holdCycles The number of cycles CSn is held active after the REn is deasserted.

Definition at line 528 of file em_ebi.c .

Referenced by EBI_Init() .

void EBI_WriteTimingSet ( uint32_t setupCycles,
uint32_t strobeCycles,
uint32_t holdCycles

Configure timing values of write bus accesses.

[in] setupCycles A number of clock cycles for the address setup before WEn is asserted.
[in] strobeCycles A number of cycles WEn is held active. If set to 0, 1 cycle is inserted by hardware.
[in] holdCycles A number of cycles CSn is held active after the WEn is deasserted.

Definition at line 562 of file em_ebi.c .

Referenced by EBI_Init() .