
APIs related to transmitting data packets.


Power Amplifier (PA)
APIs for interacting with one of the on chip PAs.

Data Structures

struct RAIL_TxPacketDetails_t
Detailed information requested about the packet that was just, or is currently being, transmitted.
struct RAIL_ScheduleTxConfig_t
A configuration structure for a scheduled transmit.
struct RAIL_CsmaConfig_t
A configuration structure for the CSMA transmit algorithm.
struct RAIL_LbtConfig_t
A configuration structure for the LBT transmit algorithm.
struct RAIL_SyncWordConfig_t
RAIL sync words and length configuration.


Do not stop any radio operations.
Stop active radio operations only.
Stop pending radio operations.
Stop all radio operations.
A value representing no options enabled.
All options disabled by default.
An option to configure whether or not the TXing node will listen for an ACK.
An option to remove CRC bytes from TX packets.
An option to select which sync word to send (0 or 1).
An option to select antenna 0 for transmission.
An option to select antenna 1 for transmission.
An option to dynamically set an alternate preamble length for the transmission.
An option to use peak rather than average RSSI energy detected during CSMA's RAIL_CsmaConfig_t::ccaDuration or LBT's RAIL_LbtConfig_t::lbtDuration to determine whether the channel is clear or busy.
An option to only perform the CCA (CSMA/LBT) operation but not automatically transmit if the channel is clear.
A value representing all possible options.
#define RAIL_MAX_LBT_TRIES (15U)
The maximum number of LBT/CSMA retries supported.
The maximum power-of-2 exponent for CSMA backoffs.
#define RAIL_CSMA_CONFIG_802_15_4_2003_2p4_GHz_OQPSK_CSMA
RAIL_CsmaConfig_t initializer configuring CSMA per IEEE 802.15.4-2003 on 2.4 GHz OSPSK, commonly used by ZigBee.
RAIL_CsmaConfig_t initializer configuring a single CCA prior to TX.
#define RAIL_LBT_CONFIG_ETSI_EN_300_220_1_V2_4_1
RAIL_LbtConfig_t initializer configuring LBT per ETSI 300 220-1 V2.4.1 for a typical Sub-GHz band.


enum RAIL_StopMode_t {
Stop radio operation options bit mask.
enum RAIL_TxOptions_t {
Transmit options, in reality a bitmask.
enum RAIL_ScheduledTxDuringRx_t {
Enumerates the possible outcomes of what will occur if a scheduled TX ends up firing during RX.


RAIL_Status_t RAIL_StartTx ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle, uint16_t channel, RAIL_TxOptions_t options, const RAIL_SchedulerInfo_t *schedulerInfo)
Start a non-blocking transmit.
RAIL_Status_t RAIL_StopTx ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle, RAIL_StopMode_t mode)
Stop an active or pending transmit.
RAIL_Status_t RAIL_StartScheduledTx ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle, uint16_t channel, RAIL_TxOptions_t options, const RAIL_ScheduleTxConfig_t *config, const RAIL_SchedulerInfo_t *schedulerInfo)
Schedule sending a packet.
RAIL_Status_t RAIL_StartCcaCsmaTx ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle, uint16_t channel, RAIL_TxOptions_t options, const RAIL_CsmaConfig_t *csmaConfig, const RAIL_SchedulerInfo_t *schedulerInfo)
Start a non-blocking Transmit using CSMA.
RAIL_Status_t RAIL_StartCcaLbtTx ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle, uint16_t channel, RAIL_TxOptions_t options, const RAIL_LbtConfig_t *lbtConfig, const RAIL_SchedulerInfo_t *schedulerInfo)
Start a non-blocking Transmit using LBT.
RAIL_Status_t RAIL_SetCcaThreshold ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle, int8_t ccaThresholdDbm)
Set the CCA threshold in dBm.
RAIL_Status_t RAIL_GetTxPacketDetails ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle, RAIL_TxPacketDetails_t *pPacketDetails)
Get detailed information about the last packet transmitted.
RAIL_Status_t RAIL_GetTxPacketDetailsAlt ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle, bool isAck, RAIL_Time_t *pPacketTime)
Get detailed information about the last packet transmitted.
RAIL_Status_t RAIL_GetTxPacketDetailsAlt2 ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle, RAIL_TxPacketDetails_t *pPacketDetails)
Get detailed information about the last packet transmitted.
RAIL_Status_t RAIL_GetTxTimePreambleStart ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle, uint16_t totalPacketBytes, RAIL_Time_t *pPacketTime)
Adjust a RAIL TX completion timestamp to refer to the start of the preamble.
RAIL_Status_t RAIL_GetTxTimePreambleStartAlt ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle, RAIL_TxPacketDetails_t *pPacketDetails)
Adjust a RAIL TX completion timestamp to refer to the start of the preamble.
RAIL_Status_t RAIL_GetTxTimeSyncWordEnd ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle, uint16_t totalPacketBytes, RAIL_Time_t *pPacketTime)
Adjust a RAIL TX timestamp to refer to the end of the sync word.
RAIL_Status_t RAIL_GetTxTimeSyncWordEndAlt ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle, RAIL_TxPacketDetails_t *pPacketDetails)
Adjust a RAIL TX timestamp to refer to the end of the sync word.
RAIL_Status_t RAIL_GetTxTimeFrameEnd ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle, uint16_t totalPacketBytes, RAIL_Time_t *pPacketTime)
Adjust a RAIL TX timestamp to refer to the end of frame.
RAIL_Status_t RAIL_GetTxTimeFrameEndAlt ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle, RAIL_TxPacketDetails_t *pPacketDetails)
Adjust a RAIL TX timestamp to refer to the end of frame.
void RAIL_EnableTxHoldOff ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle, bool enable)
Prevent the radio from starting a transmit.
bool RAIL_IsTxHoldOffEnabled ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle)
Check whether or not TX hold off is enabled.
RAIL_Status_t RAIL_SetTxAltPreambleLength ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle, uint16_t length)
Set an alternate transmitter preamble length.

Detailed Description

APIs related to transmitting data packets.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define RAIL_CSMA_CONFIG_802_15_4_2003_2p4_GHz_OQPSK_CSMA
{ \
/* CSMA per 802.15.4-2003 on 2.4 GHz OSPSK, commonly used by ZigBee */ \
/* csmaMinBoExp */ 3, /* 2^3-1 for 0..7 backoffs on 1st try */ \
/* csmaMaxBoExp */ 5, /* 2^5-1 for 0..31 backoffs on 3rd+ tries */ \
/* csmaTries */ 5, /* 5 tries overall (4 re-tries) */ \
/* ccaThreshold */ -75, /* 10 dB above sensitivity */ \
/* ccaBackoff */ 320, /* 20 symbols at 16 us/symbol */ \
/* ccaDuration */ 128, /* 8 symbols at 16 us/symbol */ \
/* csmaTimeout */ 0, /* No timeout */ \

RAIL_CsmaConfig_t initializer configuring CSMA per IEEE 802.15.4-2003 on 2.4 GHz OSPSK, commonly used by ZigBee.

Definition at line 2303 of file rail_types.h .


{ \
/* Perform a single CCA after 'fixed' delay */ \
/* csmaMinBoExp */ 0, /* Used for fixed backoff */ \
/* csmaMaxBoExp */ 0, /* Used for fixed backoff */ \
/* csmaTries */ 1, /* Single try */ \
/* ccaThreshold */ -75, /* Override if not desired choice */ \
/* ccaBackoff */ 0, /* No backoff (override with fixed value) */ \
/* ccaDuration */ 128, /* Override if not desired length */ \
/* csmaTimeout */ 0, /* no timeout */ \

RAIL_CsmaConfig_t initializer configuring a single CCA prior to TX.

It can be used to as a basis for implementing other channel access schemes with custom backoff delays. Users can override ccaBackoff with a fixed delay on each use.

Definition at line 2321 of file rail_types.h .


#define RAIL_LBT_CONFIG_ETSI_EN_300_220_1_V2_4_1
{ \
/* LBT per ETSI 300 220-1 V2.4.1 */ \
/* LBT time = random backoff of 0-5 ms in .5 ms increments plus 5 ms fixed */ \
/* lbtMinBoRand */ 0, /* */ \
/* lbtMaxBoRand */ 10, /* */ \
/* lbtTries */ RAIL_MAX_LBT_TRIES , /* the maximum supported */ \
/* lbtThreshold */ -87, /* */ \
/* lbtBackoff */ 500, /* 0.5 ms */ \
/* lbtDuration */ 5000, /* 5 ms */ \
/* lbtTimeout */ 0, /* No timeout (recommend user override) */ \
The maximum number of LBT/CSMA retries supported.
Definition: rail_types.h:2167

RAIL_LbtConfig_t initializer configuring LBT per ETSI 300 220-1 V2.4.1 for a typical Sub-GHz band.

To be practical, users should override lbtTries and/or lbtTimeout so channel access failure will be reported in a reasonable time frame rather than the unbounded time frame ETSI defined.

Definition at line 2423 of file rail_types.h .



An option to dynamically set an alternate preamble length for the transmission.

If this option is not set, the pre-configured channel preamble length will be used.

Definition at line 2064 of file rail_types.h .



An option to select antenna 0 for transmission.

If the antenna selection option is not set or if both antenna options are set, then the transmit will occur on either antenna depending on the last receive or transmit selection. This option is only valid on platforms that support Antenna Control and have been configured via RAIL_ConfigAntenna() .

These TX antenna options do not control the antenna used for Auto-ACK transmissions, which always occur on the same antenna used to receive the packet being acknowledged.

Definition at line 2046 of file rail_types.h .



An option to select antenna 1 for transmission.

If the antenna selection option is not set or if both antenna options are set, then the transmit will occur on either antenna depending on the last receive or transmit selection. This option is only valid on platforms that support Antenna Control and have been configured via RAIL_ConfigAntenna() .

These TX antenna options do not control the antenna used for Auto-ACK transmissions, which always occur on the same antenna used to receive the packet being acknowledged.

Definition at line 2058 of file rail_types.h .



An option to only perform the CCA (CSMA/LBT) operation but not automatically transmit if the channel is clear.

Application can then use the RAIL_EVENT_TX_CHANNEL_CLEAR to initiate transmit manually, e.g., giving it the opportunity to adjust outgoing packet data before the packet goes out.

Configured state transitions to Rx or Idle are suspended during this CSMA/LBT operation. If packet reception occurs, the radio will return to the state it was in just prior to the CSMA/LBT operation when that reception (including any AutoACK response) is complete.

Definition at line 2087 of file rail_types.h .



An option to use peak rather than average RSSI energy detected during CSMA's RAIL_CsmaConfig_t::ccaDuration or LBT's RAIL_LbtConfig_t::lbtDuration to determine whether the channel is clear or busy.

This option does nothing on platforms like EFR32XG1 that lack support for capturing peak RSSI energy.

Definition at line 2073 of file rail_types.h .



An option to remove CRC bytes from TX packets.

To receive packets when the sender has this option set true, set RAIL_RX_OPTION_IGNORE_CRC_ERRORS on the receive side.

Definition at line 2024 of file rail_types.h .



An option to select which sync word to send (0 or 1).

Note that this does not set the actual sync words, it just picks which of the two will be sent with the packet. This setting is valid only if RAIL_RX_OPTION_ENABLE_DUALSYNC is set. Setting to 0 will transmit on SYNC1. Setting to 1 will transmit on SYNC2 if RAIL_RX_OPTION_ENABLE_DUALSYNC is in effect.

Definition at line 2034 of file rail_types.h .



An option to configure whether or not the TXing node will listen for an ACK.

If this is false, the isAck flag in RAIL_RxPacketDetails_t of a received packet will always be false.

Definition at line 2018 of file rail_types.h .



A value representing all possible options.

Definition at line 2090 of file rail_types.h .



All options disabled by default.

This is the fastest TX option to apply.

Definition at line 2012 of file rail_types.h .



A value representing no options enabled.

Definition at line 2010 of file rail_types.h .

Enumeration Type Documentation


Enumerates the possible outcomes of what will occur if a scheduled TX ends up firing during RX.

Because RX and TX can't happen at the same time, it is up to the user how the TX should be handled. This enumeration is passed into RAIL_StartScheduledTx() as part of RAIL_ScheduleTxConfig_t .


The scheduled TX will be postponed until RX completes and then sent.


The scheduled TX will be aborted and a RAIL_EVENT_TX_BLOCKED event will fire.

Definition at line 2121 of file rail_types.h .


Stop radio operation options bit mask.


Shift position of RAIL_STOP_MODE_ACTIVE bit.


Shift position of RAIL_STOP_MODE_PENDING bit.

Definition at line 1968 of file rail_types.h .


Transmit options, in reality a bitmask.


Shift position of RAIL_TX_OPTION_WAIT_FOR_ACK bit.


Shift position of RAIL_TX_OPTION_REMOVE_CRC bit.


Shift position of RAIL_TX_OPTION_SYNC_WORD_ID bit.


Shift position of RAIL_TX_OPTION_ANTENNA0 bit.


Shift position of RAIL_TX_OPTION_ANTENNA1 bit.


Shift position of RAIL_TX_OPTION_ALT_PREAMBLE_LEN bit.


Shift position of RAIL_TX_OPTION_CCA_PEAK_RSSI bit.


Shift position of RAIL_TX_OPTION_CCA_ONLY bit.


A count of the choices in this enumeration.

Definition at line 1988 of file rail_types.h .

Function Documentation


void RAIL_EnableTxHoldOff ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle,
bool enable

Prevent the radio from starting a transmit.

[in] railHandle A RAIL instance handle.
[in] enable Enable/Disable TX hold off.

Enable TX hold off to prevent the radio from starting any transmits. Disable TX hold off to allow the radio to transmit again. Attempting to transmit with the TX hold off enabled will result in RAIL_EVENT_TX_BLOCKED and/or RAIL_EVENT_TXACK_BLOCKED events.

This function does not affect a transmit that has already started. To stop an already-started transmission, use RAIL_Idle() with RAIL_IDLE_ABORT .


RAIL_Status_t RAIL_GetTxPacketDetails ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle,
RAIL_TxPacketDetails_t * pPacketDetails

Get detailed information about the last packet transmitted.

[in] railHandle A RAIL instance handle.
[in,out] pPacketDetails An application-provided pointer to store RAIL_TxPacketDetails_t corresponding to the transmit event. The isAck and timeSent fields totalPacketBytes and timePosition must be initialized prior to each call:
  • isAck true to obtain details about the most recent ACK transmit, false to obtain details about the most recent app-initiated transmit.
  • totalPacketBytes with the total number of bytes of the transmitted packet for RAIL to use when calculating the specified timestamp. This should account for all bytes sent over the air after the Preamble and Sync word(s), including CRC bytes.
  • timePosition with a RAIL_PacketTimePosition_t value specifying the packet position to put in the timeSent field on return. This field will also be updated with the actual position corresponding to the timeSent value filled in.
RAIL_STATUS_NO_ERROR if pPacketDetails was filled in, or an appropriate error code otherwise.
Consider using RAIL_GetTxPacketDetailsAlt2 for smaller code size.

This function can only be called from callback context for either RAIL_EVENT_TX_PACKET_SENT or RAIL_EVENT_TXACK_PACKET_SENT events.


RAIL_Status_t RAIL_GetTxPacketDetailsAlt ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle,
bool isAck,
RAIL_Time_t * pPacketTime

Get detailed information about the last packet transmitted.

[in] railHandle A RAIL instance handle.
[in] isAck True to obtain details about the most recent ACK transmit. False to obtain details about the most recent app-initiated transmit.
[out] pPacketTime An application-provided non-NULL pointer to store a RAIL_Time_t corresponding to the transmit event. This will be populated with a timestamp corresponding to an arbitrary location in the packet. Call RAIL_GetTxTimePreambleStart , RAIL_GetTxTimeSyncWordEnd , or RAIL_GetTxTimeFrameEnd to adjust the timestamp for different locations in the packet.
RAIL_STATUS_NO_ERROR if pPacketTime was filled in, or an appropriate error code otherwise.
Consider using RAIL_GetTxPacketDetailsAlt2 to pass in a RAIL_PacketTimeStamp_t structure instead of a RAIL_Time_t structure, particularly when RAIL_PacketTimePosition_t information is needed or useful.

This function can only be called from callback context for either RAIL_EVENT_TX_PACKET_SENT or RAIL_EVENT_TXACK_PACKET_SENT events.


RAIL_Status_t RAIL_GetTxPacketDetailsAlt2 ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle,
RAIL_TxPacketDetails_t * pPacketDetails

Get detailed information about the last packet transmitted.

[in] railHandle A RAIL instance handle.
[in,out] pPacketDetails An application-provided pointer to store RAIL_TxPacketDetails_t corresponding to the transmit event. The isAck must be initialized prior to each call:
RAIL_STATUS_NO_ERROR if pPacketDetails was filled in, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

This function can only be called from callback context for either RAIL_EVENT_TX_PACKET_SENT or RAIL_EVENT_TXACK_PACKET_SENT events.


RAIL_Status_t RAIL_GetTxTimeFrameEnd ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle,
uint16_t totalPacketBytes,
RAIL_Time_t * pPacketTime

Adjust a RAIL TX timestamp to refer to the end of frame.

[in] railHandle A RAIL instance handle.
[in] totalPacketBytes The total number of bytes of the transmitted packet for RAIL to use when calculating the specified timestamp. This should account for all bytes transmitted over the air after the Preamble and Sync word(s), including CRC bytes.
[in,out] pPacketTime The time that was returned in a RAIL_Time_t from a previous call to RAIL_GetTxPacketDetailsAlt for this same packet. After this function, the time at that location will be updated with the time that this packet finished on air. Must be non-NULL.
RAIL_STATUS_NO_ERROR if pPacketTime was successfully calculated, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

Call the timestamp adjustment function in the same transmit-complete event-handling context as RAIL_GetTxPacketDetailsAlt() is called.


RAIL_Status_t RAIL_GetTxTimeFrameEndAlt ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle,
RAIL_TxPacketDetails_t * pPacketDetails

Adjust a RAIL TX timestamp to refer to the end of frame.

[in] railHandle A RAIL instance handle.
[in,out] pPacketDetails The non-NULL details that were returned from a previous call to RAIL_GetTxPacketDetailsAlt2 for this same packet. The application must update the timeSent field totalPacketBytes to be the total number of bytes of the sent packet for RAIL to use when calculating the specified timestamp. This should account for all bytes transmitted over the air after the Preamble and Sync word(s), including CRC bytes. Pass RAIL_TX_STARTED_BYTES to retrieve the start-of-normal-TX timestamp (see below). After this function, the timeSent field packetTime will be updated with the time that this packet finished on air. Must be non-NULL.
RAIL_STATUS_NO_ERROR if the packet time was successfully calculated, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

Call the timestamp adjustment function in the same transmit-complete event-handling context as RAIL_GetTxPacketDetailsAlt2() is called.


RAIL_Status_t RAIL_GetTxTimePreambleStart ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle,
uint16_t totalPacketBytes,
RAIL_Time_t * pPacketTime

Adjust a RAIL TX completion timestamp to refer to the start of the preamble.

Also used to retrieve the RAIL_EVENT_TX_STARTED timestamp.

[in] railHandle A RAIL instance handle.
[in] totalPacketBytes The total number of bytes of the transmitted packet for RAIL to use when adjusting the provided timestamp. This should account for all bytes transmitted over the air after the Preamble and Sync word(s), including CRC bytes. Pass RAIL_TX_STARTED_BYTES to retrieve the start-of-normal-TX timestamp (see below).
[in,out] pPacketTime This points to the RAIL_Time_t returned from a previous call to RAIL_GetTxPacketDetailsAlt for this same packet. That time will be updated with the time that the preamble for this packet started on air. Must be non-NULL.
RAIL_STATUS_NO_ERROR if pPacketTime was successfully determined or an appropriate error code otherwise.

When used for timestamp adjustment, call this function in the same transmit-complete event-handling context as RAIL_GetTxPacketDetailsAlt() is called.

This function may be called when handling the RAIL_EVENT_TX_STARTED event to retrieve that event's start-of-normal-TX timestamp. (ACK transmits currently have no equivalent event or associated timestamp.) In this case, totalPacketBytes must be RAIL_TX_STARTED_BYTES , and pPacketTime is an output-only parameter filled in with that time (so no need to initialize it beforehand by calling RAIL_GetTxPacketDetailsAlt() ).


RAIL_Status_t RAIL_GetTxTimePreambleStartAlt ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle,
RAIL_TxPacketDetails_t * pPacketDetails

Adjust a RAIL TX completion timestamp to refer to the start of the preamble.

Also used to retrieve the RAIL_EVENT_TX_STARTED timestamp.

[in] railHandle A RAIL instance handle.
[in,out] pPacketDetails The non-NULL details that were returned from a previous call to RAIL_GetTxPacketDetailsAlt2 for this same packet. The application must update the timeSent field totalPacketBytes to be the total number of bytes of the sent packet for RAIL to use when calculating the specified timestamp. This should account for all bytes transmitted over the air after the Preamble and Sync word(s), including CRC bytes. Pass RAIL_TX_STARTED_BYTES to retrieve the start-of-normal-TX timestamp (see below). After this function, the timeSent field packetTime will be updated with the time that the preamble for this packet started on air.
RAIL_STATUS_NO_ERROR if the packet time was successfully calculated, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

When used for timestamp adjustment, call this function in the same transmit-complete event-handling context as RAIL_GetTxPacketDetailsAlt2() is called.

This function may be called when handling the RAIL_EVENT_TX_STARTED event to retrieve that event's start-of-normal-TX timestamp. (ACK transmits currently have no equivalent event or associated timestamp.) In this case, the timeSent field totalPacketBytes must be RAIL_TX_STARTED_BYTES , and the timeSent field packetTime is an output-only parameter filled in with that time (so no need to initialize it beforehand by calling RAIL_GetTxPacketDetailsAlt2() ).


RAIL_Status_t RAIL_GetTxTimeSyncWordEnd ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle,
uint16_t totalPacketBytes,
RAIL_Time_t * pPacketTime

Adjust a RAIL TX timestamp to refer to the end of the sync word.

[in] railHandle A RAIL instance handle.
[in] totalPacketBytes The total number of bytes of the transmitted packet for RAIL to use when calculating the specified timestamp. This should account for all bytes transmitted over the air after the Preamble and Sync word(s), including CRC bytes.
[in,out] pPacketTime The time that was returned in a RAIL_Time_t from a previous call to RAIL_GetTxPacketDetailsAlt for this same packet. After this function, the time at that location will be updated with the time that the sync word for this packet finished on air. Must be non-NULL.
RAIL_STATUS_NO_ERROR if pPacketTime was successfully calculated, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

Call the timestamp adjustment function in the same transmit-complete event-handling context as RAIL_GetTxPacketDetailsAlt() is called.


RAIL_Status_t RAIL_GetTxTimeSyncWordEndAlt ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle,
RAIL_TxPacketDetails_t * pPacketDetails

Adjust a RAIL TX timestamp to refer to the end of the sync word.

[in] railHandle A RAIL instance handle.
[in,out] pPacketDetails The non-NULL details that were returned from a previous call to RAIL_GetTxPacketDetailsAlt2 for this same packet. The application must update the timeSent field totalPacketBytes to be the total number of bytes of the sent packet for RAIL to use when calculating the specified timestamp. This should account for all bytes transmitted over the air after the Preamble and Sync word(s), including CRC bytes. Pass RAIL_TX_STARTED_BYTES to retrieve the start-of-normal-TX timestamp (see below). After this function, the timeSent field packetTime will be updated with the time that the sync word for this packet finished on air. Must be non-NULL.
RAIL_STATUS_NO_ERROR if the packet time was successfully calculated, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

Call the timestamp adjustment function in the same transmit-complete event-handling context as RAIL_GetTxPacketDetailsAlt2() is called.


bool RAIL_IsTxHoldOffEnabled ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle )

Check whether or not TX hold off is enabled.

[in] railHandle A RAIL instance handle.
Returns true if TX hold off is enabled, false otherwise.

TX hold off can be enabled/disabled using RAIL_EnableTxHoldOff . Attempting to transmit with the TX hold off enabled will block the transmission and result in RAIL_EVENT_TX_BLOCKED and/or RAIL_EVENT_TXACK_BLOCKED events.


RAIL_Status_t RAIL_SetCcaThreshold ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle,
int8_t ccaThresholdDbm

Set the CCA threshold in dBm.

[in] railHandle A RAIL instance handle.
[in] ccaThresholdDbm The CCA threshold in dBm.
Status code indicating success of the function call.

Unlike RAIL_StartCcaCsmaTx() or RAIL_StartCcaLbtTx() , which can cause a transmit, this function only modifies the CCA threshold. A possible use case for this function involves setting the CCA threshold to invalid RSSI of -128 which blocks transmission by preventing clear channel assessments from succeeding.


RAIL_Status_t RAIL_SetTxAltPreambleLength ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle,
uint16_t length

Set an alternate transmitter preamble length.

[in] railHandle A RAIL instance handle.
[in] length The desired preamble length, in bits.
Status code indicating success of the function call.
Attempting to set a preamble length of 0xFFFF bits will result in RAIL_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER .


RAIL_Status_t RAIL_StartCcaCsmaTx ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle,
uint16_t channel,
RAIL_TxOptions_t options,
const RAIL_CsmaConfig_t * csmaConfig,
const RAIL_SchedulerInfo_t * schedulerInfo

Start a non-blocking Transmit using CSMA.

[in] railHandle A RAIL instance handle.
[in] channel Define the channel to transmit on.
[in] options TX options to be applied to this transmit only.
[in] csmaConfig A pointer to the RAIL_CsmaConfig_t structure describing the CSMA parameters to use for this transmit.
[in] schedulerInfo Information to allow the radio scheduler to place this transmit appropriately. This is only used in multiprotocol version of RAIL and may be set to NULL in all other versions.
Status code indicating success of the function call. If successfully initiated, a transmit completion or failure will be reported by a later RAIL_Config_t::eventsCallback with the appropriate RAIL_Events_t .

Perform the Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) algorithm and, if the channel is deemed clear (RSSI below the specified threshold), it will commence transmission of the payload previously loaded via RAIL_WriteTxFifo() . Packets can be received during CSMA backoff periods if receive is active throughout the CSMA process. This will happen either by starting the CSMA process while receive is already active, or if the csmaBackoff time in the RAIL_CsmaConfig_t is less than the idleToRx time (set by RAIL_SetStateTiming() ). If the csmaBackoff time is greater than the idleToRx time, receive will only be active during CSMA's clear channel assessments.

If the CSMA algorithm deems the channel busy, the RAIL_Config_t::eventsCallback occurs with RAIL_EVENT_TX_CHANNEL_BUSY , and the contents of the transmit FIFO remain intact.

Returns an error if a previous transmit is still in progress. If changing channels, any ongoing packet reception is aborted.

In multiprotocol, ensure that the radio is properly yielded after this operation completes. See Yielding the radio for more details.


RAIL_Status_t RAIL_StartCcaLbtTx ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle,
uint16_t channel,
RAIL_TxOptions_t options,
const RAIL_LbtConfig_t * lbtConfig,
const RAIL_SchedulerInfo_t * schedulerInfo

Start a non-blocking Transmit using LBT.

[in] railHandle A RAIL instance handle.
[in] channel Define the channel to transmit on.
[in] options TX options to be applied to this transmit only.
[in] lbtConfig A pointer to the RAIL_LbtConfig_t structure describing the LBT parameters to use for this transmit.
[in] schedulerInfo Information to allow the radio scheduler to place this transmit appropriately. This is only used in multiprotocol version of RAIL and may be set to NULL in all other versions.
Status code indicating success of the function call. If successfully initiated, a transmit completion or failure will be reported by a later RAIL_Config_t::eventsCallback with the appropriate RAIL_Events_t .

Performs the Listen Before Talk (LBT) algorithm and, if the channel is deemed clear (RSSI below the specified threshold), it will commence transmission of the payload previously loaded via RAIL_WriteTxFifo() . Packets can be received during LBT backoff periods if receive is active throughout the LBT process. This will happen either by starting the LBT process while receive is already active, or if the lbtBackoff time in the RAIL_LbtConfig_t is less than the idleToRx time (set by RAIL_SetStateTiming() ). If the lbtBackoff time is greater than the idleToRx time, receive will only be active during LBT's clear channel assessments.

If the LBT algorithm deems the channel busy, the RAIL_Config_t::eventsCallback occurs with RAIL_EVENT_TX_CHANNEL_BUSY , and the contents of the transmit FIFO remain intact.

Returns an error if a previous transmit is still in progress. If changing channels, any ongoing packet reception is aborted.

In multiprotocol, ensure that the radio is properly yielded after this operation completes. See Yielding the radio for more details.


RAIL_Status_t RAIL_StartScheduledTx ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle,
uint16_t channel,
RAIL_TxOptions_t options,
const RAIL_ScheduleTxConfig_t * config,
const RAIL_SchedulerInfo_t * schedulerInfo

Schedule sending a packet.

[in] railHandle A RAIL instance handle.
[in] channel Define the channel to transmit on.
[in] options TX options to be applied to this transmit only.
[in] config A pointer to the RAIL_ScheduleTxConfig_t structure containing when the transmit should occur.
[in] schedulerInfo Information to allow the radio scheduler to place this transmit appropriately. This is only used in multiprotocol version of RAIL and may be set to NULL in all other versions.
Status code indicating success of the function call. If successfully initiated, a transmit completion or failure will be reported by a later RAIL_Config_t::eventsCallback with the appropriate RAIL_Events_t .

Will begin transmission of the payload previously loaded via RAIL_WriteTxFifo() at the scheduled time. The time (in microseconds) and whether that time is absolute or relative is specified using the RAIL_ScheduleTxConfig_t structure. What to do if a scheduled transmit fires in the middle of receiving a packet is also specified in this structure.

Returns an error if a previous transmit is still in progress. If changing channels, any ongoing packet reception is aborted.

In multiprotocol, ensure that the radio is properly yielded after this operation completes. See Yielding the radio for more details.


RAIL_Status_t RAIL_StartTx ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle,
uint16_t channel,
RAIL_TxOptions_t options,
const RAIL_SchedulerInfo_t * schedulerInfo

Start a non-blocking transmit.

[in] railHandle A RAIL instance handle.
[in] channel Define the channel to transmit on.
[in] options TX options to be applied to this transmit only.
[in] schedulerInfo Information to allow the radio scheduler to place this transmit appropriately. This is only used in multiprotocol version of RAIL and may be set to NULL in all other versions.
Status code indicating success of the function call. If successfully initiated, transmit completion or failure will be reported by a later RAIL_Config_t::eventsCallback with the appropriate RAIL_Events_t .

Will begin transmission of the payload previously loaded via RAIL_WriteTxFifo() immediately, or right after a packet currently being received is completed.

Returns an error if a previous transmit is still in progress. If changing channels, any ongoing packet reception is aborted.

In multiprotocol, ensure that the radio is properly yielded after this operation completes. See Yielding the radio for more details.


Stop an active or pending transmit.

[in] railHandle A RAIL instance handle.
[in] mode Configure the types of transmits to stop.
RAIL_STATUS_NO_ERROR if the transmit was successfully canceled. Returns RAIL_STATUS_INVALID_STATE if the requested transmit mode cannot be stopped.
This function will stop an auto-ACK in active transmit.