IBSS station stateFULL_MAC_API

WFM API messages applicable for an interface in IBSS mode.

Data Structures

struct WfmHiSendFrameReq_t
Request message for sending a packet to the network.
struct WfmHiSendFrameCnf_t
Confirmation message for WfmHiSendFrameReq_t .
struct WfmHiReceivedInd_t
Indication message used to signal a received packet.
struct WfmHiLeaveIbssCnf_t
Confirmation message for WfmHiLeaveIbssReq_t .
struct WfmHiLeaveIbssReq_t
Request message for disconnecting from an IBSS network.
struct WfmHiLeaveIbssInd_t
Indication message used to signal the completion of a disconnect operation.

Detailed Description

WFM API messages applicable for an interface in IBSS mode.

Data Structure Documentation


struct WfmHiSendFrameReq_t

Request message for sending a packet to the network.

The host can use this request to send a packet to the network.

Definition at line 1424 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiSendFrameReqBody_t Body Request message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiSendFrameCnf_t

Confirmation message for WfmHiSendFrameReq_t .

Definition at line 1458 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiSendFrameCnfBody_t Body Confirmation message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiReceivedInd_t

Indication message used to signal a received packet.

The device will send this indication to signal a packet has been received.

Definition at line 1503 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiReceivedIndBody_t Body Indication message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiLeaveIbssCnf_t

Confirmation message for WfmHiLeaveIbssReq_t .

Definition at line 1844 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiLeaveIbssCnfBody_t Body Confirmation message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiLeaveIbssReq_t

Request message for disconnecting from an IBSS network.

The host can use this request to disconnect from an IBSS network.

Successful disconnect request moves the interface to Idle state .


struct WfmHiLeaveIbssInd_t

Indication message used to signal the completion of a disconnect operation.

The device will send this indication to signal the disconnect request initiated with WfmHiLeaveIbssReq_t has been completed. The indication is also sent when the network has encountered a fatal error.