Wi-Fi client stateFULL_MAC_API

WFM API messages applicable for an interface in STA mode.

Data Structures

struct WfmHiDisconnectCnf_t
Confirmation message for WfmHiDisconnectReq_t .
struct WfmHiDisconnectInd_t
Indication message used to signal the completion of a disconnection operation.
struct WfmHiGetSignalStrengthCnf_t
Confirmation message for WfmHiGetSignalStrengthReq_t .
struct WfmHiSetPmModeReq_t
Request message for setting the power management mode of the device.
struct WfmHiSetPmModeCnf_t
Confirmation message for WfmHiSetPmModeReq_t .
struct WfmHiSendFrameReq_t
Request message for sending a packet to the network.
struct WfmHiSendFrameCnf_t
Confirmation message for WfmHiSendFrameReq_t .
struct WfmHiReceivedInd_t
Indication message used to signal a received packet.
struct WfmHiStartScanReq_t
Request message for starting a scan to detect near-by access points.
struct WfmHiStartScanCnf_t
Confirmation message for WfmHiStartScanReq_t .
struct WfmHiStopScanCnf_t
Confirmation message for WfmHiStopScanReq_t .
struct WfmHiScanResultInd_t
Indication message used to signal an access point has been detected.
struct WfmHiScanCompleteInd_t
Indication message used to signal a scan was completed.
struct WfmHiAddMulticastAddrReq_t
Request message for adding a multicast address to the multicast filter whitelist.
struct WfmHiAddMulticastAddrCnf_t
Confirmation message for WfmHiAddMulticastAddrReq_t .
struct WfmHiRemoveMulticastAddrReq_t
Request message for removing a multicast address from the multicast filter whitelist.
struct WfmHiRemoveMulticastAddrCnf_t
Confirmation message for WfmHiRemoveMulticastAddrReq_t .
struct WfmHiSetRoamParametersReq_t
Request message for setting the roaming parameters.
struct WfmHiSetRoamParametersCnf_t
Confirmation message for WfmHiSetRoamParametersReq_t .
struct WfmHiSetTxRateParametersReq_t
Request message for setting the TX rate set parameters.
struct WfmHiSetTxRateParametersCnf_t
Confirmation message for WfmHiSetTxRateParametersReq_t .
struct WfmHiSetArpIpAddressReq_t
Request message for setting the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) offloading state.
struct WfmHiSetArpIpAddressCnf_t
Confirmation message for WfmHiSetArpIpAddressReq_t .
struct WfmHiSetNsIpAddressReq_t
Request message for setting the Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) offloading state.
struct WfmHiSetNsIpAddressCnf_t
Confirmation message for WfmHiSetNsIpAddressReq_t .
struct WfmHiSetBroadcastFilterReq_t
Request message for setting broadcast filter state.
struct WfmHiSetBroadcastFilterCnf_t
Confirmation message for WfmHiSetBroadcastFilterReq_t .
struct WfmHiSetScanParametersReq_t
Request message for setting scan parameters.
struct WfmHiSetScanParametersCnf_t
Confirmation message for WfmHiSetScanParametersReq_t .
struct WfmHiDisconnectReq_t
Request message for disconnecting from a Wi-Fi network.
struct WfmHiGetSignalStrengthReq_t
Request message for retrieving the signal strength of connection.
struct WfmHiStopScanReq_t
Request message for stopping an ongoing scan.

Detailed Description

WFM API messages applicable for an interface in STA mode.

Data Structure Documentation


struct WfmHiDisconnectCnf_t

Confirmation message for WfmHiDisconnectReq_t .

Definition at line 867 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiDisconnectCnfBody_t Body Confirmation message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiDisconnectInd_t

Indication message used to signal the completion of a disconnection operation.

The device will send this indication to signal the disconnection request initiated with WfmHiDisconnectReq_t has been completed. The indication is also sent when the device has lost the connection to an access point and has been unable to regain it.

Definition at line 897 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiDisconnectIndBody_t Body Indication message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiGetSignalStrengthCnf_t

Confirmation message for WfmHiGetSignalStrengthReq_t .

Definition at line 934 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiGetSignalStrengthCnfBody_t Body Confirmation message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiSetPmModeReq_t

Request message for setting the power management mode of the device.

The host can use this request to enable or disable Wi-Fi power management mechanisms.

Definition at line 967 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiSetPmModeReqBody_t Body Request message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiSetPmModeCnf_t

Confirmation message for WfmHiSetPmModeReq_t .

Definition at line 991 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiSetPmModeCnfBody_t Body Confirmation message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiSendFrameReq_t

Request message for sending a packet to the network.

The host can use this request to send a packet to the network.

Definition at line 1424 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiSendFrameReqBody_t Body Request message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiSendFrameCnf_t

Confirmation message for WfmHiSendFrameReq_t .

Definition at line 1458 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiSendFrameCnfBody_t Body Confirmation message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiReceivedInd_t

Indication message used to signal a received packet.

The device will send this indication to signal a packet has been received.

Definition at line 1503 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiReceivedIndBody_t Body Indication message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiStartScanReq_t

Request message for starting a scan to detect near-by access points.

The host can use this request to start a scan operation to detect near-by access points.

Definition at line 1567 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiStartScanReqBody_t Body Request message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiStartScanCnf_t

Confirmation message for WfmHiStartScanReq_t .

Definition at line 1592 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiStartScanCnfBody_t Body Confirmation message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiStopScanCnf_t

Confirmation message for WfmHiStopScanReq_t .

Definition at line 1626 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiStopScanCnfBody_t Body Confirmation message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiScanResultInd_t

Indication message used to signal an access point has been detected.

The device will send this indication to signal an access point has has been detected during the scan operation.

Definition at line 1676 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiScanResultIndBody_t Body Indication message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiScanCompleteInd_t

Indication message used to signal a scan was completed.

The device will send this indication to signal a scan operation has been completed.

Definition at line 1703 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiScanCompleteIndBody_t Body Indication message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiAddMulticastAddrReq_t

Request message for adding a multicast address to the multicast filter whitelist.

The host can use this request to add a multicast address to the multicast filter whitelist. When the first address is added the whitelist, the device will discard all multicast frames whose destination address does not match any of the addresses on the list. The default state is to allow all multicast addresses.
See Filtering for further details.

Definition at line 1885 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiAddMulticastAddrReqBody_t Body Request message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiAddMulticastAddrCnf_t

Confirmation message for WfmHiAddMulticastAddrReq_t .

Definition at line 1910 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiAddMulticastAddrCnfBody_t Body Confirmation message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiRemoveMulticastAddrReq_t

Request message for removing a multicast address from the multicast filter whitelist.

The host can use this request to remove a multicast address from the multicast filter whitelist.

Definition at line 1936 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiRemoveMulticastAddrReqBody_t Body Request message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiRemoveMulticastAddrCnf_t

Confirmation message for WfmHiRemoveMulticastAddrReq_t .

Definition at line 1961 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiRemoveMulticastAddrCnfBody_t Body Confirmation message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiSetRoamParametersReq_t

Request message for setting the roaming parameters.

The host can use this request to configure the roaming parameters of the device.
See Roaming for further details.

Definition at line 2116 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiSetRoamParametersReqBody_t Body Request message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiSetRoamParametersCnf_t

Confirmation message for WfmHiSetRoamParametersReq_t .

Definition at line 2141 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiSetRoamParametersCnfBody_t Body Confirmation message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiSetTxRateParametersReq_t

Request message for setting the TX rate set parameters.

The host can use this request to configure the TX rate set parameters of the device. The rate set determines what data rates will be used by the device to transmit data frames.

Definition at line 2171 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiSetTxRateParametersReqBody_t Body Request message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiSetTxRateParametersCnf_t

Confirmation message for WfmHiSetTxRateParametersReq_t .

Definition at line 2196 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiSetTxRateParametersCnfBody_t Body Confirmation message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiSetArpIpAddressReq_t

Request message for setting the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) offloading state.

The host can use this request to offload handling of ARP requests to the device. When offloading is enabled, the device will automatically respond to ARP requests with an ARP reply.
See Offloading for further details.

Definition at line 2226 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiSetArpIpAddressReqBody_t Body Request message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiSetArpIpAddressCnf_t

Confirmation message for WfmHiSetArpIpAddressReq_t .

Definition at line 2250 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiSetArpIpAddressCnfBody_t Body Confirmation message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiSetNsIpAddressReq_t

Request message for setting the Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) offloading state.

The host can use this request to offload handling of IPv6 Neighbor Solicitations to the device. When offloading is enabled, the device will automatically respond to a solicitation with a Neighbor Advertisement.
See Offloading for further details.

Definition at line 2279 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiSetNsIpAddressReqBody_t Body Request message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiSetNsIpAddressCnf_t

Confirmation message for WfmHiSetNsIpAddressReq_t .

Definition at line 2303 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiSetNsIpAddressCnfBody_t Body Confirmation message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiSetBroadcastFilterReq_t

Request message for setting broadcast filter state.

The host can use this request to configure the state of the broadcast filter. When enabled, the device will only forward certain broadcast frames to the host and automatically discard the rest. The default state is to allow all broadcast traffic.
See Filtering for further details.

Definition at line 2333 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiSetBroadcastFilterReqBody_t Body Request message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiSetBroadcastFilterCnf_t

Confirmation message for WfmHiSetBroadcastFilterReq_t .

Definition at line 2357 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .

Data Fields
WfmHiSetBroadcastFilterCnfBody_t Body Confirmation message body.
HiMsgHdr_t Header Common message header.


struct WfmHiSetScanParametersReq_t

Request message for setting scan parameters.

The host can use this request to configure scans.

Definition at line 2391 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .


struct WfmHiSetScanParametersCnf_t

Confirmation message for WfmHiSetScanParametersReq_t .

Definition at line 2413 of file wfm_cmd_api.h .


struct WfmHiDisconnectReq_t

Request message for disconnecting from a Wi-Fi network.

The host can use this request to iniate a disconnection from a Wi-Fi network.

Successful disconnection request moves the interface to Idle state .


struct WfmHiGetSignalStrengthReq_t

Request message for retrieving the signal strength of connection.

The host can use this request to retrieve the signal strength of the connection.


struct WfmHiStopScanReq_t

Request message for stopping an ongoing scan.

The host can use this request to stop an ongoing scan operation.