Common API

To interact with WF200, the host has access to a set of API which are exposed both in the split MAC case and in the full MAC case. To find the related driver functions, you can refer to the table below or to the COMMON_API group.

Common API commands

Commands Value Associated driver function Description
HI_CONFIGURATION 0x09 wf200_send_configuration Configure the device through the wf200_pds
HI_SHUT_DOWN 0x32 wf200_shutdown Send a request to shut down the internal power supplies

For each available command, there is an associated confirmation with the same ID value.

Common API indications

Indications Value Associated structure Description
HI_EXCEPTION_IND 0xe0 HiExceptionIndBody_t Exception
HI_ERROR_IND 0xe4 HiErrorIndBody_t Error
HI_STARTUP_IND 0xe1 HiStartupIndBody_t Startup indication
HI_GENERIC_IND 0xe3 HiGenericIndBody_t Generic status

This indications have to be managed by the host depending on the application and use case.