This is a unique identifier for referencing Zigbee Over-the-air upgrade images. It is used by the OTA plugins when passing around information about an upgrade file.

Public Attributes#


Public Attribute Documentation#


uint16_t EmberAfOtaImageId::manufacturerId

Definition at line 1201 of file app/framework/include/af-types.h


uint16_t EmberAfOtaImageId::imageTypeId

Definition at line 1202 of file app/framework/include/af-types.h


uint32_t EmberAfOtaImageId::firmwareVersion

Definition at line 1203 of file app/framework/include/af-types.h


uint8_t EmberAfOtaImageId::deviceSpecificFileEui64[EUI64_SIZE]

This is only used for device-specific files. It will be set to all zeroes when the image does not have an upgrade destination field in it. Little endian format.

Definition at line 1211 of file app/framework/include/af-types.h