LCD - Liquid Crystal Display


Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Peripheral API.

This module contains functions to control the LDC peripheral of Silicon Labs 32-bit MCUs and SoCs. The LCD driver can drive up to 8x36 segmented LCD directly. The animation feature makes it possible to have active animations without the CPU intervention.

Data Structures

struct LCD_AnimInit_TypeDef
LCD Animation Configuration.
struct LCD_FrameCountInit_TypeDef
LCD Frame Control Initialization.
struct LCD_Init_TypeDef
LCD Controller Initialization structure.


void LCD_Init (const LCD_Init_TypeDef *lcdInit)
Initialize the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) controller.
void LCD_VLCDSelect ( LCD_VLCDSel_TypeDef vlcd)
Select a source for VLCD.
void LCD_UpdateCtrl ( LCD_UpdateCtrl_TypeDef ud)
Configure Update Control.
void LCD_FrameCountInit (const LCD_FrameCountInit_TypeDef *fcInit)
Initialize the LCD Frame Counter.
void LCD_AnimInit (const LCD_AnimInit_TypeDef *animInit)
Configure the LCD controller Animation feature.
void LCD_SegmentRangeEnable ( LCD_SegmentRange_TypeDef segmentRange, bool enable)
Enables updating this range of LCD segment lines.
void LCD_SegmentSet (int com, int bit, bool enable)
Turn on or clear a segment.
void LCD_SegmentSetLow (int com, uint32_t mask, uint32_t bits)
Update 0-31 lowest segments on a given COM-line in one operation according to the bit mask.
void LCD_SegmentSetHigh (int com, uint32_t mask, uint32_t bits)
Update the high (32-39) segments on a given COM-line in one operation.
void LCD_ContrastSet (int level)
Configure the contrast level on the LCD panel.
void LCD_BiasSet ( LCD_Bias_TypeDef bias)
Configure the bias level on the LCD panel.
void LCD_VBoostSet ( LCD_VBoostLevel_TypeDef vboost)
Configure voltage booster.
void LCD_BiasSegmentSet (int segmentLine, int biasLevel)
Configure the bias level for a specific segment line for Direct Segment Control.
void LCD_BiasComSet (int comLine, int biasLevel)
Configure the bias level for a specific segment line.
void LCD_Enable (bool enable)
Enable or disable LCD controller.
void LCD_AnimEnable (bool enable)
Enables or disables LCD Animation feature.
void LCD_BlinkEnable (bool enable)
Enables or disables LCD blink.
void LCD_BlankEnable (bool enable)
Disables all segments, while keeping segment state.
void LCD_FrameCountEnable (bool enable)
Enables or disables LCD Frame counter.