LESENSE_PerCtrlDesc_TypeDef Struct Reference

LESENSE peripheral control descriptor structure.

#include <em_lesense.h>

Data Fields

LESENSE_ControlDACData_TypeDef dacCh0Data
Configure DAC channel 0 data control.
LESENSE_ControlDACConv_TypeDef dacCh0ConvMode
Configure how LESENSE controls conversion on DAC channel 0.
LESENSE_ControlDACOut_TypeDef dacCh0OutMode
Configure how LESENSE controls output on DAC channel 0.
LESENSE_ControlDACData_TypeDef dacCh1Data
Configure DAC channel 1 data control.
LESENSE_ControlDACConv_TypeDef dacCh1ConvMode
Configure how LESENSE controls conversion on DAC channel 1.
LESENSE_ControlDACOut_TypeDef dacCh1OutMode
Configure how LESENSE controls output on DAC channel 1.
uint8_t dacPresc
Configure the prescaling factor for the LESENSE - DAC interface.
LESENSE_DACRef_TypeDef dacRef
Configure the DAC reference to be used.
LESENSE_ControlACMP_TypeDef acmp0Mode
Configure how LESENSE controls ACMP 0.
LESENSE_ControlACMP_TypeDef acmp1Mode
Configure how LESENSE controls ACMP 1.
LESENSE_WarmupMode_TypeDef warmupMode
Configure how LESENSE controls ACMPs and DAC in idle mode.

LESENSE peripheral control descriptor structure.

Field Documentation


LESENSE_ControlDACData_TypeDef LESENSE_PerCtrlDesc_TypeDef::dacCh0Data

Configure DAC channel 0 data control.


LESENSE_ControlDACConv_TypeDef LESENSE_PerCtrlDesc_TypeDef::dacCh0ConvMode

Configure how LESENSE controls conversion on DAC channel 0.


LESENSE_ControlDACOut_TypeDef LESENSE_PerCtrlDesc_TypeDef::dacCh0OutMode

Configure how LESENSE controls output on DAC channel 0.


LESENSE_ControlDACData_TypeDef LESENSE_PerCtrlDesc_TypeDef::dacCh1Data

Configure DAC channel 1 data control.


LESENSE_ControlDACConv_TypeDef LESENSE_PerCtrlDesc_TypeDef::dacCh1ConvMode

Configure how LESENSE controls conversion on DAC channel 1.


LESENSE_ControlDACOut_TypeDef LESENSE_PerCtrlDesc_TypeDef::dacCh1OutMode

Configure how LESENSE controls output on DAC channel 1.


uint8_t LESENSE_PerCtrlDesc_TypeDef::dacPresc

Configure the prescaling factor for the LESENSE - DAC interface.

Valid range: 0-31 (5-bit).


LESENSE_DACRef_TypeDef LESENSE_PerCtrlDesc_TypeDef::dacRef

Configure the DAC reference to be used.

Set to lesenseDACRefVdd to use VDD and set to lesenseDACRefBandGap to use band gap as reference.