TIMER_Init_TypeDef Struct Reference

TIMER initialization structure.

#include <em_timer.h>

Data Fields

bool enable
Start counting when initialization completed.
bool debugRun
Counter shall keep running during debug halt.
TIMER_Prescale_TypeDef prescale
Prescaling factor, if HFPER / HFPERB clock used.
TIMER_ClkSel_TypeDef clkSel
Clock selection.
bool count2x
2x Count mode, counter increments/decrements by 2, meant for PWM mode.
bool ati
ATI (Always Track Inputs) makes CCPOL always track the polarity of the inputs.
TIMER_InputAction_TypeDef fallAction
Action on falling input edge.
TIMER_InputAction_TypeDef riseAction
Action on rising input edge.
TIMER_Mode_TypeDef mode
Counting mode.
bool dmaClrAct
DMA request clear on active.
bool quadModeX4
Select X2 or X4 quadrature decode mode (if used).
bool oneShot
Determines if only counting up or down once.
bool sync
Timer start/stop/reload by other timers.

TIMER initialization structure.

Field Documentation


bool TIMER_Init_TypeDef::enable

Start counting when initialization completed.


bool TIMER_Init_TypeDef::debugRun

Counter shall keep running during debug halt.


TIMER_Prescale_TypeDef TIMER_Init_TypeDef::prescale

Prescaling factor, if HFPER / HFPERB clock used.


TIMER_ClkSel_TypeDef TIMER_Init_TypeDef::clkSel

Clock selection.


bool TIMER_Init_TypeDef::count2x

2x Count mode, counter increments/decrements by 2, meant for PWM mode.


bool TIMER_Init_TypeDef::ati

ATI (Always Track Inputs) makes CCPOL always track the polarity of the inputs.


TIMER_InputAction_TypeDef TIMER_Init_TypeDef::fallAction

Action on falling input edge.


TIMER_InputAction_TypeDef TIMER_Init_TypeDef::riseAction

Action on rising input edge.


TIMER_Mode_TypeDef TIMER_Init_TypeDef::mode

Counting mode.


bool TIMER_Init_TypeDef::dmaClrAct

DMA request clear on active.