EUSART_IrDAInit_TypeDef Struct Reference

IrDA Initialization structure.

#include <em_eusart.h>

Data Fields

EUSART_UartInit_TypeDef init
General EUSART initialization structure.
bool irDALowFrequencyEnable
Enable the IrDA low frequency mode. Only RX operation are enabled.
EUSART_IrDARxFilterEnable_TypeDef irDARxFilterEnable
Set to enable filter on IrDA demodulator.
EUSART_IrDAPulseWidth_Typedef irDAPulseWidth
Configure the pulse width generated by the IrDA modulator as a fraction of the configured EUSART bit period.

IrDA Initialization structure.

Field Documentation


EUSART_UartInit_TypeDef EUSART_IrDAInit_TypeDef::init

General EUSART initialization structure.


bool EUSART_IrDAInit_TypeDef::irDALowFrequencyEnable

Enable the IrDA low frequency mode. Only RX operation are enabled.


EUSART_IrDARxFilterEnable_TypeDef EUSART_IrDAInit_TypeDef::irDARxFilterEnable

Set to enable filter on IrDA demodulator.


EUSART_IrDAPulseWidth_Typedef EUSART_IrDAInit_TypeDef::irDAPulseWidth

Configure the pulse width generated by the IrDA modulator as a fraction of the configured EUSART bit period.