ADC_Init_TypeDef Struct ReferenceEMLIB > ADC

ADC initialization structure, common for single conversion and scan sequence.

Definition at line 783 of file em_adc.h .

#include < em_adc.h >

Data Fields

ADC_LPFilter_TypeDef lpfMode
ADC_OvsRateSel_TypeDef ovsRateSel
uint8_t prescale
bool tailgate
uint8_t timebase
ADC_Warmup_TypeDef warmUpMode

Field Documentation

ADC_LPFilter_TypeDef ADC_Init_TypeDef::lpfMode

Lowpass or decoupling capacitor filter.

Definition at line 792 of file em_adc.h .

Referenced by ADC_Init() .

ADC_OvsRateSel_TypeDef ADC_Init_TypeDef::ovsRateSel

Oversampling rate select. To have any effect, oversampling must be enabled for single/scan mode.

Definition at line 788 of file em_adc.h .

Referenced by ADC_Init() , and TOUCH_Init() .

uint8_t ADC_Init_TypeDef::prescale

Clock division factor N, ADC clock = (HFPERCLK or HFPERCCLK) / (N + 1).

Definition at line 808 of file em_adc.h .

Referenced by ADC_Init() , adcInit() , MIC_init() , and TOUCH_Init() .

bool ADC_Init_TypeDef::tailgate

Enable/disable conversion tailgating.

Definition at line 811 of file em_adc.h .

Referenced by ADC_Init() .

uint8_t ADC_Init_TypeDef::timebase

Timebase for ADC warm up. Select N to give (N+1) HFPERCLK / HFPERCCLK cycles. (Additional delay is added for bandgap references. See the reference manual for more information.) Normally, N should be selected so that the timebase is at least 1 us. See ADC_TimebaseCalc() to obtain a suggested timebase of, at least, 1 us.

Definition at line 805 of file em_adc.h .

Referenced by ADC_Init() , adcInit() , and MIC_init() .

ADC_Warmup_TypeDef ADC_Init_TypeDef::warmUpMode

ADC Warm-up mode.

Definition at line 796 of file em_adc.h .

Referenced by ADC_Init() .

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • C:/repos/super_h1/platform/emlib/inc/ em_adc.h