Detailed information requested about the packet that was just, or is currently being, transmitted.
Public Attributes#
The timestamp of the transmitted packet in the RAIL timebase, filled in by RAIL_GetTxPacketDetails().
Indicate whether the transmitted packet was an automatic Ack.
Public Attribute Documentation#
RAIL_PacketTimeStamp_t RAIL_TxPacketDetails_t::timeSent
The timestamp of the transmitted packet in the RAIL timebase, filled in by RAIL_GetTxPacketDetails().
Definition at line
of file common/rail_types.h
bool RAIL_TxPacketDetails_t::isAck
Indicate whether the transmitted packet was an automatic Ack.
In a generic sense, an automatic Ack is defined as a packet sent in response to a received Ack-requesting frame when Auto-Ack is enabled. In a protocol specific sense this definition may be more or less restrictive to match the specification and you should refer to that protocol's documentation.
Definition at line
of file common/rail_types.h