UARTDRV_InitLeuart_t Struct ReferenceEMDRV > UARTDRV

LEUART driver instance initialization structure. Contains a number of UARTDRV configuration options. It is required to initialize a driver instance. This structure is passed to UARTDRV_InitLeuart() when initializing a UARTDRV instance.

Definition at line 225 of file uartdrv.h .

#include < uartdrv.h >

Data Fields

uint32_t baudRate
UART baud rate.
uint8_t ctsPin
CTS pin number.
GPIO_Port_TypeDef ctsPort
CTS pin port number.
UARTDRV_FlowControlType_t fcType
Flow control mode.
LEUART_Parity_TypeDef parity
Parity configuration.
LEUART_TypeDef * port
The peripheral used for LEUART.
uint8_t portLocation
Location number for LEUART pins.
uint8_t rtsPin
RTS pin number.
GPIO_Port_TypeDef rtsPort
RTS pin port number.
UARTDRV_Buffer_FifoQueue_t * rxQueue
Receive operation queue.
LEUART_Stopbits_TypeDef stopBits
Number of stop bits.
UARTDRV_Buffer_FifoQueue_t * txQueue
Transmit operation queue.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • C:/cygwin/home/caamunds/work/super/platform/emdrv/uartdrv/inc/ uartdrv.h