MainBootloaderTable_t Struct ReferenceApplication Interface > Common Application Interface


Address table for the Main Bootloader.

Definition at line 135 of file btl_interface.h .

#include < btl_interface.h >

Data Fields

BootloaderHeader_t header
Header of the Main Bootloader table.
uint32_t size
Size of the Main Bootloader.
BareBootTable_t * startOfAppSpace
Start address of the application.
uint32_t * endOfAppSpace
End address of the allocated application space.
uint32_t capabilities
Capabilities of the bootloader.
int32_t(* init )(void)
Initialize bootloader for use from application.
int32_t(* deinit )(void)
Deinitialize bootloader after use from application.
bool(* verifyApplication )(uint32_t startAddress)
Verify application.
int32_t(* initParser )( BootloaderParserContext_t *context, size_t contextSize)
Initialize parser.
int32_t(* parseBuffer )( BootloaderParserContext_t *context, const BootloaderParserCallbacks_t *callbacks, uint8_t data[], size_t numBytes)
Parse a buffer.
const BootloaderStorageFunctions_t * storage
Function table for storage component.
int32_t(* parseImageInfo )( BootloaderParserContext_t *context, uint8_t data[], size_t numBytes, ApplicationData_t *appInfo, uint32_t *bootloaderVersion)
Parse a buffer and get application and bootloader upgrade metadata from the buffer.
uint32_t(* parserContextSize )(void)
Size of context buffer used by bootloader image parser to store parser state.
uint32_t(* remainingApplicationUpgrades )(void)
Remaining number of application upgrades.
void(* getPeripheralList )(uint32_t *ppusatd0, uint32_t *ppusatd1)
Get the list of the peripheral that is used by the bootloader.
uint32_t(* getUpgradeLocation )(void)
Get base address of bootloader upgrade image.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • btl_interface.h