Detailed Description

Energy Management Unit (EMU) Peripheral API.

This module contains functions to control the EMU peripheral of Silicon Labs 32-bit MCUs and SoCs. The EMU handles the different low energy modes in Silicon Labs microcontrollers.

Data Structures

struct EMU_BUPDInit_TypeDef
struct EMU_EM23Init_TypeDef
struct EMU_EM4Init_TypeDef




enum EMU_BODMode_TypeDef {
emuBODMode_Active ,
enum EMU_EM4Osc_TypeDef {
enum EMU_EM4State_TypeDef {
emuEM4Shutoff = 0,
emuEM4Hibernate = 1
enum EMU_Power_TypeDef {
enum EMU_PowerConfig_TypeDef { emuPowerConfig_DcdcToDvdd }
enum EMU_Probe_TypeDef {
enum EMU_Resistor_TypeDef {


void EMU_BUEnableSet (bool enable)
void EMU_BUPDInit (const EMU_BUPDInit_TypeDef *bupdInit)
Configure Backup Power Domain settings.
__STATIC_INLINE void EMU_BUPinEnable (bool enable)
Disable BU_VIN support.
__STATIC_INLINE void EMU_BUReady (void)
Halts until backup power functionality is ready.
void EMU_BUStatEnSet (bool enable)
void EMU_BUThresholdSet ( EMU_BODMode_TypeDef mode, uint32_t value)
Configure the Backup Power Domain BOD Threshold value.
void EMU_BUThresRangeSet ( EMU_BODMode_TypeDef mode, uint32_t value)
Configure the Backup Power Domain BOD Threshold Range.
void EMU_EM23Init (const EMU_EM23Init_TypeDef *em23Init)
Update the EMU module with Energy Mode 2 and 3 configuration.
__STATIC_INLINE void EMU_EM2Block (void)
Block entering EM2 or higher number energy modes.
__STATIC_INLINE void EMU_EM2UnBlock (void)
Unblock entering EM2 or higher number energy modes.
void EMU_EM4Init (const EMU_EM4Init_TypeDef *em4Init)
Update the EMU module with Energy Mode 4 configuration.
__STATIC_INLINE void EMU_EM4Lock (bool enable)
Enable or disable EM4 lock configuration.
__STATIC_INLINE void EMU_EnterEM1 (void)
Enter energy mode 1 (EM1).
void EMU_EnterEM2 (bool restore)
Enter energy mode 2 (EM2).
void EMU_EnterEM3 (bool restore)
Enter energy mode 3 (EM3).
void EMU_EnterEM4 (void)
Enter energy mode 4 (EM4).
__STATIC_INLINE void EMU_IntClear (uint32_t flags)
Clear one or more pending EMU interrupts.
__STATIC_INLINE void EMU_IntDisable (uint32_t flags)
Disable one or more EMU interrupts.
__STATIC_INLINE void EMU_IntEnable (uint32_t flags)
Enable one or more EMU interrupts.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t EMU_IntGet (void)
Get pending EMU interrupt flags.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t EMU_IntGetEnabled (void)
Get enabled and pending EMU interrupt flags. Useful for handling more interrupt sources in the same interrupt handler.
__STATIC_INLINE void EMU_IntSet (uint32_t flags)
Set one or more pending EMU interrupts.
__STATIC_INLINE void EMU_Lock (void)
Lock EMU registers in order to protect them against unintended modification.
void EMU_MemPwrDown (uint32_t blocks)
Power down memory block.
void EMU_RamPowerDown (uint32_t start, uint32_t end)
Power down RAM memory blocks.
void EMU_RamPowerUp (void)
Power up all available RAM memory blocks.
void EMU_Restore (void)
Restore CMU HF clock select state, oscillator enable, and voltage scaling (if available) after EMU_EnterEM2() or EMU_EnterEM3() are called with the restore parameter set to false. Calling this function is equivalent to calling EMU_EnterEM2() or EMU_EnterEM3() with the restore parameter set to true, but it allows the application to evaluate the wakeup reason before restoring state.
void EMU_Save (void)
Save the CMU HF clock select state, oscillator enable, and voltage scaling (if available) before EMU_EnterEM2() or EMU_EnterEM3() are called with the restore parameter set to false. Calling this function is equivalent to calling EMU_EnterEM2() or EMU_EnterEM3() with the restore parameter set to true, but it allows the state to be saved without going to sleep. The state can be restored manually by calling EMU_Restore() .
__STATIC_INLINE void EMU_Unlock (void)
Unlock the EMU so that writing to locked registers again is possible.
void EMU_UpdateOscConfig (void)
Update EMU module with CMU oscillator selection/enable status.

Macro Definition Documentation

{ \
emuProbe_Disable, /* Do not enable voltage probe. */ \
false, /* Disable BOD calibration mode. */ \
false, /* Disable BU_STAT pin for backup mode indication. */ \
emuRes_Res0, /* RES0 series resistance between main and backup power. */ \
false, /* Do not enable strong switch. */ \
false, /* Do not enable medium switch. */ \
false, /* Do not enable weak switch. */ \
emuPower_None, /* No connection between main and backup power. (inactive mode) */ \
emuPower_None, /* No connection between main and backup power. (active mode) */ \
true /* Enable BUPD enter on BOD, enable BU_VIN pin, release BU reset. */ \

Default Backup Power Domain configuration.

Definition at line 618 of file em_emu.h .

{ \
false, /* Reduced voltage regulator drive strength in EM2/3.*/ \

Default initialization of EM2 and 3 configuration.

Definition at line 523 of file em_emu.h .

Referenced by BSP_initEmu() .

{ \
false, /* Do not lock configuration after it's been set. */ \
false, /* No reset will be asserted due to BOD in EM4. */ \
emuEM4Osc_ULFRCO, /* Use default ULFRCO oscillator. */ \
true, /* Wake up on EM4 BURTC interrupt. */ \
true, /* Enable VREG. */ \

Default initialization of EM4 configuration (Series 0).

Definition at line 555 of file em_emu.h .

Referenced by UTIL_shutdown() .

Enumeration Type Documentation

BOD threshold setting selector, active or inactive mode.


Configure BOD threshold for active mode.


Configure BOD threshold for inactive mode.

Definition at line 180 of file em_emu.h .

EM4 duty oscillator.


Select ULFRCO as duty oscillator in EM4.


Select LFXO as duty oscillator in EM4.


Select LFRCO as duty oscillator in EM4.

Definition at line 69 of file em_emu.h .

EM4 modes.


EM4 Shutoff.


EM4 Hibernate.

Definition at line 188 of file em_emu.h .

Backup Power Domain power connection.


No connection between main and backup power.


Main power and backup power connected through diode, allowing current from backup to main only.


Main power and backup power connected through diode, allowing current from main to backup only.


Main power and backup power connected without diode.

Definition at line 109 of file em_emu.h .

Power configurations. DCDC-to-DVDD is currently the only supported mode.


DCDC is connected to DVDD.

Definition at line 208 of file em_emu.h .

Backup Power Voltage Probe types.


Disable voltage probe.


Connect probe to VDD_DREG.


Connect probe to BU_IN.


Connect probe to BU_OUT.

Definition at line 81 of file em_emu.h .

Backup Power Domain resistor selection.


Main power and backup power connected with RES0 series resistance.


Main power and backup power connected with RES1 series resistance.


Main power and backup power connected with RES2 series resistance.


Main power and backup power connected with RES3 series resistance.

Definition at line 95 of file em_emu.h .

Function Documentation

__STATIC_INLINE void EMU_BUPinEnable ( bool enable )

Disable BU_VIN support.

[in] enable If true, enables BU_VIN input pin support, if false disables it.

Definition at line 1079 of file em_emu.h .

References _EMU_ROUTE_BUVINPEN_SHIFT , BUS_RegBitWrite() , and EMU .

Referenced by EMU_BUPDInit() .

void EMU_BUThresholdSet ( EMU_BODMode_TypeDef mode,
uint32_t value

Configure the Backup Power Domain BOD Threshold value.

These values are precalibrated.
[in] mode Active or Inactive mode
[in] value

Definition at line 1394 of file em_emu.c .


void EMU_BUThresRangeSet ( EMU_BODMode_TypeDef mode,
uint32_t value

Configure the Backup Power Domain BOD Threshold Range.

These values are precalibrated.
[in] mode Active or Inactive mode
[in] value

Definition at line 1419 of file em_emu.c .


void EMU_EM23Init ( const EMU_EM23Init_TypeDef * em23Init )

Update the EMU module with Energy Mode 2 and 3 configuration.

[in] em23Init Energy Mode 2 and 3 configuration structure.

Definition at line 1244 of file em_emu.c .

References CMU , EMU_EM23Init_TypeDef::em23VregFullEn , EMU , and EMU_CTRL_EMVREG .

Referenced by BSP_initEmu() .

__STATIC_INLINE void EMU_EM4Lock ( bool enable )

Enable or disable EM4 lock configuration.

[in] enable If true, locks down EM4 configuration.

Definition at line 1054 of file em_emu.h .

References _EMU_EM4CONF_LOCKCONF_SHIFT , BUS_RegBitWrite() , and EMU .

void EMU_EnterEM2 ( bool restore )

Enter energy mode 2 (EM2).

When entering EM2, high-frequency clocks are disabled, i.e., HFXO, HFRCO and AUXHFRCO (for AUXHFRCO, see exception note below). When re-entering EM0, HFRCO is re-enabled and the core will be clocked by the configured HFRCO band. This ensures a quick wakeup from EM2.

However, prior to entering EM2, the core may have been using another oscillator than HFRCO. The restore parameter gives the user the option to restore all HF oscillators according to state prior to entering EM2, as well as the clock used to clock the core. This restore procedure is handled by SW. However, since handled by SW, it will not be restored before completing the interrupt function(s) waking up the core!

If restoring core clock to use the HFXO oscillator, which has been disabled during EM2 mode, this function will stall until the oscillator has stabilized. Stalling time can be reduced by adding interrupt support detecting stable oscillator, and an asynchronous switch to the original oscillator. See CMU documentation. Such a feature is however outside the scope of the implementation in this function.
If ERRATA_FIX_EMU_E110_ENABLE is active, the core's SLEEPONEXIT feature can not be used.
If HFXO is re-enabled by this function, and NOT used to clock the core, this function will not wait for HFXO to stabilize. This must be considered by the application if trying to use features relying on that oscillator upon return.
If a debugger is attached, the AUXHFRCO will not be disabled if enabled upon entering EM2. It will thus remain enabled when returning to EM0 regardless of the restore parameter.
If HFXO autostart and select is enabled by using CMU_HFXOAutostartEnable(), the starting and selecting of the core clocks will be identical to the user independently of the value of the restore parameter when waking up on the wakeup sources corresponding to the autostart and select setting.
If voltage scaling is supported, the restore parameter is true and the EM0 voltage scaling level is set higher than the EM2 level, then the EM0 level is also restored.

Note that the hardware will automatically update the HFRCO frequency in the case where voltage scaling is used in EM2/EM3 and not in EM0/EM1. When the restore argument to this function is true then software will restore the original HFRCO frequency after EM2/EM3 wake up. If the restore argument is false then the HFRCO frequency is 19 MHz when coming out of EM2/EM3 and all wait states are at a safe value.

[in] restore
  • true - save and restore oscillators, clocks and voltage scaling, see function details.
  • false - do not save and restore oscillators and clocks, see function details.
The restore option should only be used if all clock control is done via the CMU API.

Definition at line 564 of file em_emu.c .

References CORE_CRITICAL_SECTION , and SystemCoreClockUpdate() .

Referenced by CAPLESENSE_Sleep() , UTIL_sleep() , and UTIL_waitForEvent() .

void EMU_EnterEM3 ( bool restore )

Enter energy mode 3 (EM3).

When entering EM3, the high-frequency clocks are disabled by hardware, i.e., HFXO, HFRCO, and AUXHFRCO (for AUXHFRCO, see exception note below). In addition, the low-frequency clocks, i.e., LFXO and LFRCO are disabled by software. When re-entering EM0, HFRCO is re-enabled and the core will be clocked by the configured HFRCO band. This ensures a quick wakeup from EM3.

However, prior to entering EM3, the core may have been using an oscillator other than HFRCO. The restore parameter gives the user the option to restore all HF/LF oscillators according to state prior to entering EM3, as well as the clock used to clock the core. This restore procedure is handled by software. However, since it is handled by software, it will not be restored before completing the interrupt function(s) waking up the core!

If restoring core clock to use an oscillator other than HFRCO, this function will stall until the oscillator has stabilized. Stalling time can be reduced by adding interrupt support detecting stable oscillator, and an asynchronous switch to the original oscillator. See CMU documentation. This feature is, however, outside the scope of the implementation in this function.
If ERRATA_FIX_EMU_E110_ENABLE is active, the core's SLEEPONEXIT feature can't be used.
If HFXO/LFXO/LFRCO are re-enabled by this function, and NOT used to clock the core, this function will not wait for those oscillators to stabilize. This must be considered by the application if trying to use features relying on those oscillators upon return.
If a debugger is attached, the AUXHFRCO will not be disabled if enabled upon entering EM3. It will, therefore, remain enabled when returning to EM0 regardless of the restore parameter.
If voltage scaling is supported, the restore parameter is true and the EM0 voltage scaling level is set higher than the EM3 level, then the EM0 level is also restored.
[in] restore
  • true - save and restore oscillators, clocks and voltage scaling, see function details.
  • false - do not save and restore oscillators and clocks, see function details.
The restore option should only be used if all clock control is done via the CMU API.

Definition at line 689 of file em_emu.c .


void EMU_EnterEM4 ( void )

Enter energy mode 4 (EM4).

Only a power on reset or external reset pin can wake the device from EM4.

Definition at line 819 of file em_emu.c .


Referenced by UTIL_shutdown() .

__STATIC_INLINE void EMU_IntClear ( uint32_t flags )

Clear one or more pending EMU interrupts.

[in] flags Pending EMU interrupt sources to clear. Use one or more valid interrupt flags for the EMU module (EMU_IFC_nnn).

Definition at line 943 of file em_emu.h .

References EMU .

Referenced by disableInterrupts() , and TEMPDRV_IRQHandler() .

__STATIC_INLINE void EMU_IntDisable ( uint32_t flags )

Disable one or more EMU interrupts.

[in] flags EMU interrupt sources to disable. Use one or more valid interrupt flags for the EMU module (EMU_IEN_nnn).

Definition at line 960 of file em_emu.h .

References EMU .

Referenced by disableInterrupts() , and updateInterrupts() .

__STATIC_INLINE void EMU_IntEnable ( uint32_t flags )

Enable one or more EMU interrupts.

Depending on the use, a pending interrupt may already be set prior to enabling the interrupt. To ignore a pending interrupt, consider using EMU_IntClear() prior to enabling the interrupt.
[in] flags EMU interrupt sources to enable. Use one or more valid interrupt flags for the EMU module (EMU_IEN_nnn).

Definition at line 982 of file em_emu.h .

References EMU .

Referenced by updateInterrupts() .

__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t EMU_IntGet ( void )

Get pending EMU interrupt flags.

Event bits are not cleared by the use of this function.
EMU interrupt sources pending. Returns one or more valid interrupt flags for the EMU module (EMU_IF_nnn).

Definition at line 1002 of file em_emu.h .

References EMU .

__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t EMU_IntGetEnabled ( void )

Get enabled and pending EMU interrupt flags. Useful for handling more interrupt sources in the same interrupt handler.

Interrupt flags are not cleared by the use of this function.
Pending and enabled EMU interrupt sources Return value is the bitwise AND of
  • the enabled interrupt sources in EMU_IEN and
  • the pending interrupt flags EMU_IF.

Definition at line 1021 of file em_emu.h .

References EMU .

Referenced by TEMPDRV_IRQHandler() .

__STATIC_INLINE void EMU_IntSet ( uint32_t flags )

Set one or more pending EMU interrupts.

[in] flags EMU interrupt sources to set to pending. Use one or more valid interrupt flags for the EMU module (EMU_IFS_nnn).

Definition at line 1037 of file em_emu.h .

References EMU .

__STATIC_INLINE void EMU_Lock ( void )

Lock EMU registers in order to protect them against unintended modification.

If locking EMU registers, they must be unlocked prior to using any EMU API functions modifying EMU registers, excluding interrupt control and regulator control if the architecture has a EMU_PWRCTRL register. An exception to this is the energy mode entering API (EMU_EnterEMn()), which can be used when the EMU registers are locked.

Definition at line 1097 of file em_emu.h .

References EMU .

Referenced by RMU_ResetCauseClear() .

void EMU_MemPwrDown ( uint32_t blocks )

Power down memory block.

[in] blocks Specifies a logical OR of bits indicating memory blocks to power down. Bit 0 selects block 1, bit 1 selects block 2, and so on. Memory block 0 cannot be disabled. See the reference manual for available memory blocks for a device.
Only a POR reset can power up the specified memory block(s) after power down.
This function is deprecated, use EMU_RamPowerDown() instead which maps a user provided memory range into RAM blocks to power down.

Definition at line 961 of file em_emu.c .

References EMU .

void EMU_RamPowerDown ( uint32_t start,
uint32_t end

Power down RAM memory blocks.

This function will power down all the RAM blocks that are within a given range. The RAM block layout is different between device families, so this function can be used in a generic way to power down a RAM memory region which is known to be unused.

This function will only power down blocks which are completely enclosed by the memory range given by [start, end).

This is an example to power down all RAM blocks except the first one. The first RAM block is special in that it cannot be powered down by the hardware. The size of the first RAM block is device-specific. See the reference manual to find the RAM block sizes.

Only a reset can power up the specified memory block(s) after power down on a series 0 device.
[in] start The start address of the RAM region to power down. This address is inclusive.
[in] end The end address of the RAM region to power down. This address is exclusive. If this parameter is 0, all RAM blocks contained in the region from start to the upper RAM address will be powered down.

Definition at line 1007 of file em_emu.c .


void EMU_RamPowerUp ( void )

Power up all available RAM memory blocks.

This function will power up all the RAM blocks on a device, this means that the RAM blocks are retained in EM2/EM3. Note that this functionality is not supported on Series 0 devices. Only a reset will power up the RAM blocks on a series 0 device.

Definition at line 1081 of file em_emu.c .

References EMU .

void EMU_UpdateOscConfig ( void )

Update EMU module with CMU oscillator selection/enable status.

Oscillator status is saved in EMU_EnterEM2() and EMU_EnterEM3() .

Definition at line 1125 of file em_emu.c .