Address Table#

API and Callbacks for the Address Table Component.

This component supports managing the address table. On the SoC, all actions are directly performed on the stack address table. The host maintains a copy of the address table and ensures that it is always in sync with the NCP's address table. When building the Host, make sure that the NCP can support the address table size in the component configuration. The optimal size varies based on the platform architecture and size of other dynamically-allocated data for this application. If errors occur upon reseting the NCP, the NCP may not have enough room to store a large address table size. If this is not the case, the NCP may not be able to dynamically increase the address table size based on the host's request. To work around this issue, statically allocate the desired address table size on the Zigbee Pro Stack\Pro Leaf Stack components on the NCP.


sl_zigbee_af_address_table_remove_entry(sl_802154_long_addr_t entry)

Remove an entry from the address table.


Add a new entry to the address table.

sl_zigbee_af_address_table_lookup_by_index(uint8_t index, sl_802154_long_addr_t entry)

Copy the entry stored at the passed index to the passed variable and return SL_STATUS_OK if the passed index is valid.


Copy the entry stored at the passed index to the passed variable and return SL_STATUS_OK if the passed index is valid.

sl_zigbee_af_send_unicast_to_eui64(sl_802154_long_addr_t destination, sl_zigbee_aps_frame_t *apsFrame, uint16_t messageLength, uint8_t *message)

Allow sending a unicast message specifying the EUI64 of the destination node.

sl_zigbee_af_send_command_unicast_to_eui64(sl_802154_long_addr_t destination)

Send the command prepared with sl_zigbee_af_fill.... macro.

sl_zigbee_af_get_current_sender_eui64(sl_802154_long_addr_t address)

Copy the sender EUI64, if available, to the address parameter and return SL_STATUS_OK. Otherwise, return SL_STATUS_INVALID_STATE.


Add a new entry to the address table.


Remove an entry from the address table by index.


Search for an EUI64 in the address table.

API Documentation#


sl_status_t sl_zigbee_af_address_table_remove_entry (sl_802154_long_addr_t entry)

Remove an entry from the address table.


If the entry exists, the entry is cleared and the SL_STATUS_OK status is returned. Otherwise, the status SL_STATUS_INVALID_STATE is returned.

Definition at line 70 of file app/framework/plugin/address-table/address-table.h


uint8_t sl_zigbee_af_lookup_address_table_entry_by_eui64 (sl_802154_long_addr_t longId)

Add a new entry to the address table.


If the entry already exists, no new entry is created and the index of the entry already in the table is returned. If a free entry is found, the entry is added to the table and the corresponding index is returned. If no free entry is available in the address table, the value SL_ZIGBEE_NULL_ADDRESS_TABLE_INDEX is returned.

Definition at line 91 of file app/framework/plugin/address-table/address-table.h


sl_status_t sl_zigbee_af_address_table_lookup_by_index (uint8_t index, sl_802154_long_addr_t entry)

Copy the entry stored at the passed index to the passed variable and return SL_STATUS_OK if the passed index is valid.


Otherwise, the status SL_STATUS_INVALID_STATE is returned.

Definition at line 101 of file app/framework/plugin/address-table/address-table.h


sl_802154_short_addr_t sl_zigbee_af_address_table_lookup_node_id_by_index (uint8_t index)

Copy the entry stored at the passed index to the passed variable and return SL_STATUS_OK if the passed index is valid.


Otherwise, the status SL_STATUS_INVALID_STATE is returned.

Definition at line 112 of file app/framework/plugin/address-table/address-table.h


sl_status_t sl_zigbee_af_send_unicast_to_eui64 (sl_802154_long_addr_t destination, sl_zigbee_aps_frame_t * apsFrame, uint16_t messageLength, uint8_t * message)

Allow sending a unicast message specifying the EUI64 of the destination node.


Note: the specified EUI64 must be present in the address table. Otherwise, the status SL_STATUS_INVALID_STATE is returned.

Definition at line 121 of file app/framework/plugin/address-table/address-table.h


sl_status_t sl_zigbee_af_send_command_unicast_to_eui64 (sl_802154_long_addr_t destination)

Send the command prepared with sl_zigbee_af_fill.... macro.


This function sends a command that was previously prepared using the sl_zigbee_af_fill... macros from the client command API. It will be sent as unicast to the node that corresponds in the address table to the passed EUI64.

Definition at line 134 of file app/framework/plugin/address-table/address-table.h


sl_status_t sl_zigbee_af_get_current_sender_eui64 (sl_802154_long_addr_t address)

Copy the sender EUI64, if available, to the address parameter and return SL_STATUS_OK. Otherwise, return SL_STATUS_INVALID_STATE.


Definition at line 140 of file app/framework/plugin/address-table/address-table.h


#define sl_zigbee_af_address_table_add_entry

Add a new entry to the address table.

If the entry already exists, no new entry is created and the index of the entry already in the table is returned. If a free entry is found, the entry is added to the table and the corresponding index is returned. If no free entry is available in the address table, the value SL_ZIGBEE_NULL_ADDRESS_TABLE_INDEX is returned.

Definition at line 60 of file app/framework/plugin/address-table/address-table.h


#define sl_zigbee_af_address_table_remove_entry_by_index

Remove an entry from the address table by index.

If the index is valid, the entry is cleared and the SL_STATUS_OK status is returned. Otherwise, the status SL_STATUS_INVALID_STATE is returned.

Definition at line 79 of file app/framework/plugin/address-table/address-table.h


#define sl_zigbee_af_address_table_lookup_by_eui64

Search for an EUI64 in the address table.

If an entry with a matching EUI64 is found, the function returns the corresponding index. Otherwise, the value SL_ZIGBEE_NULL_ADDRESS_TABLE_INDEX is returned.

Definition at line 89 of file app/framework/plugin/address-table/address-table.h