ZLL Scenes Server#

API and Callbacks for the ZLL Scenes Cluster Server Component.

Silicon Labs implementation of the original Zigbee Light Link profile enhancements to the Scenes server cluster. The component is only intended to help with debugging, as the implemented callbacks simply parse requests from the Identify client and blink LEDs. Before production, this component should be replaced with code that acts on the requests in an appropriate way. Note that the extensions do not now require Touchlink commissioning to be used, and that the commands may now be required by other device types, such as Lighting and Occupancy.

API Documentation#


sl_zigbee_af_status_t sl_zigbee_af_zll_scenes_server_recall_scene_zll_extensions (uint8_t endpoint)

Definition at line 44 of file app/framework/plugin/zll-scenes-server/zll-scenes-server.h