EUSART_SpiInit_TypeDef Struct Reference

SPI Initialization structure.

#include <em_eusart.h>

Data Fields

EUSART_Enable_TypeDef enable
Specifies whether TX and/or RX will be enabled when initialization completes.
uint32_t refFreq
EUSART reference clock assumed when configuring baud rate setup.
uint32_t bitRate
Desired bit rate in Hz.
EUSART_Databits_TypeDef databits
Number of data bits in frame.
bool master
Select to operate in master or slave mode.
EUSART_ClockMode_TypeDef clockMode
Clock polarity/phase mode.
EUSART_LoopbackEnable_TypeDef loopbackEnable
Enable Loop Back configuration.
EUSART_SpiAdvancedInit_TypeDef * advancedSettings
Advanced initialization structure pointer. It can be NULL.

SPI Initialization structure.

Field Documentation


EUSART_Enable_TypeDef EUSART_SpiInit_TypeDef::enable

Specifies whether TX and/or RX will be enabled when initialization completes.


uint32_t EUSART_SpiInit_TypeDef::refFreq

EUSART reference clock assumed when configuring baud rate setup.

Set to 0 if using currently configured reference clock.


uint32_t EUSART_SpiInit_TypeDef::bitRate

Desired bit rate in Hz.

Depending on EUSART instance clock, not all bitrates are achievable as the divider is limited to 255.


EUSART_Databits_TypeDef EUSART_SpiInit_TypeDef::databits

Number of data bits in frame.


bool EUSART_SpiInit_TypeDef::master

Select to operate in master or slave mode.


EUSART_ClockMode_TypeDef EUSART_SpiInit_TypeDef::clockMode

Clock polarity/phase mode.


EUSART_LoopbackEnable_TypeDef EUSART_SpiInit_TypeDef::loopbackEnable

Enable Loop Back configuration.


EUSART_SpiAdvancedInit_TypeDef * EUSART_SpiInit_TypeDef::advancedSettings

Advanced initialization structure pointer. It can be NULL.