TIMER_InitCC_TypeDef Struct ReferenceEMLIB > TIMER

TIMER compare/capture initialization structure.

Definition at line 357 of file em_timer.h .

#include < em_timer.h >

Data Fields

TIMER_OutputAction_TypeDef cmoa
TIMER_OutputAction_TypeDef cofoa
bool coist
TIMER_OutputAction_TypeDef cufoa
TIMER_Edge_TypeDef edge
TIMER_Event_TypeDef eventCtrl
bool filter
TIMER_CCMode_TypeDef mode
bool outInvert
bool prsInput
TIMER_PrsOutput_t prsOutput

Field Documentation

TIMER_OutputAction_TypeDef TIMER_InitCC_TypeDef::cmoa

Counter match output action.

Definition at line 377 of file em_timer.h .

Referenced by TIMER_InitCC() .

TIMER_OutputAction_TypeDef TIMER_InitCC_TypeDef::cofoa

Counter overflow output action.

Definition at line 374 of file em_timer.h .

Referenced by TIMER_InitCC() .

bool TIMER_InitCC_TypeDef::coist

Compare output initial state. Only used in Output Compare and PWM mode. When true, the compare/PWM output is set high when the counter is disabled. When counting resumes, this value will represent the initial value for the compare/PWM output. If the bit is cleared, the output will be cleared when the counter is disabled.

Definition at line 395 of file em_timer.h .

Referenced by TIMER_InitCC() .

TIMER_OutputAction_TypeDef TIMER_InitCC_TypeDef::cufoa

Counter underflow output action.

Definition at line 371 of file em_timer.h .

Referenced by TIMER_InitCC() .

TIMER_Edge_TypeDef TIMER_InitCC_TypeDef::edge

Input capture edge select.

Definition at line 362 of file em_timer.h .

Referenced by TIMER_InitCC() .

TIMER_Event_TypeDef TIMER_InitCC_TypeDef::eventCtrl

Input capture event control.

Definition at line 359 of file em_timer.h .

Referenced by TIMER_InitCC() .

bool TIMER_InitCC_TypeDef::filter

Enable digital filter.

Definition at line 383 of file em_timer.h .

Referenced by TIMER_InitCC() .

TIMER_CCMode_TypeDef TIMER_InitCC_TypeDef::mode

Compare/capture channel mode.

Definition at line 380 of file em_timer.h .

Referenced by BOARD_init() , TIMER_InitCC() , and USTIMER_Init() .

bool TIMER_InitCC_TypeDef::outInvert

Invert output from compare/capture channel.

Definition at line 398 of file em_timer.h .

Referenced by TIMER_InitCC() .

bool TIMER_InitCC_TypeDef::prsInput

Select TIMERnCCx (false) or PRS input (true).

Definition at line 386 of file em_timer.h .

Referenced by TIMER_InitCC() .

TIMER_PrsOutput_t TIMER_InitCC_TypeDef::prsOutput

PRS output configuration. PRS output from a timer can either be a pulse output or a level output that follows the CC out value.

Definition at line 404 of file em_timer.h .

Referenced by TIMER_InitCC() .

TIMER_PRSSEL_TypeDef TIMER_InitCC_TypeDef::prsSel

Peripheral reflex system trigger selection. Only applicable if prsInput is enabled.

Definition at line 368 of file em_timer.h .

Referenced by TIMER_InitCC() .

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • C:/repos/super_h1/platform/emlib/inc/ em_timer.h