Plugin Commands: Barrier Control Server Cluster


plugin barrier-control-server close [endpoint:1]
plugin barrier-control-server failed-communication [endpoint:1] [setOrClear:1]
plugin barrier-control-server open [endpoint:1]
plugin barrier-control-server remote-lockout [endpoint:1] [setOrClear:1]
plugin barrier-control-server status [endpoint:1]
plugin barrier-control-server tamper-detected [endpoint:1] [setOrClear:1]

Detailed Description

Commands pertaining to the Silicon Labs Barrier Control server cluster.

Macro Definition Documentation


plugin barrier-control-server close [endpoint:1]

  • Notify the plugin that the barrier has been closed manually.
    • endpoint - INT8U - The endpoint on which the barrier has been closed

plugin barrier-control-server failed-communication [endpoint:1] [setOrClear:1]

  • Simulate or clear a failed communication event on the barrier (i.e., set or clear the FailedCommunication bit in the SafetyStatus attribute).b
    • endpoint - INT8U - The endpoint on which to simulate this failed communication event
    • setOrClear - INT8U - Whether to set (1) or clear (0) the failed communication state

plugin barrier-control-server open [endpoint:1]

  • Notify the plugin that the barrier has been opened manually.
    • endpoint - INT8U - The endpoint on which the barrier has been opened

plugin barrier-control-server remote-lockout [endpoint:1] [setOrClear:1]

  • Simulate or clear a remote lockout event on the barrier (i.e., set or clear the RemoteLockout bit in the SafetyStatus attribute).
    • endpoint - INT8U - The endpoint on which to simulate this remote lockout event
    • setOrClear - INT8U - Whether to set (1) or clear (0) the remove lockout state

plugin barrier-control-server status [endpoint:1]

  • Prints out the status of the Barrier Control server cluster implementation.
    • endpoint - INT8U - The endpoint from which to receive status

plugin barrier-control-server tamper-detected [endpoint:1] [setOrClear:1]

  • Simulate or clear a tamper detected event on the barrier (i.e., set or clear the TamperDetected bit in the SafetyStatus attribute).
    • endpoint - INT8U - The endpoint on which to simulate this tamper detected event
    • setOrClear - INT8U - Whether to set (1) or clear (0) the tamper detected state