Detailed Description
The Security command set includes all of the commands related to security configuration on the device.
Macro Definition Documentation
Commands used for security.
security mfg-token get security mfg-token set <Magic number> <EmberKeySettings value>
- Magic number - uint32_t. The 4-byte magic number EMBER_MFG_SECURITY_CONFIG_MAGIC_NUMBER to prevent accidental execution.
- EmberKeySettings value - uint16_t. The 2-byte value for EmberKeySettings indicating key permissions.
changekey link [key:-1]
Change the link key to the one provided in the 16 byte array argument for this command.
- key - OCTET_STRING - The link key provided as a 16 byte array
changekey network [key:-1]
Change the network key to the 16 byte array provided as an argument to this command.
- key - OCTET_STRING - The network key provided as a 16 byte array
keys clear
- Clear all security keys
keys delete [index:1]
Delete a security key from a given index
- index - INT8U - index into the security key table
keys print
- Print all security keys out to the command line.
option install-code [keyTableIndex:1] [ieeeAddress:8] [installCode:-1]
Derives a link key from an install code and sets it in the link key table.
- keyTableIndex - INT8U - index into the link key table
- ieeeAddress - IEEE_ADDRESS - IEEE address to enter into the link key table
- installCode - OCTET_STRING - install code including two-byte, little-endian CRC
option link [keyTableIndex:1] [ieeeAddress:8] [linkKey:-1]
Sets a link key in the link key table. Example: option link 0x00 { 06 00 ab 41 64 30 00 0a } {aa bb cc dd ee ff aa bb cc dd ee ff aa bb cc dd}
- keyTableIndex - INT8U - index into the link key table
- ieeeAddress - IEEE_ADDRESS - IEEE address to enter into the link key table
- linkKey - OCTET_STRING - link key to enter into the table
option register
- Initiates Smart Energy Registration including Key Establishment. This command expects that the device has already joined a smart energy network.
option security aps off
- Turns aps security off
option security aps on
- Turns aps security on
option security set-allow-trust-center-rejoin-using-well-known-key [allowTrustCenterRejoinUsingWellKnownKey:1]
Set whether or not a Trust Center application will allow trust center rejoins for devices using the well-known key.
- allowTrustCenterRejoinUsingWellKnownKey - BOOLEAN - Whether or not the Trust Center should allow trust center rejoins for devices using the well-known key.
option security set-allow-trust-center-rejoin-using-well-known-key-timeout [trustCenterRejoinUsingWellKnownKeyTimeout:2]
Sets the number of seconds to allow trust center rejoins for devices using the well-known key. A value of 0 means the policy should not be changed after a timeout. This must be called prior to forming or joining a network.
- trustCenterRejoinUsingWellKnownKeyTimeout - INT16U - The number of seconds that trust center rejoins will be responded to using the well-known link key.
security mfg-token get
security mfg-token set [magicNumber:4] [value:2]
- magicNumber - INT32U
- value - INT16U