
plugin ias-zone-server changeStatus [newStatus:2] [timeSinceOccurredSeconds:1] [endpoint:1]
plugin ias-zone-server info [endpoint:1]

Detailed Description

This plugin provides a set of CLI commands for managing the local IAS Zone server.

Macro Definition Documentation


plugin ias-zone-server changeStatus [newStatus:2] [timeSinceOccurredSeconds:1] [endpoint:1]

  • Update the zone status attribute of a given endpoint's IAS Zone cluster to the given value
    • newStatus - INT16U - The new status to be written
    • timeSinceOccurredSeconds - INT8U - The amount time that has passed since the last update occurred (seconds)
    • endpoint - INT8U - The endpoint whose zone status attribute is to be updated

plugin ias-zone-server info [endpoint:1]

  • Print current value of the following cluster attributes: zone type, zone state, zone status, zone id
    • endpoint - INT8U - The endpoint whose IAS Zone Cluster information is to be printed