EmberZNet API for finding, forming, joining, and leaving Zigbee networks.


typedef bool(* EmberNetworkFoundCallback ) ( EmberZigbeeNetwork *network, uint8_t rssi, int8_t lqi, uint16_t senderNodeId, uint8_t parentPriority)
Function callback that is used to handle the reception of a beacon.
typedef bool(* EmberScanCompleteCallback ) (uint8_t channel, EmberStatus status)
Function callback that is used to handle the conclusion of an active or energy scan.


EmberStatus emberInit (void)
Initializes the radio and the EmberZNet stack.
void emberTick (void)
A periodic tick routine that should be called:
EmberStatus emberNetworkInit ( EmberNetworkInitStruct *networkInitStruct)
Resumes network operation after a reboot.
EmberStatus emberFormNetwork ( EmberNetworkParameters *parameters)
Forms a new network by becoming the coordinator.
EmberStatus emberPermitJoining (uint8_t duration)
Tells the stack to allow other nodes to join the network with this node as their parent. Joining is initially disabled by default. This function may only be called after the node is part of a network and the stack is up.
EmberStatus emberJoinNetwork ( EmberNodeType nodeType, EmberNetworkParameters *parameters)
Causes the stack to associate with the network using the specified network parameters. It can take several seconds for the stack to associate with the local network. Do not send messages until a call to the emberStackStatusHandler() callback informs you that the stack is up.
EmberStatus emberLeaveNetwork (void)
Causes the stack to leave the current network. This generates a call to the emberStackStatusHandler() callback to indicate that the network is down. The radio will not be used until after a later call to emberFormNetwork() or emberJoinNetwork() .
EmberStatus emberSendZigbeeLeave ( EmberNodeId destination, EmberLeaveRequestFlags flags)
Sends a Zigbee NWK leave command to the specified destination.
EmberStatus emberFindAndRejoinNetworkWithReason (bool haveCurrentNetworkKey, uint32_t channelMask, EmberRejoinReason reason)
The application may call this function when contact with the network has been lost. The most common use case is when an end device can no longer communicate with its parent and wishes to find a new one. Another case is when a device has missed a Network Key update and no longer has the current Network Key.
EmberStatus emberFindAndRejoinNetwork (bool haveCurrentNetworkKey, uint32_t channelMask)
This call is the same emberFindAndRejoinNetworkWithReason() . However, the reason is assumed to be ::EMBER_REJOIN_REASON_APP_EVENT_1.
EmberStatus emberFindAndRejoinNetworkWithNodeType (bool haveCurrentNetworkKey, uint32_t channelMask, EmberNodeType nodeType)
This call attempts to rejoin the network with a different device type.
EmberRejoinReason emberGetLastRejoinReason (void)
Returns the enumeration for why a previous rejoin.
EmberStatus emberRejoinNetwork (bool haveCurrentNetworkKey)
A convenience function which calls emberFindAndRejoinNetwork() with a channel mask value for scanning only the current channel. Included for back-compatibility.
EmberStatus emberStartScan ( EmberNetworkScanType scanType, uint32_t channelMask, uint8_t duration)
This function will start a scan. EMBER_SUCCESS signals that the scan successfully started. Note that although a scan can be initiated while the node is currently joined to a network, the node will generally be unable to communicate with its PAN during the scan period. Take care when performing scans of any significant duration while presently joined to an existing PAN.
EmberStatus emberSurveyBeacons (bool useStandardBeacons, EmberNetworkFoundCallback networkFoundCallback, EmberScanCompleteCallback scanCompleteCallback)
Kicks off a procedure to scan for beacons, filter results, and provide a response zcl frame including the best eligible parents. This procedure uses the emberStartScan() API.
EmberStatus emberFindUnusedPanId (uint32_t channelMask, uint8_t duration)
Kicks off a procedure to find an unused panId on a low-activity channel that is included in the passed-in channel mask. This procedure uses the emberStartScan() API.
EmberStatus emberStopScan (void)
Terminates a scan in progress.
bool emberIsRadioOffScanActivated (void)
Checks if radio_off scan mode is activated and radio has shut down as a result.
void emberScanCompleteHandler (uint8_t channel, EmberStatus status)
Indicates the status of the current scan. When the scan has completed, the stack will call this function with status set to EMBER_SUCCESS . Prior to the scan completing, the stack may call this function with other status values. Non-EMBER_SUCCESS status values indicate that the scan failed to start successfully on the channel indicated by the channel parameter. The current scan is ongoing until the stack calls this function with status set to EMBER_SUCCESS .
void emberEnergyScanResultHandler (uint8_t channel, int8_t maxRssiValue)
Reports the maximum RSSI value measured on the channel.
void emberNetworkFoundHandler ( EmberZigbeeNetwork *networkFound)
Reports that a network was found and gives the network parameters used for deciding which network to join.
void emberUnusedPanIdFoundHandler ( EmberPanId panId, uint8_t channel)
This function returns an unused panID and channel pair found via the find unused panId scan procedure.
bool emberStackIsPerformingRejoin (void)
Indicates whether the stack is in the process of performing a rejoin.
EmberLeaveReason emberGetLastLeaveReason ( EmberNodeId *returnNodeIdThatSentLeave)
Indicates the reason why the device left the network (if any). This also will return the device that sent the leave message, if the leave was due to an over-the-air message.
bool emberGetPermitJoining (void)
Indicates the state of the permit joining in the MAC.
EmberStatus emberSetNwkUpdateId (uint8_t nwkUpdateId)
Sets the Network Update ID to the desired value. The Network Update ID value cannot be manually changed after a network is joined, so this function must be called before calling emberFormNetwork.
EmberStatus emberSetBeaconJitterDuration (uint8_t beaconJitterDuration)
Sets the duration of a beacon jitter, in the units used by the 15.4 scan parameter (((1 << duration) + 1) * 15 ms), when responding to a beacon request.
void emberSetTcRejoinsUsingWellKnownKeyAllowed (bool allow)
This function sets the policy decision for Trust Center (insecure) rejoins for devices using the well-known link key. If rejoining using the well-known key is allowed, it is disabled again after emAllowTcRejoinsUsingWellKnownKeyTimeoutSec seconds.
bool emberTcRejoinsUsingWellKnownKeyAllowed (void)
This function gets the policy decision for Trust Center (insecure) rejoins for devices using the well-known link key.
void emberRescheduleLinkStatusMsg (void)
void emberSetMinRSSI (int8_t minRSSI)
Configures the minimum RSSI for receiving packets.
void emberSetParentClassificationEnabled (bool enabled)
Enables/diables the parent classification algorithm on the stack side. Parent classification considers whether a received beacon indicates trust center connectivity and long uptime on the network. This is left here for backward compatibility. We can achieve the same with emberSetBeaconClassificationParams.
bool emberGetParentClassificationEnabled (void)
Gets the enable state the parent classification algorithm. This is left here for backward compatibility. We can achieve the same with emberGetBeaconClassificationParams.
void emberSetPendingNetworkUpdatePanId (uint16_t panId)
Sets the short PAN ID the device will accept in a NLME Network Update command.

Detailed Description

EmberZNet API for finding, forming, joining, and leaving Zigbee networks.

See network-formation.h for source code.

Typedef Documentation

typedef bool(* EmberNetworkFoundCallback) ( EmberZigbeeNetwork *network, uint8_t rssi, int8_t lqi, uint16_t senderNodeId, uint8_t parentPriority)

Function callback that is used to handle the reception of a beacon.

NOTE: SoC only

typedef bool(* EmberScanCompleteCallback) (uint8_t channel, EmberStatus status)

Function callback that is used to handle the conclusion of an active or energy scan.

NOTE: SoC only

Function Documentation

void emberEnergyScanResultHandler ( uint8_t channel,
int8_t maxRssiValue

Reports the maximum RSSI value measured on the channel.

channel The 802.15.4 channel number on which the RSSI value. was measured.
maxRssiValue The maximum RSSI value measured (in units of dBm).
EmberStatus emberFindAndRejoinNetwork ( bool haveCurrentNetworkKey,
uint32_t channelMask

This call is the same emberFindAndRejoinNetworkWithReason() . However, the reason is assumed to be ::EMBER_REJOIN_REASON_APP_EVENT_1.

EmberStatus emberFindAndRejoinNetworkWithNodeType ( bool haveCurrentNetworkKey,
uint32_t channelMask,
EmberNodeType nodeType

This call attempts to rejoin the network with a different device type.

haveCurrentNetworkKey This parameter determines whether the request to rejoin the Network is sent encrypted (true) or unencrypted (false). The application should first try to use encryption. If that fails, the application should call this function again and use no encryption. If the unencrypted rejoin is successful then device will be in the joined but unauthenticated state. The Trust Center will be notified of the rejoin and send an updated Network encrypted using the device's Link Key. Sending the rejoin unencrypted is only supported on networks using Standard Security with link keys (i.e., ZigBee 2006 networks do not support it).
channelMask A mask indicating the channels to be scanned. See emberStartScan() for format details.
nodeType An enumeration indicating the device type to rejoin as. The stack only accepts EMBER_END_DEVICE and EMBER_SLEEPY_END_DEVICE .
EmberStatus emberFindAndRejoinNetworkWithReason ( bool haveCurrentNetworkKey,
uint32_t channelMask,
EmberRejoinReason reason

The application may call this function when contact with the network has been lost. The most common use case is when an end device can no longer communicate with its parent and wishes to find a new one. Another case is when a device has missed a Network Key update and no longer has the current Network Key.

Note that a call to emberPollForData() on an end device that has lost contact with its parent will automatically call ::emberRejoinNetwork(true).

The stack will call emberStackStatusHandler() to indicate that the network is down, then try to re-establish contact with the network by performing an active scan, choosing a network with matching extended pan ID, and sending a Zigbee network rejoin request. A second call to the emberStackStatusHandler() callback indicates either the success or the failure of the attempt. The process takes approximately 150 milliseconds per channel to complete.

This call replaces the ::emberMobileNodeHasMoved() API from EmberZNet 2.x, which used MAC association and consequently took half a second longer to complete.

haveCurrentNetworkKey This parameter determines whether the request to rejoin the Network is sent encrypted (true) or unencrypted (false). The application should first try to use encryption. If that fails, the application should call this function again and use no encryption. If the unencrypted rejoin is successful then device will be in the joined but unauthenticated state. The Trust Center will be notified of the rejoin and send an updated Network encrypted using the device's Link Key. Sending the rejoin unencrypted is only supported on networks using Standard Security with link keys (i.e., ZigBee 2006 networks do not support it).
channelMask A mask indicating the channels to be scanned. See emberStartScan() for format details.
reason An enumeration indicating why the rejoin occurred. The stack will set the reason based on the EmberRejoinReason . An application should use one of the APP_EVENT rejoin reasons. The stack will never use these. Only if the function return code is EMBER_SUCCESS will the rejoin reason be set.
An EmberStatus value indicating success or reason for failure.
EmberStatus emberFindUnusedPanId ( uint32_t channelMask,
uint8_t duration

Kicks off a procedure to find an unused panId on a low-activity channel that is included in the passed-in channel mask. This procedure uses the emberStartScan() API.

channelMask The set of channels that will be scanned to find an available panId.
duration The length of time that will be spent scanning for an available panId.
EmberStatus emberFormNetwork ( EmberNetworkParameters * parameters )

Forms a new network by becoming the coordinator.

If using security, the application must call emberSetInitialSecurityState() prior to joining the network. This also applies when a device leaves a network and wants to form another one.
parameters Specification of the new network.
An EmberStatus value that indicates either the successful formation of the new network, or the reason that the network formation failed.
EmberLeaveReason emberGetLastLeaveReason ( EmberNodeId * returnNodeIdThatSentLeave )

Indicates the reason why the device left the network (if any). This also will return the device that sent the leave message, if the leave was due to an over-the-air message.

If returnNodeIdThatSentLeave is a non-NULL pointer, the node ID of the device that sent the leave message will be written to the value indicated by the pointer. If the leave was not due to an over-the-air message (but an internal API call instead), EMBER_UNKNOWN_NODE_ID is returned.

Returns EmberLeaveReason enumeration, or EMBER_LEAVE_REASON_NONE if the device has not left the network.
EmberRejoinReason emberGetLastRejoinReason ( void )

Returns the enumeration for why a previous rejoin.

bool emberGetParentClassificationEnabled ( void )

Gets the enable state the parent classification algorithm. This is left here for backward compatibility. We can achieve the same with emberGetBeaconClassificationParams.

bool emberGetPermitJoining ( void )

Indicates the state of the permit joining in the MAC.

EmberStatus emberInit ( void )

Initializes the radio and the EmberZNet stack.

Device configuration functions must be called before emberInit() is called.

The application must check the return value of this function. If the initialization fails, normal messaging functions will not be available. Some failure modes are not fatal, but the application must follow certain procedures to permit recovery. Ignoring the return code will result in unpredictable radio and API behavior. (In particular, problems with association will occur.)
An EmberStatus value indicating successful initialization or the reason for failure.
bool emberIsRadioOffScanActivated ( void )

Checks if radio_off scan mode is activated and radio has shut down as a result.

Returns ::true if radio has shut down successfully. There is no EZSP/NCP implementation for this.
EmberStatus emberJoinNetwork ( EmberNodeType nodeType,
EmberNetworkParameters * parameters

Causes the stack to associate with the network using the specified network parameters. It can take several seconds for the stack to associate with the local network. Do not send messages until a call to the emberStackStatusHandler() callback informs you that the stack is up.

If using security, the application must call emberSetInitialSecurityState() prior to joining the network. This also applies when a device leaves a network and wants to join another one.
nodeType Specification of the role that this node will have in the network. This role must not be EMBER_COORDINATOR . To be a coordinator, call emberFormNetwork() .
parameters Specification of the network with which the node should associate.
An EmberStatus value that indicates either:
  • that the association process began successfully, or
  • the reason for failure.
EmberStatus emberLeaveNetwork ( void )

Causes the stack to leave the current network. This generates a call to the emberStackStatusHandler() callback to indicate that the network is down. The radio will not be used until after a later call to emberFormNetwork() or emberJoinNetwork() .

An EmberStatus value indicating success or reason for failure. A status of EMBER_INVALID_CALL indicates that the node is either not joined to a network or is already in the process of leaving.
void emberNetworkFoundHandler ( EmberZigbeeNetwork * networkFound )

Reports that a network was found and gives the network parameters used for deciding which network to join.

networkFound A pointer to a EmberZigbeeNetwork structure that contains the discovered network and its associated parameters.
EmberStatus emberNetworkInit ( EmberNetworkInitStruct * networkInitStruct )

Resumes network operation after a reboot.

It is required that this be called on boot prior to any network operations. It will initialize the networking system and attempt to resume the previous network identity and configuration. If the node was not previously joined, this routine should still be called.

If the node was previously joined to a network, it will retain its original type (e.g., coordinator, router, end device, and so on.)

EMBER_NOT_JOINED is returned if the node is not part of a network.

. This function has encapsulated the old behavior of emberNetworkInitExtended().

networkInitStruct Defines whether an orphan scan/rejoin request/or neither is performed during network initialization.
An EmberStatus value that indicates one of the following:
  • successful initialization,
  • EMBER_NOT_JOINED if the node is not part of a network, or
  • the reason for failure.
EmberStatus emberPermitJoining ( uint8_t duration )

Tells the stack to allow other nodes to join the network with this node as their parent. Joining is initially disabled by default. This function may only be called after the node is part of a network and the stack is up.

duration A value of 0x00 disables joining. A value of 0xFF enables joining. Any other value enables joining for that number of seconds.
EmberStatus emberRejoinNetwork ( bool haveCurrentNetworkKey )

A convenience function which calls emberFindAndRejoinNetwork() with a channel mask value for scanning only the current channel. Included for back-compatibility.

void emberRescheduleLinkStatusMsg ( void )
void emberScanCompleteHandler ( uint8_t channel,
EmberStatus status

Indicates the status of the current scan. When the scan has completed, the stack will call this function with status set to EMBER_SUCCESS . Prior to the scan completing, the stack may call this function with other status values. Non-EMBER_SUCCESS status values indicate that the scan failed to start successfully on the channel indicated by the channel parameter. The current scan is ongoing until the stack calls this function with status set to EMBER_SUCCESS .

channel The channel on which the current error occurred. Undefined for the case of EMBER_SUCCESS .
status The error condition that occurred on the current channel. Value will be EMBER_SUCCESS when the scan has completed.
EmberStatus emberSendZigbeeLeave ( EmberNodeId destination,
EmberLeaveRequestFlags flags

Sends a Zigbee NWK leave command to the specified destination.

destination is the node ID of the device that is being told to leave.
flags is a bitmask indicating additional considerations for the leave request. See the EmberLeaveRequestFlags enumeration for more information. Multiple bits may be set.
An EmberStatus value indicating success or reason for failure. A status of EMBER_INVALID_CALL indicates that the node not currently joined to the network, or the destination is the local node. To tell the local device to leave, use the emberLeaveNetwork() API.
EmberStatus emberSetBeaconJitterDuration ( uint8_t beaconJitterDuration )

Sets the duration of a beacon jitter, in the units used by the 15.4 scan parameter (((1 << duration) + 1) * 15 ms), when responding to a beacon request.

Since the recommended scan duration of a joining device is 3 for 2.4 GHz devices, any value passed in to this function greater than 3 will be rejected.
EMBER_BAD_ARGUMENT if the argument is invalid, else EMBER_SUCCESS.
void emberSetMinRSSI ( int8_t minRSSI )

Configures the minimum RSSI for receiving packets.

The minimum RSSI is used to classify good/bad parent signal strengths. Any packet in the range of minimum RSSI + 30 db is considered to be "bad". By default this value is set to -100. Currently no EZSP support. This is left here for backward compatibility. We can achieve the same EZSP applicable setting with emberSetBeaconClassificationParams

EmberStatus emberSetNwkUpdateId ( uint8_t nwkUpdateId )

Sets the Network Update ID to the desired value. The Network Update ID value cannot be manually changed after a network is joined, so this function must be called before calling emberFormNetwork.

This Network Update ID should not normally be changed, as it is used by the stack to track changes in the network.
EMBER_SUCCESS if called when not on network, else EMBER_INVALID_CALL.
void emberSetParentClassificationEnabled ( bool enabled )

Enables/diables the parent classification algorithm on the stack side. Parent classification considers whether a received beacon indicates trust center connectivity and long uptime on the network. This is left here for backward compatibility. We can achieve the same with emberSetBeaconClassificationParams.

void emberSetPendingNetworkUpdatePanId ( uint16_t panId )

Sets the short PAN ID the device will accept in a NLME Network Update command.

If a NLME Network Update command is received by the device specifying a short PAN ID that does not match with the given PAN ID, then the NLME Network Update message will be ignored by the device. A value of 0xFFFF indicates that any short PAN ID received in a NLME Network Update command will be accepted which is also the default value set by the stack.

panId A pending network update short PAN ID.
void emberSetTcRejoinsUsingWellKnownKeyAllowed ( bool allow )

This function sets the policy decision for Trust Center (insecure) rejoins for devices using the well-known link key. If rejoining using the well-known key is allowed, it is disabled again after emAllowTcRejoinsUsingWellKnownKeyTimeoutSec seconds.

bool emberStackIsPerformingRejoin ( void )

Indicates whether the stack is in the process of performing a rejoin.

Returns true if the device is in the process of performing a rejoin. Returns false otherwise.
EmberStatus emberStartScan ( EmberNetworkScanType scanType,
uint32_t channelMask,
uint8_t duration

This function will start a scan. EMBER_SUCCESS signals that the scan successfully started. Note that although a scan can be initiated while the node is currently joined to a network, the node will generally be unable to communicate with its PAN during the scan period. Take care when performing scans of any significant duration while presently joined to an existing PAN.

Possible error responses and their meanings:

scanType Indicates the type of scan to be performed. Possible values: EMBER_ENERGY_SCAN , EMBER_ACTIVE_SCAN .
channelMask Bits set as 1 indicate that this particular channel should be scanned. Bits set to 0 indicate that this particular channel should not be scanned. For example, a channelMask value of 0x00000001 indicates that only channel 0 should be scanned. Valid channels range from 11 to 26 inclusive. This translates to a channel mask value of 0x07 FF F8 00. As a convenience, a channelMask of 0 is reinterpreted as the mask for the current channel.
duration Sets the exponent of the number of scan periods, where a scan period is 960 symbols, and a symbol is 16 microseconds. The scan will occur for ((2^duration) + 1) scan periods. The value of duration must be less than 15. The time corresponding to the first few values is as follows: 0 = 31 msec, 1 = 46 msec, 2 = 77 msec, 3 = 138 msec, 4 = 261 msec, 5 = 507 msec, 6 = 998 msec.
EmberStatus emberStopScan ( void )

Terminates a scan in progress.

Returns EMBER_SUCCESS if successful.
EmberStatus emberSurveyBeacons ( bool useStandardBeacons,
EmberNetworkFoundCallback networkFoundCallback,
EmberScanCompleteCallback scanCompleteCallback

Kicks off a procedure to scan for beacons, filter results, and provide a response zcl frame including the best eligible parents. This procedure uses the emberStartScan() API.

useStandardBeacons If true, the surveyBeacon procedure will use standard beacons. If false, the surveyBeacon procedure will use enhanced beacons.
networkFoundCallback The function pointer that is called after the reception of a beacon.
scanCompleteCallback The function pointer that is called after the beacon collection phase of the surveyBeacon procedure is over.

NOTE: SoC only

bool emberTcRejoinsUsingWellKnownKeyAllowed ( void )

This function gets the policy decision for Trust Center (insecure) rejoins for devices using the well-known link key.

void emberTick ( void )

A periodic tick routine that should be called:

  • in the application's main event loop,
  • as soon as possible after any radio interrupts, and
  • after emberInit() .
void emberUnusedPanIdFoundHandler ( EmberPanId panId,
uint8_t channel

This function returns an unused panID and channel pair found via the find unused panId scan procedure.

panId The unused panID.
channel The channel which the unused panId was found on.