This describes a one of several different types of keys and its associated data.

#include < ember-types.h >

Data Fields

EmberKeyStructBitmask bitmask
EmberKeyType type
EmberKeyData key
uint32_t outgoingFrameCounter
uint32_t incomingFrameCounter
uint8_t sequenceNumber
EmberEUI64 partnerEUI64

This describes a one of several different types of keys and its associated data.

Field Documentation

EmberKeyStructBitmask EmberKeyStruct::bitmask

This bitmask indicates whether various fields in the structure contain valid data. It also contains the index of the network the key belongs to.

uint32_t EmberKeyStruct::incomingFrameCounter

This is the incoming frame counter associated with the key. It will contain valid data based on the EmberKeyStructBitmask .

EmberKeyData EmberKeyStruct::key

This is the actual key data.

uint32_t EmberKeyStruct::outgoingFrameCounter

This is the outgoing frame counter associated with the key. It will contain valid data based on the EmberKeyStructBitmask .

EmberEUI64 EmberKeyStruct::partnerEUI64

This is the Partner EUI64 associated with the key. It will contain valid data based on the EmberKeyStructBitmask .

uint8_t EmberKeyStruct::sequenceNumber

This is the sequence number associated with the key. It will contain valid data based on the EmberKeyStructBitmask .

EmberKeyType EmberKeyStruct::type

This indicates the type of the security key.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • ember-types.h