ADC_InitScan_TypeDef Struct Reference

Scan sequence initialization structure.

#include <em_adc.h>

Data Fields

ADC_PRSSEL_TypeDef prsSel
Peripheral reflex system trigger selection.
ADC_AcqTime_TypeDef acqTime
Acquisition time (in ADC clock cycles).
ADC_Ref_TypeDef reference
Sample reference selection.
ADC_Res_TypeDef resolution
Sample resolution.
uint32_t input
Scan input selection.
bool diff
Select if single-ended or differential input.
bool prsEnable
Peripheral reflex system trigger enable.
bool leftAdjust
Select if left adjustment should be done.
bool rep
Select if continuous conversion until explicit stop.

Scan sequence initialization structure.

Field Documentation


ADC_PRSSEL_TypeDef ADC_InitScan_TypeDef::prsSel

Peripheral reflex system trigger selection.

Only applicable if prsEnable is enabled.


ADC_AcqTime_TypeDef ADC_InitScan_TypeDef::acqTime

Acquisition time (in ADC clock cycles).


ADC_Ref_TypeDef ADC_InitScan_TypeDef::reference

Sample reference selection.

Note that, for external references, the ADC calibration register must be set explicitly.


ADC_Res_TypeDef ADC_InitScan_TypeDef::resolution

Sample resolution.


uint32_t ADC_InitScan_TypeDef::input

Scan input selection.

If single ended ( diff is false), use logical combination of ADC_SCANCTRL_INPUTMASK_CHx defines. If differential input ( diff is true), use logical combination of ADC_SCANCTRL_INPUTMASK_CHxCHy defines. (Notice underscore prefix for defines used.)


bool ADC_InitScan_TypeDef::diff

Select if single-ended or differential input.


bool ADC_InitScan_TypeDef::prsEnable

Peripheral reflex system trigger enable.


bool ADC_InitScan_TypeDef::leftAdjust

Select if left adjustment should be done.


bool ADC_InitScan_TypeDef::rep

Select if continuous conversion until explicit stop.