Events Server#

Callbacks for Events Server Component.



OK to clear the log.

emberAfPluginEventsServerLogDataUpdatedCallback(const EmberAfClusterCommand *cmd)

Log data updated.

Callbacks Documentation#


bool emberAfPluginEventsServerOkToClearLogCallback (EmberAfEventLogId logId)

OK to clear the log.


The identifier of the log requested to be cleared. Ver.: always

This function is called by the Events server plugin whenever a Clear Event Log Request command is received. The application should return true if it is OK to clear the given log and false otherwise. If the request is to clear all logs (i.e., logId == EMBER_ZCL_EVENT_LOG_ID_ALL_LOGS) and the application allows all logs to be cleared, the application should return true. If the application does not allow all logs to be cleared, it should return false in which case the plugin will subsequently call this callback for each event log allowing the application to selectively choose which event logs are OK to be cleared.

Definition at line 200 of file app/framework/plugin/events-server/events-server.h


void emberAfPluginEventsServerLogDataUpdatedCallback (const EmberAfClusterCommand *cmd)

Log data updated.


ZCL command Ver.: always

This function is called by the Events server plugin when any modification to the plugin's event logs has been made. The argument will hint the ZCL command that might be used to triggered the data change. If null, logging data have been updated through other means, e.g., CLI.

Definition at line 211 of file app/framework/plugin/events-server/events-server.h