Find an attribute in storage. Together, the elements in this search record constitute the "primary key" used to identify a unique attribute value in the attribute storage.

Public Attribute Documentation#


uint8_t sl_zigbee_af_attribute_search_record_t::endpoint

Endpoint that the attribute is located on.

Definition at line 288 of file app/framework/include/af-types.h


sl_zigbee_af_cluster_id_t sl_zigbee_af_attribute_search_record_t::clusterId

Cluster that the attribute is located on. If the cluster ID is inside the manufacturer specific range, 0xfc00 - 0xffff. The manufacturer code should also be set to the code associated with the manufacturer-specific cluster.

Definition at line 296 of file app/framework/include/af-types.h


sl_zigbee_af_cluster_mask_t sl_zigbee_af_attribute_search_record_t::clusterMask

Cluster mask for the cluster, used to determine if it is the server or client version of the cluster. See CLUSTER_MASK_ macros defined in af-storage.h

Definition at line 303 of file app/framework/include/af-types.h


sl_zigbee_af_attribute_id_t sl_zigbee_af_attribute_search_record_t::attributeId

The two byte identifier for the attribute. If the cluster ID is inside the manufacturer-specific range 0xfc00 - 0xffff, or the manufacturer code is NOT 0, the attribute is assumed to be manufacturer specific.

Definition at line 310 of file app/framework/include/af-types.h


uint16_t sl_zigbee_af_attribute_search_record_t::manufacturerCode

Manufacturer Code associated with the cluster and or attribute. If the cluster ID is inside the manufacturer-specific range, this value should indicate the manufacturer code for the manufacturer-specific cluster. Otherwise, if this value is non zero and the cluster ID is a standard ZCL cluster, it is assumed that the attribute being sought is a manufacturer-specific extension to the standard ZCL cluster indicated by the cluster ID.

Definition at line 321 of file app/framework/include/af-types.h