
API for key derivation and key agreement (ECDH, EC J-PAKE, HKDF, PBKDF2).

Contains key derivation functions (HKDF, PBKDF2) and key agreement functions (ECDH, ECJPAKE).

Data Structures

struct sl_se_ecjpake_context_t
EC J-PAKE context structure.


sl_status_t sl_se_ecdh_compute_shared_secret ( sl_se_command_context_t *cmd_ctx, const sl_se_key_descriptor_t *key_in_priv, const sl_se_key_descriptor_t *key_in_pub, const sl_se_key_descriptor_t *key_out)
This function computes the shared secret with Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman (ECDH) algorithm.
sl_status_t sl_se_ecjpake_check (const sl_se_ecjpake_context_t *ctx)
Check if an EC J-PAKE context is ready for use.
sl_status_t sl_se_ecjpake_derive_secret ( sl_se_ecjpake_context_t *ctx, unsigned char *buf, size_t len, size_t *olen)
Derive the shared secret (TLS: Pre-Master Secret).
sl_status_t sl_se_ecjpake_free ( sl_se_ecjpake_context_t *ctx)
This clears an EC J-PAKE context and frees any embedded data structure.
sl_status_t sl_se_ecjpake_init ( sl_se_ecjpake_context_t *ctx, sl_se_command_context_t *cmd_ctx)
Initialize an EC J-PAKE context.
sl_status_t sl_se_ecjpake_read_round_one ( sl_se_ecjpake_context_t *ctx, const unsigned char *buf, size_t len)
Read and process the first round message (TLS: contents of the Client/ServerHello extension, excluding extension type and length bytes).
sl_status_t sl_se_ecjpake_read_round_two ( sl_se_ecjpake_context_t *ctx, const unsigned char *buf, size_t len)
Read and process the second round message (TLS: contents of the Client/ServerKeyExchange).
sl_status_t sl_se_ecjpake_setup ( sl_se_ecjpake_context_t *ctx, sl_se_ecjpake_role_t role, sl_se_hash_type_t hash, uint32_t curve, const unsigned char *secret, size_t len)
Set up an EC J-PAKE context for use.
sl_status_t sl_se_ecjpake_write_round_one ( sl_se_ecjpake_context_t *ctx, unsigned char *buf, size_t len, size_t *olen)
Generate and write the first round message (TLS: contents of the Client/ServerHello extension, excluding extension type and length bytes).
sl_status_t sl_se_ecjpake_write_round_two ( sl_se_ecjpake_context_t *ctx, unsigned char *buf, size_t len, size_t *olen)
Generate and write the second round message (TLS: contents of the Client/ServerKeyExchange).
sl_status_t sl_se_derive_key_hkdf ( sl_se_command_context_t *cmd_ctx, const sl_se_key_descriptor_t *in_key, sl_se_hash_type_t hash, const unsigned char *salt, size_t salt_len, const unsigned char *info, size_t info_len, sl_se_key_descriptor_t *out_key)
Derive a pseudorandom key from the input key material using HKDF.
sl_status_t sl_se_derive_key_pbkdf2 ( sl_se_command_context_t *cmd_ctx, const sl_se_key_descriptor_t *in_key, sl_se_hash_type_t hash, const unsigned char *salt, size_t salt_len, uint32_t iterations, sl_se_key_descriptor_t *out_key)
Derive a pseudorandom key from the input key material using PBKDF2.


enum sl_se_ecjpake_role_t {
Roles in the EC J-PAKE exchange.

Function Documentation


sl_status_t sl_se_ecdh_compute_shared_secret ( sl_se_command_context_t * cmd_ctx,
const sl_se_key_descriptor_t * key_in_priv,
const sl_se_key_descriptor_t * key_in_pub,
const sl_se_key_descriptor_t * key_out

This function computes the shared secret with Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman (ECDH) algorithm.

Performs Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman shared secret computation.

P-521 Elliptic Curve based Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman (ECDH) expects a 544 bits (68 bytes) buffer for storing private keys, and a 1088 bits (136 bytes) buffer for storing public keys and shared secret. The first 23 bits of d, Qx, Qy and shared secret are padding bits to comply word-aligned addressing. The padding bits are ignored in the computation.

This function does not implement the value-checking of the shared secret as described in RFC7748 when using Montgomery keys.

[in] cmd_ctx Pointer to an SE command context object.
[in] key_in_priv Our private key.
[in] key_in_pub Their public key.
[out] key_out Shared secret key. Montgomery curve result is one single coordinate. Other curve types result in one pair of coordinate.
Status code, sl_status.h.


sl_status_t sl_se_ecjpake_check ( const sl_se_ecjpake_context_t * ctx )

Check if an EC J-PAKE context is ready for use.

[in] ctx The EC J-PAKE context to check. This must be initialized.
SL_STATUS_OK when the command was executed successfully, otherwise an appropriate error code (sl_status.h).


sl_status_t sl_se_ecjpake_derive_secret ( sl_se_ecjpake_context_t * ctx,
unsigned char * buf,
size_t len,
size_t * olen

Derive the shared secret (TLS: Pre-Master Secret).

[in] ctx The EC J-PAKE context to use. This must be initialized, set up and have performed both round one and two.
[out] buf The buffer to write the derived secret to. This must be a writable buffer of length len bytes.
[in] len The length of buf in bytes.
[out] olen The address at which to store the total number of bytes written to buf . This must not be NULL .
SL_STATUS_OK when the command was executed successfully, otherwise an appropriate error code (sl_status.h).


sl_status_t sl_se_ecjpake_free ( sl_se_ecjpake_context_t * ctx )

This clears an EC J-PAKE context and frees any embedded data structure.

[in] ctx The EC J-PAKE context to free. This may be NULL , in which case this function does nothing. If it is not NULL , it must point to an initialized EC J-PAKE context.
SL_STATUS_OK when the command was executed successfully, otherwise an appropriate error code (sl_status.h).


sl_status_t sl_se_ecjpake_init ( sl_se_ecjpake_context_t * ctx,
sl_se_command_context_t * cmd_ctx

Initialize an EC J-PAKE context.

[in] ctx The EC J-PAKE context to initialize. This must not be NULL .
[in] cmd_ctx Pointer to an SE command context object.
SL_STATUS_OK when the command was executed successfully, otherwise an appropriate error code (sl_status.h).


sl_status_t sl_se_ecjpake_read_round_one ( sl_se_ecjpake_context_t * ctx,
const unsigned char * buf,
size_t len

Read and process the first round message (TLS: contents of the Client/ServerHello extension, excluding extension type and length bytes).

[in] ctx The EC J-PAKE context to use. This must be initialized and set up.
[in] buf The buffer holding the first round message. This must be a readable buffer of length len bytes.
[in] len The length in bytes of buf .
SL_STATUS_OK when the command was executed successfully, otherwise an appropriate error code (sl_status.h).


sl_status_t sl_se_ecjpake_read_round_two ( sl_se_ecjpake_context_t * ctx,
const unsigned char * buf,
size_t len

Read and process the second round message (TLS: contents of the Client/ServerKeyExchange).

[in] ctx The EC J-PAKE context to use. This must be initialized and set up and already have performed round one.
[in] buf The buffer holding the second round message. This must be a readable buffer of length len bytes.
[in] len The length in bytes of buf .
SL_STATUS_OK when the command was executed successfully, otherwise an appropriate error code (sl_status.h).


sl_status_t sl_se_ecjpake_setup ( sl_se_ecjpake_context_t * ctx,
sl_se_ecjpake_role_t role,
sl_se_hash_type_t hash,
uint32_t curve,
const unsigned char * secret,
size_t len

Set up an EC J-PAKE context for use.

Currently the only values for hash/curve allowed by the standard are SL_SE_HASH_SHA256 / SL_SE_KEY_TYPE_ECC_P256 .
[in] ctx The EC J-PAKE context to set up. This must be initialized.
[in] role The role of the caller. This must be either SL_SE_ECJPAKE_CLIENT or SL_SE_ECJPAKE_SERVER .
[in] hash The identifier of the hash function to use, for example SL_SE_HASH_SHA256 .
[in] curve The identifier of the elliptic curve to use, for example SL_SE_KEY_TYPE_ECC_P256 .
[in] secret The pre-shared secret (passphrase). This must be a readable buffer of length len bytes. It need only be valid for the duration of this call.
[in] len The length of the pre-shared secret secret .
SL_STATUS_OK when the command was executed successfully, otherwise an appropriate error code (sl_status.h).


sl_status_t sl_se_ecjpake_write_round_one ( sl_se_ecjpake_context_t * ctx,
unsigned char * buf,
size_t len,
size_t * olen

Generate and write the first round message (TLS: contents of the Client/ServerHello extension, excluding extension type and length bytes).

[in] ctx The EC J-PAKE context to use. This must be initialized and set up.
[out] buf The buffer to write the contents to. This must be a writable buffer of length len bytes.
[in] len The length of buf in bytes.
[out] olen The address at which to store the total number of bytes written to buf . This must not be NULL .
SL_STATUS_OK when the command was executed successfully, otherwise an appropriate error code (sl_status.h).


sl_status_t sl_se_ecjpake_write_round_two ( sl_se_ecjpake_context_t * ctx,
unsigned char * buf,
size_t len,
size_t * olen

Generate and write the second round message (TLS: contents of the Client/ServerKeyExchange).

[in] ctx The EC J-PAKE context to use. This must be initialized, set up, and already have performed round one.
[out] buf The buffer to write the round two contents to. This must be a writable buffer of length len bytes.
[in] len The size of buf in bytes.
[out] olen The address at which to store the total number of bytes written to buf . This must not be NULL .
SL_STATUS_OK when the command was executed successfully, otherwise an appropriate error code (sl_status.h).


sl_status_t sl_se_derive_key_hkdf ( sl_se_command_context_t * cmd_ctx,
const sl_se_key_descriptor_t * in_key,
sl_se_hash_type_t hash,
const unsigned char * salt,
size_t salt_len,
const unsigned char * info,
size_t info_len,
sl_se_key_descriptor_t * out_key

Derive a pseudorandom key from the input key material using HKDF.

[in] cmd_ctx Pointer to an SE command context object.
[in] in_key Pointer to the input key material.
[in] hash Which hashing algorithm to use.
[in] salt An optional salt value (a non-secret random value).
[in] salt_len The length of the salt.
[in] info An optional context and application specific information string.
[in] info_len The length of info.
[in,out] out_key Pointer to the generated key material. The length member of out_key is used to request a given lenght of the generated key.
SL_STATUS_OK if the signature is successfully verified, otherwise an appropriate error code (sl_status.h).


sl_status_t sl_se_derive_key_pbkdf2 ( sl_se_command_context_t * cmd_ctx,
const sl_se_key_descriptor_t * in_key,
sl_se_hash_type_t hash,
const unsigned char * salt,
size_t salt_len,
uint32_t iterations,
sl_se_key_descriptor_t * out_key

Derive a pseudorandom key from the input key material using PBKDF2.

[in] cmd_ctx Pointer to an SE command context object.
[in] in_key Pointer to the input key material.
[in] hash Which hashing algorithm to use.
[in] salt An optional salt value (a non-secret random value).
[in] salt_len The length of the salt.
[in] iterations The number of iterations to use. Up to 16384 iterations is supported.
[in,out] out_key Pointer to the generated key material. The length member of out_key is used to request a given lenght of the generated key.
SL_STATUS_OK if the signature is successfully verified, otherwise an appropriate error code (sl_status.h).

Enumeration Type Documentation


Roles in the EC J-PAKE exchange.



