Kit Drivers
Detailed Description
Kit support and drivers.
Drivers and support modules for board components such as displays, sensors and memories on EFM32, EZR32 and EFR32 kits.
Modules |
CPT112S_I2C | |
CapSense | |
Cdc | |
Display | |
Display device driver stack library. See
Display Device Driver Stack
for more information.
DmaCtrl | |
Eeprom | |
HidKeyboard | |
I2CSPM | |
Ksz8851snl | |
MicroSd | |
Msd | |
NandFlash | |
NorFlash | |
RetargetIo | |
SegmentLcd | |
Si114x | |
Si7013 | |
Si72xx | |
TempSensor | |
Textdisplay | |
Line based text output terminal interface on top of the DISPLAY device driver stack. See
TextDisplay Library
for more information.
Tft | |
Touch | |
Udelay | |
UsbHid | |
VddCheck | |