DMA_CfgDescr_TypeDef Struct ReferenceEMLIB > DMA

Configuration structure for primary or alternate descriptor (not used for scatter-gather DMA cycles).

Definition at line 203 of file em_dma.h .

#include < em_dma.h >

Data Fields

DMA_ArbiterConfig_TypeDef arbRate
DMA_DataInc_TypeDef dstInc
uint8_t hprot
DMA_DataSize_TypeDef size
DMA_DataInc_TypeDef srcInc

Field Documentation

DMA_ArbiterConfig_TypeDef DMA_CfgDescr_TypeDef::arbRate

Arbitration rate, ie number of DMA transfers done before rearbitration takes place.

Definition at line 217 of file em_dma.h .

Referenced by DMA_CfgDescr() .

DMA_DataInc_TypeDef DMA_CfgDescr_TypeDef::dstInc

Destination increment size for each DMA transfer

Definition at line 205 of file em_dma.h .

Referenced by DMA_CfgDescr() .

uint8_t DMA_CfgDescr_TypeDef::hprot

HPROT signal state, please refer to reference manual, DMA chapter for further details. Normally set to 0 if protection is not an issue. The following bits are available:

  • bit 0 - HPROT[1] control for source read accesses, privileged/non-privileged access
  • bit 3 - HPROT[1] control for destination write accesses, privileged/non-privileged access

Definition at line 228 of file em_dma.h .

Referenced by DMA_CfgDescr() .

DMA_DataSize_TypeDef DMA_CfgDescr_TypeDef::size

DMA transfer unit size.

Definition at line 211 of file em_dma.h .

Referenced by DMA_CfgDescr() .

DMA_DataInc_TypeDef DMA_CfgDescr_TypeDef::srcInc

Source increment size for each DMA transfer

Definition at line 208 of file em_dma.h .

Referenced by DMA_CfgDescr() .

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • C:/repos/embsw_super_h1/platform/emlib/inc/ em_dma.h