Deprecated List

globalScope> Global _SILICON_LABS_32B_PLATFORM
Silicon Labs platform name
globalScope> Global _SILICON_LABS_32B_PLATFORM_1
Silicon Labs platform name
globalScope> Global BSP_TraceSwoSetup (void)
Deprecated function. New code should call BSP_TraceProfilerSetup() .
globalScope> Global EMU_MemPwrDown (uint32_t blocks)
This function is deprecated, use EMU_RamPowerDown() instead which maps a user provided memory range into RAM blocks to power down.
globalScope> Global EMU_UpdateOscConfig (void)
Oscillator status is saved in EMU_EnterEM2() and EMU_EnterEM3() .
globalScope> Global GPIO_IntConfig (GPIO_Port_TypeDef port, unsigned int pin, bool risingEdge, bool fallingEdge, bool enable)
Deprecated function. New code should use GPIO_ExtIntConfig() .
Module INT
These functions are deprecated and marked for removal in a later release. Please use the CORE module instead. See Porting from em_int for information on how to convert existing code bases to use CORE .
globalScope> Global INT_Disable (void)
This function is deprecated and marked for removal in a later release. Please use the new CORE module instead.
globalScope> Global INT_Enable (void)
This function is deprecated and marked for removal in a later release. Please use the new CORE module instead.
globalScope> Global setupSWOForPrint
Use RETARGET_SwoInit instead
globalScope> Global SLEEP_Init (SLEEP_CbFuncPtr_t pSleepCb, SLEEP_CbFuncPtr_t pWakeUpCb)
New code should use the SLEEP_InitEx function for initializing the sleep module.
globalScope> Global UARTDRV_Init (UARTDRV_Handle_t handle, UARTDRV_InitUart_t *initData)
Deprecated; Use UARTDRV_InitUart() instead.
globalScope> Global WDOG_Enable (bool enable)
Deprecated function. New code should use WDOGn_Enable() . This function uses DEFAULT_WDOG .
globalScope> Global WDOG_Feed (void)
Deprecated function. New code should use WDOGn_Feed() . This function uses DEFAULT_WDOG .
globalScope> Global WDOG_Init (const WDOG_Init_TypeDef *init)
Deprecated function. New code should use Use WDOGn_Init() . This function uses DEFAULT_WDOG .
globalScope> Global WDOG_Lock (void)
Deprecated function. New code should use WDOGn_Lock() . This function uses DEFAULT_WDOG .