LCD_Init_TypeDef Struct ReferenceEMLIB > LCD

LCD Controller Initialization structure

Definition at line 273 of file em_lcd.h .

#include < em_lcd.h >

Data Fields

LCD_Bias_TypeDef bias
LCD_ConConf_TypeDef contrast
bool enable
LCD_Mux_TypeDef mux
LCD_VLCDSel_TypeDef vlcd
LCD_Wave_TypeDef wave

Field Documentation

LCD_Bias_TypeDef LCD_Init_TypeDef::bias

Bias configuration

Definition at line 279 of file em_lcd.h .

Referenced by LCD_Init() .

LCD_ConConf_TypeDef LCD_Init_TypeDef::contrast

Contrast Configuration

Definition at line 286 of file em_lcd.h .

Referenced by LCD_Init() .

bool LCD_Init_TypeDef::enable

Enable controller at end of initialization

Definition at line 275 of file em_lcd.h .

Referenced by LCD_Init() .

LCD_Mux_TypeDef LCD_Init_TypeDef::mux

Mux configuration

Definition at line 277 of file em_lcd.h .

Referenced by LCD_Init() .

LCD_VLCDSel_TypeDef LCD_Init_TypeDef::vlcd

VLCD Select

Definition at line 284 of file em_lcd.h .

Referenced by LCD_Init() .

LCD_Wave_TypeDef LCD_Init_TypeDef::wave

Wave configuration

Definition at line 281 of file em_lcd.h .

Referenced by LCD_Init() .

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • C:/repos/embsw_super_h1/platform/emlib/inc/ em_lcd.h