Application framework common. More...


EmberStatus emberAfAllocateEvent ( EmberEventControl **control, void(*handler)(void))
Allocate a new event to the app event table. More...


void emberAfInitCallback (void)
Application Framework Initialization Callback. More...
void emberAfTickCallback (void)
Application Framework Tick Callback. More...
void emberAfStackStatusCallback ( EmberStatus status)
Application framework equivalent of emberStackStatusHandler . More...
void emberAfIncomingMessageCallback ( EmberIncomingMessage *message)
Application framework equivalent of emberIncomingMessageHandler . More...
void emberAfIncomingMacMessageCallback ( EmberIncomingMacMessage *message)
Application framework equivalent of emberIncomingMacMessageHandler . More...
void emberAfMessageSentCallback ( EmberStatus status, EmberOutgoingMessage *message)
Application framework equivalent of emberMessageSentHandler . More...
void emberAfMacMessageSentCallback ( EmberStatus status, EmberOutgoingMacMessage *message)
Application framework equivalent of emberMacMessageSentHandler . More...
void emberAfChildJoinCallback ( EmberNodeType nodeType, EmberNodeId nodeId)
Application framework equivalent of emberChildJoinHandler . More...
void emberAfActiveScanCompleteCallback (void)
Application framework equivalent of emberActiveScanCompleteHandler . More...
void emberAfEnergyScanCompleteCallback (int8_t mean, int8_t min, int8_t max, uint16_t variance)
Application framework equivalent of emberEnergyScanCompleteHandler . More...
void emberAfMarkApplicationBuffersCallback (void)
Application framework equivalent of ::emberMarkApplicationBuffersHandler. More...
void emberAfIncomingBeaconCallback ( EmberPanId panId, EmberMacAddress *source, int8_t rssi, bool permitJoining, uint8_t beaconFieldsLength, uint8_t *beaconFields, uint8_t beaconPayloadLength, uint8_t *beaconPayload)
Application framework equivalent of emberIncomingBeaconHandler . More...
void emberAfFrequencyHoppingStartClientCompleteCallback ( EmberStatus status)
Application framework equivalent of emberFrequencyHoppingStartClientCompleteHandler . More...
void emberAfRadioNeedsCalibratingCallback (void)
Application framework equivalent of emberRadioNeedsCalibratingHandler . More...
bool emberAfStackIdleCallback (uint32_t *idleTimeMs)
Application framework equivalent of emberStackIdleHandler . More...
bool emberAfCommonOkToEnterLowPowerCallback (bool enter_em2, uint32_t duration_ms)
Application framework Low Power notification Callback. More...

Detailed Description

Application framework common.

Declares all the required application framework globals, initializes the Connect stack and dispatches stack callbacks calls as needed to the application components.

Function Documentation


void emberAfActiveScanCompleteCallback ( void )

Application framework equivalent of emberActiveScanCompleteHandler .


EmberStatus emberAfAllocateEvent ( EmberEventControl ** control,
void(*)(void) handler

Allocate a new event to the app event table.

[out] control The EmberEventControl to allocate
[in] handler Pointer to the handler function associated to the event
An EmberStatus value of:
See also


void emberAfChildJoinCallback ( EmberNodeType nodeType,
EmberNodeId nodeId

Application framework equivalent of emberChildJoinHandler .

Requires the parent support plugin installed.


bool emberAfCommonOkToEnterLowPowerCallback ( bool enter_em2,
uint32_t duration_ms

Application framework Low Power notification Callback.

A callback invoked when the system is about to go sleeping.

[in] enter_em2 true if the system is about to sleep or false to idle.
[in] duration_ms Duration of the low power period. Time to the next event.
true if the application allows the system to go to sleep.


void emberAfEnergyScanCompleteCallback ( int8_t mean,
int8_t min,
int8_t max,
uint16_t variance

Application framework equivalent of emberEnergyScanCompleteHandler .


void emberAfFrequencyHoppingStartClientCompleteCallback ( EmberStatus status )

Application framework equivalent of emberFrequencyHoppingStartClientCompleteHandler .


void emberAfIncomingBeaconCallback ( EmberPanId panId,
EmberMacAddress * source,
int8_t rssi,
bool permitJoining,
uint8_t beaconFieldsLength,
uint8_t * beaconFields,
uint8_t beaconPayloadLength,
uint8_t * beaconPayload

Application framework equivalent of emberIncomingBeaconHandler .


void emberAfIncomingMacMessageCallback ( EmberIncomingMacMessage * message )

Application framework equivalent of emberIncomingMacMessageHandler .


void emberAfIncomingMessageCallback ( EmberIncomingMessage * message )

Application framework equivalent of emberIncomingMessageHandler .


void emberAfInitCallback ( void )

Application Framework Initialization Callback.

A callback invoked once during the initialization. It is called after the stack and plugins initialization.


void emberAfMacMessageSentCallback ( EmberStatus status,
EmberOutgoingMacMessage * message

Application framework equivalent of emberMacMessageSentHandler .


void emberAfMarkApplicationBuffersCallback ( void )

Application framework equivalent of ::emberMarkApplicationBuffersHandler.


void emberAfMessageSentCallback ( EmberStatus status,
EmberOutgoingMessage * message

Application framework equivalent of emberMessageSentHandler .


void emberAfRadioNeedsCalibratingCallback ( void )

Application framework equivalent of emberRadioNeedsCalibratingHandler .


bool emberAfStackIdleCallback ( uint32_t * idleTimeMs )

Application framework equivalent of emberStackIdleHandler .


void emberAfStackStatusCallback ( EmberStatus status )

Application framework equivalent of emberStackStatusHandler .


void emberAfTickCallback ( void )

Application Framework Tick Callback.

A callback invoked in each iteration of the application super loop and can be used to perform periodic functions. The frequency with which this function is called depends on how quickly the main loop runs. If the application blocks at any time during the main loop, this function will not be called until execution resumes.