API Documentation

List of modules
ASSERT - AssertAssert/error checking module
BURTC - Backup RTCBackup Real Time Counter (BURTC) Peripheral API
BUS - Bitfield Read/WriteBUS register and RAM bit/field read/write API
CHIP - Chip Errata WorkaroundsChip errata workaround APIs
CMU - Clock Management UnitClock management unit (CMU) Peripheral API
COMMON - Common UtilitiesGeneral purpose utilities and cross-compiler support
CORE - Core InterruptCore interrupt handling API
DBG - DebugDebug (DBG) Peripheral API
EMU - Energy Management UnitEnergy Management Unit (EMU) Peripheral API
EUSART - Extended USARTExtended Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
GPCRC - General Purpose CRCGeneral Purpose Cyclic Redundancy Check (GPCRC) API
GPIO - General Purpose Input/OutputGeneral Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) API
I2C - Inter-Integrated CircuitInter-integrated Circuit (I2C) Peripheral API
IADC - Incremental ADCIncremental Analog to Digital Converter (IADC) Peripheral API
LDMA - Linked DMALinked Direct Memory Access (LDMA) Peripheral API
LETIMER - Low Energy TimerLow Energy Timer (LETIMER) Peripheral API
MSC - Memory System ControllerMemory System Controller API
PDM - Pulse Density ModulationPulse Density Modulation (PDM) peripheral API
PRS - Peripheral Reflex SystemPeripheral Reflex System (PRS) Peripheral API
RAMFUNC - RAM Function SupportRAM code support
RMU - Reset Management UnitReset Management Unit (RMU) Peripheral API
RTCC - Real Timer Counter/CalendarReal Time Counter and Calendar (RTCC) Peripheral API
SE - Secure ElementSecure Element peripheral API
Deprecated FunctionsDeprecated Functions
SMU - Security Management UnitSecurity Management Unit (SMU) Peripheral API
SYSTEM - System UtilsSystem API
TIMER - Timer/CounterTimer/Counter (TIMER) Peripheral API
USART - Synchronous/Asynchronous SerialUniversal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter Peripheral API
VERSION - Version DefinesVersion API
WDOG - WatchdogWatchdog (WDOG) Peripheral API