USB_HC_TypeDef Struct ReferenceDevicesDevices > | USB

USB_HC USB HC Register



Definition at line 47 of file efm32gg11b_usb_hc.h .

#include < efm32gg11b_usb_hc.h >

Data Fields

__IOM uint32_t CHAR
__IOM uint32_t DMAADDR
__IOM uint32_t INT
__IOM uint32_t INTMSK
uint32_t RESERVED0 [2]
__IOM uint32_t SPLT
__IOM uint32_t TSIZ

Field Documentation

__IOM uint32_t USB_HC_TypeDef::CHAR

Host Channel 0 Characteristics Register

Definition at line 48 of file efm32gg11b_usb_hc.h .

__IOM uint32_t USB_HC_TypeDef::DMAADDR

Host Channel 0 DMA Address Register

Definition at line 53 of file efm32gg11b_usb_hc.h .

__IOM uint32_t USB_HC_TypeDef::INT

Host Channel 0 Interrupt Register

Definition at line 50 of file efm32gg11b_usb_hc.h .

__IOM uint32_t USB_HC_TypeDef::INTMSK

Host Channel 0 Interrupt Mask Register

Definition at line 51 of file efm32gg11b_usb_hc.h .

uint32_t USB_HC_TypeDef::RESERVED0[2]

Reserved future

Definition at line 54 of file efm32gg11b_usb_hc.h .

__IOM uint32_t USB_HC_TypeDef::SPLT

Host Channel 0 Split Control Register

Definition at line 49 of file efm32gg11b_usb_hc.h .

__IOM uint32_t USB_HC_TypeDef::TSIZ

Host Channel 0 Transfer Size Register

Definition at line 52 of file efm32gg11b_usb_hc.h .

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • C:/repos/embsw_super_h1/platform/Device/SiliconLabs/EFM32GG11B/Include/ efm32gg11b_usb_hc.h