otMultiRadioNeighborInfo Struct Reference

This type represents multi radio link information associated with a neighbor.

#include < include/openthread/multi_radio.h >

Public Attributes

bool mSupportsIeee802154 : 1
Neighbor supports IEEE 802.15.4 radio link.
bool mSupportsTrelUdp6 : 1
Neighbor supports Thread Radio Encapsulation Link (TREL) radio link.
otRadioLinkInfo mIeee802154Info
Additional info for 15.4 radio link (applicable when supported).
otRadioLinkInfo mTrelUdp6Info
Additional info for TREL radio link (applicable when supported).

This type represents multi radio link information associated with a neighbor.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • include/openthread/ multi_radio.h