
Basic APIs to set up and interact with the RAIL library.


EFR32xG1-specific initialization data types.

Data Structures

struct RAIL_Version_t
Contains RAIL Library Version Information.


A value to signal that RAIL should not use DMA.


typedef void * RAIL_Handle_t
A generic handle to a particular radio (e.g.
typedef void(* RAIL_InitCompleteCallbackPtr_t ) ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle)
A pointer to init complete callback function.


enum RAIL_Status_t {
A status returned by many RAIL API calls indicating their success or failure.


void RAIL_GetVersion ( RAIL_Version_t *version, bool verbose)
Get the version information for the compiled RAIL library.
RAIL_Status_t RAIL_AddStateBuffer3 ( RAIL_Handle_t genericRailHandle)
Add a 3rd multiprotocol internal state buffer for use by RAIL_Init() .
RAIL_Status_t RAIL_AddStateBuffer4 ( RAIL_Handle_t genericRailHandle)
Add a 4th multiprotocol internal state buffer for use by RAIL_Init() .
RAIL_Status_t RAIL_UseDma (uint8_t channel)
Allocate a DMA channel for RAIL to work with.
RAIL_Handle_t RAIL_Init ( RAIL_Config_t *railCfg, RAIL_InitCompleteCallbackPtr_t cb)
Initialize RAIL.
bool RAIL_IsInitialized (void)
Get RAIL initialization status.
uint16_t RAIL_GetRadioEntropy ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t bytes)
Collect entropy from the radio if available.

Detailed Description

Basic APIs to set up and interact with the RAIL library.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define RAIL_DMA_INVALID   (0xFFU)

A value to signal that RAIL should not use DMA.

Definition at line 143 of file rail_types.h .

Typedef Documentation


A generic handle to a particular radio (e.g.

RAIL_EFR32_HANDLE), or a real handle of a RAIL instance, as returned from RAIL_Init() .

Generic handles should be used for certain RAIL APIs that are called prior to RAIL initialization. However, once RAIL has been initialized, the real handle returned by RAIL_Init() should be used instead.

Definition at line 102 of file rail_types.h .


typedef void(* RAIL_InitCompleteCallbackPtr_t) ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle)

A pointer to init complete callback function.

[in] railHandle The initialized RAIL instance handle.

Definition at line 140 of file rail_types.h .

Enumeration Type Documentation


A status returned by many RAIL API calls indicating their success or failure.


RAIL function reports no error.


Call to RAIL function threw an error because of an invalid parameter.


Call to RAIL function threw an error because it was called during an invalid radio state.


RAIL function is called in an invalid order.


RAIL function did not finish in the allotted time.


RAIL function could not be scheduled by the Radio scheduler.

Only issued when using a Multiprotocol application.

Definition at line 109 of file rail_types.h .

Function Documentation


RAIL_Status_t RAIL_AddStateBuffer3 ( RAIL_Handle_t genericRailHandle )

Add a 3rd multiprotocol internal state buffer for use by RAIL_Init() .

[in] genericRailHandle A generic RAIL instance handle.
Status code indicating success of the function call. An error is returned if the 3rd state buffer was previously added or this isn't the RAIL multiprotocol library.


RAIL_Status_t RAIL_AddStateBuffer4 ( RAIL_Handle_t genericRailHandle )

Add a 4th multiprotocol internal state buffer for use by RAIL_Init() .

[in] genericRailHandle A generic RAIL instance handle.
Status code indicating success of the function call. An error is returned if the 4th state buffer was previously added. or this isn't the RAIL multiprotocol library.


uint16_t RAIL_GetRadioEntropy ( RAIL_Handle_t railHandle,
uint8_t * buffer,
uint16_t bytes

Collect entropy from the radio if available.

[in] railHandle A RAIL instance handle.
[out] buffer The buffer to write the collected entropy.
[in] bytes The number of bytes to fill in the input buffer.
Returns the number of bytes of entropy collected. For chips that don't support entropy collection, the function returns 0. Values less than the requested amount may also be returned on platforms that use entropy pools to collect random data periodically.

Attempts to fill the provided buffer with the requested number of bytes of entropy. If the requested number of bytes can't be provided, as many bytes as possible will be filled and returned. For chips that do not support this function, 0 bytes are always returned. For information about the specific mechanism for gathering entropy, see documentation for the chip family.


void RAIL_GetVersion ( RAIL_Version_t * version,
bool verbose

Get the version information for the compiled RAIL library.

[out] version A pointer to RAIL_Version_t structure to populate with version information.
[in] verbose Populate RAIL_Version_t struct with verbose information.

The version information contains a major version number, a minor version number, and a rev (revision) number.


Initialize RAIL.

[in,out] railCfg The configuration and state structure for setting up the library, which contains memory and other options needed by RAIL. This structure must be allocated in application global read-write memory. RAIL may modify fields within or referenced by this structure during its operation.
[in] cb A callback that notifies the application when the radio is finished initializing and is ready for further configuration. This callback is useful for potential transceiver products that require a power up sequence before further configuration is available. After the callback fires, the radio is ready for additional configuration before transmit and receive operations.
Handle for initialized rail instance or NULL if an invalid value was passed in the railCfg.
Call this function only once per protocol. If called again, it will do nothing and return NULL.


bool RAIL_IsInitialized ( void )

Get RAIL initialization status.

True if the radio has finished initializing and false otherwise.

RAIL APIs, e.g., RAIL_GetTime() , which work only if RAIL_Init() has been called, can use RAIL_IsInitialized() to determine whether RAIL has been initialized or not.


RAIL_Status_t RAIL_UseDma ( uint8_t channel )

Allocate a DMA channel for RAIL to work with.

[in] channel The DMA channel to use when copying memory. If a value of RAIL_DMA_INVALID is passed, RAIL will stop using any DMA channel.
Status code indicating success of the function call.

To use this API, the application must initialize the DMA engine on the chip and allocate a DMA channel. This channel will be used periodically to copy memory more efficiently. Call this function before RAIL_Init to have the most benefit. If the application needs to take back control of the DMA channel that RAIL is using, this API may be called with a channel of RAIL_DMA_INVALID to tell RAIL to stop using DMA.