RAIL_BLE_State_t Struct Reference

A state structure for BLE.

#include < rail_ble.h >

Data Fields

uint32_t crcInit
The value used to initialize the CRC algorithm.
uint32_t accessAddress
The access address used for the connection.
uint16_t channel
The logical channel used.
bool disableWhitening
Indicates whether the whitening engine should be off.

A state structure for BLE.

This structure must be allocated in application global read-write memory that persists for the duration of BLE usage. It cannot be allocated in read-only memory or on the call stack.

Definition at line 210 of file rail_ble.h .

Field Documentation


uint32_t RAIL_BLE_State_t::accessAddress

The access address used for the connection.

Definition at line 212 of file rail_ble.h .


uint16_t RAIL_BLE_State_t::channel

The logical channel used.

Definition at line 213 of file rail_ble.h .


uint32_t RAIL_BLE_State_t::crcInit

The value used to initialize the CRC algorithm.

Definition at line 211 of file rail_ble.h .


bool RAIL_BLE_State_t::disableWhitening

Indicates whether the whitening engine should be off.

Definition at line 214 of file rail_ble.h .

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • protocol/ble/ rail_ble.h