RAIL_RxDutyCycleConfig_t Struct Reference

Structure to configure duty cycled receive mode.

#include < rail_types.h >

Data Fields

RAIL_RxChannelHoppingMode_t mode
The mode by which RAIL determines when to exit RX.
RAIL_RxChannelHoppingParameter_t parameter
Depending on the 'mode' parameter that was specified, this member is used to parameterize that mode.
uint32_t delay
Idle time in microseconds to wait before re-entering RX.
RAIL_RxChannelHoppingDelayMode_t delayMode
Indicate how the timing specified in 'delay' should be applied.
RAIL_RxChannelHoppingOptions_t options
Bitmask of various options that can be applied to the current duty cycle operation when the mode is >= RAIL_RX_CHANNEL_HOPPING_MODE_MANUAL_WITH_OPTIONS (ignored otherwise).
int8_t rssiThresholdDbm
The RSSI threshold (in dBm) below which Rx will end in any mode when RAIL_RX_CHANNEL_HOPPING_OPTION_RSSI_THRESHOLD is specified.
uint8_t reserved2 [1]
Pad bytes reserved for future use and currently ignored.

Structure to configure duty cycled receive mode.

Definition at line 4058 of file rail_types.h .

Field Documentation


RAIL_RxChannelHoppingMode_t RAIL_RxDutyCycleConfig_t::mode

The mode by which RAIL determines when to exit RX.

Definition at line 4060 of file rail_types.h .


RAIL_RxChannelHoppingParameter_t RAIL_RxDutyCycleConfig_t::parameter

Depending on the 'mode' parameter that was specified, this member is used to parameterize that mode.

See the comments on each value of RAIL_RxChannelHoppingMode_t to learn what to specify here.

Definition at line 4067 of file rail_types.h .

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • common/ rail_types.h