DPLL Initialization


Initialize the Digital PLL.

Configures and locks the Digital PLL using the configuration in the configuration header sl_device_init_dpll_config.h , where settings including reference frequency, target frequency and lock mode are available.

If using Simplicity Studio, this configuration header is also configurable through the Project Configurator, by selecting the "Device Init: DPLL" configuration component.


sl_status_t sl_device_init_dpll (void)
Initialize DPLL.

Function Documentation


sl_status_t sl_device_init_dpll ( void )

Initialize DPLL.

Configures and locks the Digital PLL using the configuration in the configuration header sl_device_init_dpll_config.h , where settings including reference frequency, target frequency and lock mode are available.

Status code
Return values
SL_STATUS_OK DPLL successfully initialized and locked
SL_STATUS_FAIL DPLL lock was unsuccessful