Application Storage InterfaceApplication Interface


Application interface for interfacing with the bootloader storage.

The Storage Interface is only available on bootloaders that declare they support BOOTLOADER_CAPABILITY_STORAGE .

Data Structures

struct BootloaderStorageSlot_t
Information about a storage slot.
struct BootloaderStorageImplementationInformation_t
Information about the bootloader storage implementation.
struct BootloaderStorageInformation_t
Information about the bootloader storage.
struct BootloaderEraseStatus_t
Erase status struct.
struct BootloaderStorageFunctions
Storage API accessible from the application.


Current version of the BootloaderStorageImplementationInformation_t struct.
Major version of the BootloaderStorageImplementationInformation_t struct.
Spiflash capability indicating that it supports erase.
Spiflash capability indicating it requires full page erases before new data can be written.
Spiflash capability indicating that the write function is blocking.
Spiflash capability indicating that the erase function is blocking.
Context size for bootloader verification context.


typedef struct BootloaderStorageFunctions BootloaderStorageFunctions_t
Storage API accessible from the application.


enum BootloaderStorageType_t {
Possible storage types.


void bootloader_getStorageInfo ( BootloaderStorageInformation_t *info)
int32_t bootloader_getStorageSlotInfo (uint32_t slotId, BootloaderStorageSlot_t *slot)
int32_t bootloader_readStorage (uint32_t slotId, uint32_t offset, uint8_t *buffer, size_t length)
int32_t bootloader_writeStorage (uint32_t slotId, uint32_t offset, uint8_t *buffer, size_t length)
int32_t bootloader_eraseWriteStorage (uint32_t slotId, uint32_t offset, uint8_t *buffer, size_t length)
int32_t bootloader_eraseStorageSlot (uint32_t slotId)
int32_t bootloader_initChunkedEraseStorageSlot (uint32_t slotId, BootloaderEraseStatus_t *eraseStat)
int32_t bootloader_chunkedEraseStorageSlot ( BootloaderEraseStatus_t *eraseStat)
int32_t bootloader_setImagesToBootload (int32_t *slotIds, size_t length)
int32_t bootloader_getImagesToBootload (int32_t *slotIds, size_t length)
int32_t bootloader_appendImageToBootloadList (int32_t slotId)
int32_t bootloader_setImageToBootload (int32_t slotId)
int32_t bootloader_initVerifyImage (uint32_t slotId, void *context, size_t contextSize)
int32_t bootloader_continueVerifyImage (void *context, BootloaderParserCallback_t metadataCallback)
int32_t bootloader_verifyImage (uint32_t slotId, BootloaderParserCallback_t metadataCallback)
int32_t bootloader_getImageInfo (uint32_t slotId, ApplicationData_t *appInfo, uint32_t *bootloaderVersion)
bool bootloader_storageIsBusy (void)
int32_t bootloader_readRawStorage (uint32_t address, uint8_t *buffer, size_t length)
int32_t bootloader_writeRawStorage (uint32_t address, uint8_t *buffer, size_t length)
int32_t bootloader_eraseRawStorage (uint32_t address, size_t length)

Enumeration Type Documentation

Possible storage types.


Storage backend is a SPI flash.


Storage backend is internal flash.


Storage backend is custom.

Definition at line 39 of file btl_interface_storage.h .

Function Documentation

void bootloader_getStorageInfo ( BootloaderStorageInformation_t * info )

Get information about the storage plugin.

[out] info Information about the storage plugin.
int32_t bootloader_getStorageSlotInfo ( uint32_t slotId,
BootloaderStorageSlot_t * slot

Get information about a storage slot.

[in] slotId ID of the slot to get information about
[out] slot Information about the storage slot.
BOOTLOADER_OK on success, else error code in BOOTLOADER_ERROR_STORAGE_BASE range
int32_t bootloader_readStorage ( uint32_t slotId,
uint32_t offset,
uint8_t * buffer,
size_t length

Read data from a storage slot.

[in] slotId ID of the slot
[in] offset Offset into the slot to start reading from
[out] buffer Buffer to store the data
[in] length How much data to read
BOOTLOADER_OK on success, else error code in BOOTLOADER_ERROR_STORAGE_BASE range
int32_t bootloader_writeStorage ( uint32_t slotId,
uint32_t offset,
uint8_t * buffer,
size_t length

Write data to a storage slot.

[in] slotId ID of the slot
[in] offset Offset into the slot to start writing to
[in] buffer Buffer to read data to write from
[in] length How much data to write
BOOTLOADER_OK on success, else error code in BOOTLOADER_ERROR_STORAGE_BASE range
int32_t bootloader_eraseWriteStorage ( uint32_t slotId,
uint32_t offset,
uint8_t * buffer,
size_t length

Erase and write data to a storage slot.

This function automatically erases the following flash page whenever the written data crosses a page boundary. This means that the function cannot be used to perform multiple sequential writes to the same address range unless the range starts at a page boundary. For a sequential write, the first call to this function should have a start address at a page boundary, otherwise the corresponding page of the starting address needs to be erased explicitly.
[in] slotId ID of the slot
[in] offset Offset into the slot to start writing to
[in] buffer Buffer to read data to write from
[in] length How much data to write
BOOTLOADER_OK on success, else error code in BOOTLOADER_ERROR_STORAGE_BASE range
int32_t bootloader_eraseStorageSlot ( uint32_t slotId )

Erase all contents of a storage slot.

[in] slotId ID of the slot
BOOTLOADER_OK on success, else error code in BOOTLOADER_ERROR_STORAGE_BASE range
int32_t bootloader_initChunkedEraseStorageSlot ( uint32_t slotId,
BootloaderEraseStatus_t * eraseStat

Initialize chunked erase of a storage slot.

This function must be called before calling bootloader_chunkedEraseStorageSlot in a loop.
[in] slotId ID of the slot
[in] eraseStat Erase status struct
BOOTLOADER_OK on success, else error code in BOOTLOADER_ERROR_STORAGE_BASE range
int32_t bootloader_chunkedEraseStorageSlot ( BootloaderEraseStatus_t * eraseStat )

Erase one page from a storage slot according to the struct BootloaderEraseStatus_t .

bootloader_initChunkedEraseStorageSlot must be called before calling this function, in order to prepare BootloaderEraseStatus_t .
This can be called sequentially to e.g. erase all the contents of a storage slot.
[in] eraseStat Erase status struct
BOOTLOADER_ERROR_STORAGE_CONTINUE if erasing a page was successful. Erase can be continued by calling this function again. BOOTLOADER_OK if the entire slot has been erased, else error code in BOOTLOADER_ERROR_STORAGE_BASE range
int32_t bootloader_setImagesToBootload ( int32_t * slotIds,
size_t length

Set a prioritized list of images to attempt to bootload. The last call to this function determines which slot will be installed when bootloader_rebootAndInstall is called.

[in] slotIds Prioritized list of slot IDs to attempt to bootload. The first image to pass verification will be bootloaded.
[in] length Length of the slotIds array
BOOTLOADER_OK on success, else error code in BOOTLOADER_ERROR_BOOTLOAD_BASE range
int32_t bootloader_getImagesToBootload ( int32_t * slotIds,
size_t length

Get the prioritized list of images the bootloader will attempt to bootload.

[out] slotIds Prioritized list of slot IDs to attempt to bootload. The first image to pass verification will be bootloaded.
[in] length Length of the slotIds array
BOOTLOADER_OK on success, else error code in BOOTLOADER_ERROR_BOOTLOAD_BASE range
int32_t bootloader_appendImageToBootloadList ( int32_t slotId )

Append a single image to the list of images to attempt to bootload.

[in] slotId ID of the slot to append
BOOTLOADER_OK on success, else error code in BOOTLOADER_ERROR_BOOTLOAD_BASE range
int32_t bootloader_setImageToBootload ( int32_t slotId )

Set a single image to attempt to bootload.

[in] slotId ID of the slot
BOOTLOADER_OK on success, else error code in BOOTLOADER_ERROR_BOOTLOAD_BASE range
int32_t bootloader_initVerifyImage ( uint32_t slotId,
void * context,
size_t contextSize

Initialize image verification.

Initialize verification of an upgrade image stored in a bootloader storage slot.

This function must be called before calling bootloader_continueVerifyImage in a loop.
The context pointer must point to memory allocated by the caller. The required size of this context may depend on the version of the bootloader. The required size for the bootloader associated with this version of the application interface is given by the define BOOTLOADER_STORAGE_VERIFICATION_CONTEXT_SIZE .
Instead of calling bootloader_initVerifyImage followed by bootloader_continueVerifyImage , a single call to bootloader_verifyImage can be performed if the caller doesn't have any time-critical tasks to attend to, and has sufficient stack space for the automatically allocated context. The purpose of the init-and-continue functions is to allow the caller to service system needs during verification.
[in] slotId Id of the slot to check.
context Pointer to memory used to hold the parser context.
[in] contextSize Size of the context. An error is returned if the supplied context is too small.
BOOTLOADER_OK if the image parser was initialized, else error code.
int32_t bootloader_continueVerifyImage ( void * context,
BootloaderParserCallback_t metadataCallback

Continue image verification.

Continue verification of an upgrade image stored in a bootloader storage slot.

This function must be called in a loop until anything other than BOOTLOADER_ERROR_PARSE_CONTINUE is returned.
bootloader_initVerifyImage must be called before calling this function, in order to reset the parser.
Instead of calling bootloader_initVerifyImage followed by bootloader_continueVerifyImage , a single call to bootloader_verifyImage can be performed if the caller doesn't have any time-critical tasks to attend to. The purpose of the init-and-continue functions is to allow the caller to service system needs during verification.
context Pointer to context structure that has previously been initialized by calling bootloader_initVerifyImage()
[in] metadataCallback Function pointer which gets called when there is binary metadata present in the image being verified. Set to NULL if not required.
BOOTLOADER_ERROR_PARSE_CONTINUE if parsing was successful, and the parser expects more data. BOOTLOADER_ERROR_PARSE_SUCCESS if the parser has successfully parsed the image and it passes verification. Else error code.
int32_t bootloader_verifyImage ( uint32_t slotId,
BootloaderParserCallback_t metadataCallback

Verify that the image in the given storage slot is valid

[in] slotId Id of the slot to check
[in] metadataCallback Function pointer which gets called when there is binary metadata present in the storage slot. Set to NULL if not required.
This function will allocate a context structure of the size given by BOOTLOADER_STORAGE_VERIFICATION_CONTEXT_SIZE on the caller's stack. If the caller prefers to manage its own memory, and allocate the context elsewhere (on the heap, as a global variable, etc), use the bootloader_initVerifyImage and bootloader_continueVerifyImage functions instead.
BOOTLOADER_OK if the image is valid, else error code.
int32_t bootloader_getImageInfo ( uint32_t slotId,
ApplicationData_t * appInfo,
uint32_t * bootloaderVersion

Get application and bootloader upgrade metadata from storage slot

[in] slotId Id of the slot to check
[out] appInfo Pointer to ApplicationData_t struct
[out] bootloaderVersion Pointer to integer representing bootloader version
BOOTLOADER_OK if metadata was filled successfully
bool bootloader_storageIsBusy ( void )

Check whether the bootloader storage is busy

True if the storage is busy
int32_t bootloader_readRawStorage ( uint32_t address,
uint8_t * buffer,
size_t length

Read raw data from storage.

[in] address Address to start reading from
[out] buffer Buffer to store the data
[in] length How much data to read
BOOTLOADER_OK on success, else error code in BOOTLOADER_ERROR_STORAGE_BASE range
int32_t bootloader_writeRawStorage ( uint32_t address,
uint8_t * buffer,
size_t length

Write data to storage.

[in] address Address to start writing to
[in] buffer Buffer to read data to write from
[in] length How much data to write
BOOTLOADER_OK on success, else error code in BOOTLOADER_ERROR_STORAGE_BASE range
int32_t bootloader_eraseRawStorage ( uint32_t address,
size_t length

Erase data from storage.

Erasing storage must adhere to the limitiations of the underlying storage medium, such as requiring full page erases. Use bootloader_getStorageInfo to learn the limitiations of the configured storage medium.
[in] address Address to start erasing from
[in] length Length of data to erase
BOOTLOADER_OK on success, else error code in BOOTLOADER_ERROR_STORAGE_BASE range