Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
C otActiveScanResult This structure represents a received IEEE 802.15.4 Beacon
C otBackboneRouterConfig This structure represents Backbone Router configuration
C otBleRadioPacket This structure represents an BLE packet
C otBorderRouterConfig This structure represents a Border Router configuration
C otBufferInfo This structure represents the message buffer information
C otCacheEntryInfo This structure represents an EID cache entry
C otCacheEntryIterator This type represents an iterator used for iterating through the EID cache table entries
C otChildInfo This structure holds diagnostic information for a Thread Child
C otCliCommand This structure represents a CLI command
C otCoapOption This structure represents a CoAP option
C otCoapOptionIterator This structure acts as an iterator for CoAP options
C otCoapResource This structure represents a CoAP resource
C otCoapTxParameters This structure represents the CoAP transmission parameters
C otCommissioningDataset This structure represents a Commissioning Dataset
C otDnsQuery This structure implements DNS Query parameters
C otEnergyScanResult This structure represents an energy scan result
C otExtAddress This structure represents the IEEE 802.15.4 Extended Address
C otExtendedPanId This structure represents an Extended PAN ID
C otExternalRouteConfig This structure represents an External Route configuration
C otIcmp6Handler This structure implements ICMPv6 message handler
C otIcmp6Header This structure represents an ICMPv6 header
C otIp6Address This structure represents an IPv6 address
C otIp6Prefix This structure represents an IPv6 prefix
C otIpCounters This structure represents the IP level counters
C otJoinerInfo This structure represents a Joiner Info
C otLeaderData This structure represents the Thread Leader Data
C otLinkModeConfig This structure represents an MLE Link Mode configuration
C otMacCounters This structure represents the MAC layer counters
C otMacFilterEntry This structure represents a Mac Filter entry
C otMasterKey This structure represents a Thread Master Key
C otMeshLocalPrefix This structure represents a Mesh Local Prefix
C otMessage This structure points to an OpenThread message buffer
C otMessageInfo This structure represents the local and peer IPv6 socket addresses
C otMessageQueue This structure represents an OpenThread message queue
C otMessageSettings This structure represents a message settings
C otMleCounters This structure represents the Thread MLE counters
C otNcpLegacyHandlers Defines a struct containing all the legacy handlers (function pointers)
C otNeighborInfo This structure holds diagnostic information for a neighboring Thread node
C otNeighborTableEntryInfo This type represent a neighbor table entry info (child or router) and is used as a parameter in the neighbor table callback otNeighborTableCallback
C otNetifAddress This structure represents an IPv6 network interface unicast address
C otNetifMulticastAddress This structure represents an IPv6 network interface multicast address
C otNetworkDiagChildEntry This structure represents a Network Diagnostic Child Table Entry
C otNetworkDiagConnectivity This structure represents a Network Diagnostic Connectivity value
C otNetworkDiagMacCounters This structure represents a Network Diagnostic Mac Counters value
C otNetworkDiagRoute This structure represents a Network Diagnostic Route TLV value
C otNetworkDiagRouteData This structure represents a Network Diagnostic Route data
C otNetworkDiagTlv This structure represents a Network Diagnostic TLV
C otNetworkName This structure represents a Network Name
C otOperationalDataset This structure represents an Active or Pending Operational Dataset
C otOperationalDatasetComponents This structure represents presence of different components in Active or Pending Operational Dataset
C otPlatBleDeviceAddr This structure represents BLE Device Address
C otPlatBleGapConnParams This structure represents BLE connection parameters
C otPlatBleGattCharacteristic This structure represents GATT Characteristic
C otPlatBleGattDescriptor This structure represents GATT Descriptor
C otPlatBleGattService Registration descriptor for a GATT service
C otPlatBleUuid This structure represents BLE UUID
C otPlatBleUuidValue This structure represents BLE UUID value
C otPskc This structure represents PSKc
C otRadioCoexMetrics The following are valid radio state transitions:
C otRadioFrame This structure represents an IEEE 802.15.4 radio frame
C otRadioIeInfo This structure represents the IEEE 802.15.4 Header IE (Information Element) related information of a radio frame
C otRouterInfo This structure holds diagnostic information for a Thread Router
C otSecurityPolicy This structure represent Security Policy
C otServerConfig This structure represents a Server configuration
C otServiceConfig This structure represents a Service configuration
C otSntpQuery This structure implements SNTP Query parameters
C otSockAddr This structure represents an IPv6 socket address
C otSteeringData This structure represents the steering data
C otThreadLinkInfo This structure represents link-specific information for messages received from the Thread radio
C otThreadParentResponseInfo This structure represents the MLE Parent Response data
C otUdpReceiver This structure represents a UDP receiver
C otUdpSocket This structure represents a UDP socket