otRadioFrame Struct Reference

This structure represents an IEEE 802.15.4 radio frame.

#include < include/openthread/platform/radio.h >

Public Attributes

uint8_t * mPsdu
uint16_t mLength
Length of the PSDU.
uint8_t mChannel
Channel used to transmit/receive the frame.
union {
struct {
const uint8_t * mAesKey
The key used for AES-CCM frame security.
otRadioIeInfo * mIeInfo
The pointer to the Header IE(s) related information.
uint8_t mMaxCsmaBackoffs
Maximum number of backoffs attempts before declaring CCA failure.
uint8_t mMaxFrameRetries
Maximum number of retries allowed after a transmission failure.
bool mIsARetx : 1
True if this frame is a retransmission (ignored by radio driver).
bool mCsmaCaEnabled : 1
Set to true to enable CSMA-CA for this packet, false otherwise.
} mTxInfo
Structure representing radio frame transmit information.
struct {
uint64_t mTimestamp
The timestamp when the frame was received in microseconds.
int8_t mRssi
Received signal strength indicator in dBm for received frames.
uint8_t mLqi
Link Quality Indicator for received frames.
bool mAckedWithFramePending : 1
} mRxInfo
Structure representing radio frame receive information.
} mInfo
The union of transmit and receive information for a radio frame.

This structure represents an IEEE 802.15.4 radio frame.

Member Data Documentation


uint64_t otRadioFrame::mTimestamp

The timestamp when the frame was received in microseconds.

The value SHALL be the time when the SFD was received when TIME_SYNC or CSL is enabled. Otherwise, the time when the MAC frame was fully received is also acceptable.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • include/openthread/platform/ radio.h