GPIO - General Purpose Input/Output
General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) API.
This module contains functions to control the GPIO peripheral of Silicon Labs 32-bit MCUs and SoCs. The GPIO peripheral is used for pin configuration and direct pin manipulation and sensing as well as routing for peripheral pin connections.
Functions |
void | GPIO_DbgLocationSet (unsigned int location) |
Sets the pin location of the debug pins (Serial Wire interface).
void | GPIO_DriveStrengthSet ( GPIO_Port_TypeDef port, GPIO_DriveStrength_TypeDef strength) |
Sets the drive strength for a GPIO port.
void | GPIO_ExtIntConfig ( GPIO_Port_TypeDef port, unsigned int pin, unsigned int intNo, bool risingEdge, bool fallingEdge, bool enable) |
Configure the GPIO external pin interrupt.
void | GPIO_PinModeSet ( GPIO_Port_TypeDef port, unsigned int pin, GPIO_Mode_TypeDef mode, unsigned int out) |
Set the mode for a GPIO pin.
GPIO_Mode_TypeDef | GPIO_PinModeGet ( GPIO_Port_TypeDef port, unsigned int pin) |
Get the mode for a GPIO pin.
void | GPIO_EM4EnablePinWakeup (uint32_t pinmask, uint32_t polaritymask) |
Enable GPIO pin wake-up from EM4.
void | GPIO_DbgSWDClkEnable (bool enable) |
Enable/disable serial wire clock pin.
void | GPIO_DbgSWDIOEnable (bool enable) |
Enable/disable serial wire data I/O pin.
void | GPIO_DbgSWOEnable (bool enable) |
Enable/Disable serial wire output pin.
void |