TIMER_Init_TypeDef Struct Reference
TIMER initialization structure.
#include <em_timer.h>
Data Fields |
bool | enable |
Start counting when initialization completed.
bool | debugRun |
Counter shall keep running during debug halt.
TIMER_Prescale_TypeDef | prescale |
Prescaling factor, if HFPER / HFPERB clock used.
TIMER_ClkSel_TypeDef | clkSel |
Clock selection.
bool | count2x |
2x Count mode, counter increments/decrements by 2, meant for PWM mode.
bool | ati |
ATI (Always Track Inputs) makes CCPOL always track the polarity of the inputs.
TIMER_InputAction_TypeDef | fallAction |
Action on falling input edge.
TIMER_InputAction_TypeDef | riseAction |
Action on rising input edge.
TIMER_Mode_TypeDef | mode |
Counting mode.
bool | dmaClrAct |
DMA request clear on active.
bool | quadModeX4 |