Detailed Description

Pulse Density Modulation (PDM) peripheral API.

PDM API functions provide full support for the PDM peripheral. The PDM peripheral accept PDM bitstreams and produce PCM encoded output.

Example PDM usage when interfacing to two PDM microphones:

Configure clocks and GPIO pins:

// Lock PLL to 1,411,209 Hz to achive 44,100 kHz PCM sampling rate
// when using 32x PDM oversampling
pllInit. frequency = 1411209;
pllInit. m = 14;
pllInit. n = 645;
CMU_DPLLLock (&pllInit);
// Setup all GPIO's.
GPIO_PinModeSet (MIC_CLK_PORT, MIC_CLK_PIN, gpioModePushPull , 0);
GPIO_PinModeSet (MIC_DATA_PORT, MIC_DATA_PIN, gpioModeInput , 0);
// Set fast slew rate on PDM mic CLK and DATA pins
GPIO_SlewrateSet (MIC_CLK_PORT, 7U, 7U);
// Enable PDM peripheral clock.
// Select PDM reference clock source and enable it.
// Route PDM signals to correct GPIO's.

Initialize and start PDM, then read PCM samples from FIFO:

PDM_Init ( PDM , &init);
while ( true ) {
*pBuffer++ = PDM_Rx ( PDM );

Data Structures

struct PDM_Init_TypeDef




enum PDM_Ch0ClkPolarity_Typedef {
pdmCh0ClkPolarityRisingEdge = _PDM_CFG0_CH0CLKPOL_NORMAL,
pdmCh0ClkPolarityFallingEdge = _PDM_CFG0_CH0CLKPOL_INVERT
enum PDM_Ch1ClkPolarity_Typedef {
pdmCh1ClkPolarityRisingEdge = _PDM_CFG0_CH1CLKPOL_NORMAL,
pdmCh1ClkPolarityFallingEdge = _PDM_CFG0_CH1CLKPOL_INVERT
enum PDM_Ch2ClkPolarity_Typedef {
pdmCh2ClkPolarityRisingEdge = _PDM_CFG0_CH2CLKPOL_NORMAL,
pdmCh2ClkPolarityFallingEdge = _PDM_CFG0_CH2CLKPOL_INVERT
enum PDM_Ch3ClkPolarity_Typedef {
pdmCh3ClkPolarityRisingEdge = _PDM_CFG0_CH3CLKPOL_NORMAL,
pdmCh3ClkPolarityFallingEdge = _PDM_CFG0_CH3CLKPOL_INVERT
enum PDM_DataFormat_TypeDef {
pdmDataFormatRight16 = _PDM_CFG0_DATAFORMAT_RIGHT16,
pdmDataFormatDouble16 = _PDM_CFG0_DATAFORMAT_DOUBLE16,
pdmDataFormatRight24 = _PDM_CFG0_DATAFORMAT_RIGHT24,
pdmDataFormatFull32bit = _PDM_CFG0_DATAFORMAT_FULL32BIT,
pdmDataFormatLeft16 = _PDM_CFG0_DATAFORMAT_LEFT16,
pdmDataFormatLeft24 = _PDM_CFG0_DATAFORMAT_LEFT24,
pdmDataFormatRaw32bit = _PDM_CFG0_DATAFORMAT_RAW32BIT
enum PDM_FifoValidWatermark_Typedef {
pdmFifoValidWatermarkOne = _PDM_CFG0_FIFODVL_ONE,
pdmFifoValidWatermarkTwo = _PDM_CFG0_FIFODVL_TWO,
pdmFifoValidWatermarkThree = _PDM_CFG0_FIFODVL_THREE,
pdmFifoValidWatermarkFour = _PDM_CFG0_FIFODVL_FOUR
enum PDM_FilterOrder_TypeDef {
pdmFilterOrderSecond = _PDM_CFG0_FORDER_SECOND,
pdmFilterOrderThird = _PDM_CFG0_FORDER_THIRD,
pdmFilterOrderFourth = _PDM_CFG0_FORDER_FOURTH,
pdmFilterOrderFifth = _PDM_CFG0_FORDER_FIFTH
enum PDM_NumberOfChannels_TypeDef {
pdmNumberOfChannelsOne = _PDM_CFG0_NUMCH_ONE,
pdmNumberOfChannelsTwo = _PDM_CFG0_NUMCH_TWO,
pdmNumberOfChannelsThree = _PDM_CFG0_NUMCH_THREE,
pdmNumberOfChannelsFour = _PDM_CFG0_NUMCH_FOUR


__STATIC_INLINE void PDM_Clear ( PDM_TypeDef *pdm)
Clear PDM filter.
void PDM_DeInit ( PDM_TypeDef *pdm)
De-initialize the PDM peripheral.
__STATIC_INLINE void PDM_FifoFlush ( PDM_TypeDef *pdm)
Flush the PDM sample FIFO.
void PDM_Init ( PDM_TypeDef *pdm, const PDM_Init_TypeDef *init)
Initialize the PDM peripheral.
__STATIC_INLINE void PDM_IntClear ( PDM_TypeDef *pdm, uint32_t flags)
Clear one or more pending PDM interrupts.
__STATIC_INLINE void PDM_IntDisable ( PDM_TypeDef *pdm, uint32_t flags)
Disable one or more PDM interrupts.
__STATIC_INLINE void PDM_IntEnable ( PDM_TypeDef *pdm, uint32_t flags)
Enable one or more PDM interrupts.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t PDM_IntGet ( PDM_TypeDef *pdm)
Get pending PDM interrupt flags.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t PDM_IntGetEnabled ( PDM_TypeDef *pdm)
Get enabled and pending PDM interrupt flags. Useful for handling more interrupt sources in the same interrupt handler.
__STATIC_INLINE void PDM_IntSet ( PDM_TypeDef *pdm, uint32_t flags)
Set one or more pending PDM interrupts.
void PDM_Reset ( PDM_TypeDef *pdm)
Initialize PDM registers with reset values.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t PDM_Rx ( PDM_TypeDef *pdm)
Read one entry from the PDM FIFO.
__STATIC_INLINE void PDM_Start ( PDM_TypeDef *pdm)
Start PDM operation (start the PDM filter).
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t PDM_StatusGet ( PDM_TypeDef *pdm)
Get PDM STATUS register.
__STATIC_INLINE void PDM_Stop ( PDM_TypeDef *pdm)
Stop PDM operation (stop the PDM filter).

Macro Definition Documentation

{ \
true, /* Start PDM filter after initialization. */ \
true, /* Enable PDM clock. */ \
32U, /* PDM down sampling rate. */ \
5U, /* PDM gain. */ \
pdmCh3ClkPolarityRisingEdge, /* N/A. */ \
pdmCh2ClkPolarityRisingEdge, /* N/A. */ \
pdmCh1ClkPolarityFallingEdge, /* Input data clocked on falling clock edge. */ \
pdmCh0ClkPolarityRisingEdge, /* Input data clocked on rising clock edge. */ \
false, /* N/A. */ \
true, /* Enable stereo mode for channel pair CH0 and CH1. */ \
pdmFifoValidWatermarkOne, /* At least one word water-mark level. */ \
pdmDataFormatDouble16, /* Two 16-bit samples per FIFO entry. */ \
pdmNumberOfChannelsTwo, /* Two Channels. */ \
pdmFilterOrderFifth, /* Fifth order filter. */ \
0U /* No clock prescaling. */ \

Default configuration for PDM. Stereo Ch0/1, 16bit samples, 44,100 Hz sampling rate, 32 times oversampling (requires 1,411,209 Hz PDM clock).

Definition at line 202 of file em_pdm.h .

Enumeration Type Documentation

Configure CH0 CLK Polarity.


Input data clocked on rising clock edge.


Input data clocked on falling clock edge.

Definition at line 131 of file em_pdm.h .

Configure CH1 CLK Polarity.


Input data clocked on rising clock edge.


Input data clocked on falling clock edge.

Definition at line 125 of file em_pdm.h .

Configure CH2 CLK Polarity.


Input data clocked on rising clock edge.


Input data clocked on falling clock edge.

Definition at line 119 of file em_pdm.h .

Configure CH3 CLK Polarity.


Input data clocked on rising clock edge.


Input data clocked on falling clock edge.

Definition at line 113 of file em_pdm.h .

Configure PDM filter data output format.


Right aligned 16-bit, left bits are sign extended.


Pack two 16-bit samples into one 32-bit word.


Right aligned 24bit, left bits are sign extended.


32 bit data.


Left aligned 16-bit, right bits are zeros.


Left aligned 24-bit, right bits are zeros.


RAW 32 bit data from integrator.

Definition at line 145 of file em_pdm.h .

Configure FIFO Data valid level water-mark.


At least one word.


Two words.


Three words.


Four words.

Definition at line 137 of file em_pdm.h .

Configure order of the PDM filter.


Second order filter.


Third order filter.


Fourth order filter.


Fifth order filter.

Definition at line 164 of file em_pdm.h .

Configure number of PDM channels.


Only one Channel.


Two Channels.


Three Channels.


Four Channels.

Definition at line 156 of file em_pdm.h .

Function Documentation

__STATIC_INLINE void PDM_Clear ( PDM_TypeDef * pdm )

Clear PDM filter.

[in] pdm A pointer to the PDM peripheral register block.

Definition at line 236 of file em_pdm.h .

References PDM_TypeDef::CMD , PDM_CMD_CLEAR , and PDM_TypeDef::SYNCBUSY .

Referenced by PDM_DeInit() , and PDM_Init() .

void PDM_DeInit ( PDM_TypeDef * pdm )

De-initialize the PDM peripheral.

This function will stop the PDM filter and set PDM control registers to their reset values.

[in] pdm A pointer to the PDM peripheral register block.

Definition at line 58 of file em_pdm.c .

References PDM_Clear() , PDM_FifoFlush() , PDM_Reset() , and PDM_Stop() .

__STATIC_INLINE void PDM_FifoFlush ( PDM_TypeDef * pdm )

Flush the PDM sample FIFO.

[in] pdm A pointer to the PDM peripheral register block.

Definition at line 251 of file em_pdm.h .

References PDM_TypeDef::CMD , PDM_CMD_FIFOFL , and PDM_TypeDef::SYNCBUSY .

Referenced by PDM_DeInit() , and PDM_Init() .

void PDM_Init ( PDM_TypeDef * pdm,
const PDM_Init_TypeDef * init

Initialize the PDM peripheral.

This function will configure basic settings in PDM according to values in the initialization data structure.

Notice that enabling of PDM clock, setup of PDM pins and setup of PRS is not covered by this function.

[in] pdm A pointer to the PDM peripheral register block.
[in] init A pointer to the initialization structure used to configure the PDM.

Definition at line 83 of file em_pdm.c .

References _PDM_CFG0_CH0CLKPOL_SHIFT , _PDM_CFG0_CH1CLKPOL_SHIFT , _PDM_CFG0_CH2CLKPOL_SHIFT , _PDM_CFG0_CH3CLKPOL_SHIFT , _PDM_CFG0_DATAFORMAT_SHIFT , _PDM_CFG0_FIFODVL_SHIFT , _PDM_CFG0_FORDER_SHIFT , _PDM_CFG0_NUMCH_SHIFT , _PDM_CFG1_PRESC_MASK , _PDM_CFG1_PRESC_SHIFT , _PDM_CTRL_DSR_MASK , _PDM_CTRL_DSR_SHIFT , _PDM_CTRL_GAIN_MASK , _PDM_CTRL_GAIN_SHIFT , PDM_TypeDef::CFG0 , PDM_TypeDef::CFG1 , PDM_Init_TypeDef::ch0ClkPolarity , PDM_Init_TypeDef::ch1ClkPolarity , PDM_Init_TypeDef::ch2ClkPolarity , PDM_Init_TypeDef::ch3ClkPolarity , PDM_TypeDef::CTRL , PDM_Init_TypeDef::dataFormat , PDM_Init_TypeDef::dsr , PDM_TypeDef::EN , PDM_Init_TypeDef::enableCh0Ch1Stereo , PDM_Init_TypeDef::enableCh2Ch3Stereo , PDM_Init_TypeDef::fifoValidWatermark , PDM_Init_TypeDef::filterOrder , PDM_Init_TypeDef::gain , PDM_Init_TypeDef::numChannels , PDM_Init_TypeDef::outClkEn , PDM_CFG0_STEREOMODECH01_CH01ENABLE , PDM_CFG0_STEREOMODECH23_CH23ENABLE , PDM_Clear() , PDM_CTRL_OUTCLKEN , PDM_EN_EN_DISABLE , PDM_EN_EN_ENABLE , PDM_FifoFlush() , PDM_Start() , PDM_Init_TypeDef::prescaler , PDM_Init_TypeDef::start , and PDM_TypeDef::SYNCBUSY .

__STATIC_INLINE void PDM_IntClear ( PDM_TypeDef * pdm,
uint32_t flags

Clear one or more pending PDM interrupts.

[in] pdm A pointer to the PDM peripheral register block.
[in] flags Pending PDM interrupt sources to clear. Use one or more valid interrupt flags for the PDM module. The flags are PDM_IFC_DV , PDM_IFC_DVL , PDM_IFC_OF and PDM_IFC_UF .

Definition at line 271 of file em_pdm.h .

References PDM_TypeDef::IFC .

__STATIC_INLINE void PDM_IntDisable ( PDM_TypeDef * pdm,
uint32_t flags

Disable one or more PDM interrupts.

[in] pdm A pointer to the PDM peripheral register block.
[in] flags PDM interrupt sources to disable. Use one or more valid interrupt flags for the PDM module. The flags are PDM_IEN_DV , PDM_IEN_DVL , PDM_IEN_OF and PDM_IEN_UF .

Definition at line 288 of file em_pdm.h .

References PDM_TypeDef::IEN .

__STATIC_INLINE void PDM_IntEnable ( PDM_TypeDef * pdm,
uint32_t flags

Enable one or more PDM interrupts.

Depending on the use, a pending interrupt may already be set prior to enabling the interrupt. To ignore a pending interrupt, consider using PDM_IntClear() prior to enabling the interrupt.
[in] pdm A pointer to the PDM peripheral register block.
[in] flags PDM interrupt sources to enable. Use one or more valid interrupt flags for the PDM module. The flags are PDM_IEN_DV , PDM_IEN_DVL , PDM_IEN_OF and PDM_IEN_UF .

Definition at line 310 of file em_pdm.h .

References PDM_TypeDef::IEN .

__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t PDM_IntGet ( PDM_TypeDef * pdm )

Get pending PDM interrupt flags.

Event bits are not cleared by the use of this function.
[in] pdm A pointer to the PDM peripheral register block.
PDM interrupt sources pending. Returns one or more valid interrupt flags for PDM module. The flags are PDM_IF_DV , PDM_IF_DVL , PDM_IF_OF and PDM_IF_UF .

Definition at line 330 of file em_pdm.h .

References PDM_TypeDef::IF .

__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t PDM_IntGetEnabled ( PDM_TypeDef * pdm )

Get enabled and pending PDM interrupt flags. Useful for handling more interrupt sources in the same interrupt handler.

Interrupt flags are not cleared by the use of this function.
[in] pdm A pointer to the PDM peripheral register block.
Pending and enabled PDM interrupt sources Return value is the bitwise AND of
  • the enabled interrupt sources in PDM_IEN and
  • the pending interrupt flags PDM_IF

Definition at line 352 of file em_pdm.h .

References PDM_TypeDef::IEN , and PDM_TypeDef::IF .

__STATIC_INLINE void PDM_IntSet ( PDM_TypeDef * pdm,
uint32_t flags

Set one or more pending PDM interrupts.

[in] pdm A pointer to the PDM peripheral register block.
[in] flags PDM interrupt sources to set to pending. Use one or more valid interrupt flags for the PDM module. The flags are PDM_IFS_DV , PDM_IFS_DVL , PDM_IFS_OF and PDM_IFS_UF .

Definition at line 372 of file em_pdm.h .

References PDM_TypeDef::IFS .

__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t PDM_Rx ( PDM_TypeDef * pdm )

Read one entry from the PDM FIFO.

This function will wait until a sample is available in the FIFO. Depending on PDM configuration, a FIFO entry can consist of one or two samples.
[in] pdm A pointer to the PDM peripheral register block.
The entry read from the FIFO.

Definition at line 392 of file em_pdm.h .

References PDM_STATUS_EMPTY , PDM_TypeDef::RXDATA , and PDM_TypeDef::STATUS .

__STATIC_INLINE void PDM_Start ( PDM_TypeDef * pdm )

Start PDM operation (start the PDM filter).

[in] pdm A pointer to the PDM peripheral register block.

Definition at line 407 of file em_pdm.h .

References PDM_TypeDef::CMD , PDM_CMD_START , and PDM_TypeDef::SYNCBUSY .

Referenced by PDM_Init() .

__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t PDM_StatusGet ( PDM_TypeDef * pdm )

Get PDM STATUS register.

[in] pdm A pointer to the PDM peripheral register block.
STATUS register value.

Definition at line 425 of file em_pdm.h .

References PDM_TypeDef::STATUS .

__STATIC_INLINE void PDM_Stop ( PDM_TypeDef * pdm )

Stop PDM operation (stop the PDM filter).

[in] pdm A pointer to the PDM peripheral register block.

Definition at line 437 of file em_pdm.h .

References PDM_TypeDef::CMD , PDM_CMD_STOP , and PDM_TypeDef::SYNCBUSY .

Referenced by PDM_DeInit() .