otCommissioningDataset Struct Reference

This structure represents a Commissioning Dataset.

#include < include/openthread/commissioner.h >

Public Attributes

uint16_t mLocator
Border Router RLOC16.
uint16_t mSessionId
Commissioner Session Id.
otSteeringData mSteeringData
Steering Data.
uint16_t mJoinerUdpPort
Joiner UDP Port.
bool mIsLocatorSet : 1
TRUE if Border Router RLOC16 is set, FALSE otherwise.
bool mIsSessionIdSet : 1
TRUE if Commissioner Session Id is set, FALSE otherwise.
bool mIsSteeringDataSet : 1
TRUE if Steering Data is set, FALSE otherwise.
bool mIsJoinerUdpPortSet : 1
TRUE if Joiner UDP Port is set, FALSE otherwise.

This structure represents a Commissioning Dataset.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • include/openthread/ commissioner.h